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IssuescadastreLandLibrary Resource
Displaying 217 - 228 of 2623

Instructions No. of 1996 of the Federal Committee on Land Resources (ROSKOMZEM) regarding the modalities of the registration of the contracts of granting of the share of land on lease.

Fédération de Russie
Europe orientale

These Instructions establish the modalities of the registration of the contracts of granting of the share of land on lease. The contract of lease can be concluded by the owner of the share of land (Landlord), and an agricultural enterprise or a farmer (Lease-holder). Either a single landlord or a group of landlords can grant on lease shares of land. In the latter case the contract of lease is concluded with multitude of physical persons on the part of landlords.

Presidential Decree No. 2717 of 1995 "On Land".

Novembre, 1995
Asie central
Fédération de Russie

This Law consists of VI sections subdivided into XIX chapters that contain 123 Articles. Section I lays down the general provisions. It comprehends Chapters I - II that contain Articles 1-13. Section II regulates ownership and other rights of property on land. It comprehends Chapters III-IX that contain Articles 14-75. Section III gives the classification of the types of land. It comprehends Chapters 10-16 that contain Articles 76-102. Section IV regards protection of land, state control, land survey, land monitoring and land cadastre.

Ley de geografía, cartografía y catastro nacional.

Amérique du Sud

Esta Ley tiene por objeto regular la formulación, ejecución y coordinación de las políticas y planes relativos a la geografía y cartografía, así como los relacionados con la implantación, formación y conservación del catastro en todo el territorio de la República. Declara de naturaleza nacional e interés público el cubrimiento cartográfico y la implantación, formación y conservación del catastro nacional en todo el territorio.

Land Registration Act.


An Act to provide for the registration of titles in land, for the appointment of the Registrar of Titles and Deputy Registrars of Title, and to set out certain requirements for the transfer of land, the creation of a lease, mortgage and other rights in land.The Act consists of 193 sections divided into 19 Parts: Preliminary (I); Administration (II); Registration generally (III); State leases (IV); Transfer of land (V); Leases (VI); Mortgages and charges (VII); Caveats (VIII); Easements and similar interests (IX); Implied covenants and powers (X); Trusts (XI); Transmissions (XII); Powers of

Water Right Ordinance.

Europe septentrionale

A Regulation to implement provisions of the Water Act of 1983.The matters here further regulated deal with: protection of public interests under the Water Act (sects. 1,1a, and 2); the authority of a referee appointed under Chapter 12 of the Act (sects. 3 and 4); records at hearings conducted pursuant to Chapter 12 (in relation with land drainage projects) (sects. 5 to 14); communication of decisions of the Water Court to other public bodies and other communications and notifications of the Water Court (sects. 15 and 20); communication of maps, etc.

Water Book Ordinance (No. 789 of 1983).

Europe septentrionale

Every Water Court shall maintain a list of water projects in a water book for their jurisdictional district. The Book shall be organized in 4 divisions: water projects and water works designed to use water as a propelling force, and dam constructions (even if not so intended); water projects and water works for public waters; water supplies; other water projects and water works covered by the Water Act of 1982 (art. 1). Each of these divisions shall be organized according to river basins or, if necessary, sections of river basins.

Implementation Measures of Gansu Province on the Land Administration Law of the People's Republic of China.

Asie orientale

The Measures are formulated according to the Land Administration Law and its implementing regulations. The Land Administration Law shall regulate the right of use the state owned land or the collective land. The right of uses the forestry or grassland should be regulated according to the Forestry Law or the Grassland Law. The province shall implement a registration system in accordance with the Law, the use of state owned land must apply for the certificate of state owned land use. The local government shall compile the comprehensive land use plans.

Land Administration Law implementing Regulations.

Asie orientale

These Regulations are formulated in order to execute the national primary policy of the rational utilization of land and protecting the farmland, carry out the restriction of land use, to control the total amount of land use for construction. Conversion of land from agriculture use to construction use is strictly controlled. The province shall implement a registration system in accordance with the Law. The local government shall compile the comprehensive land use plans.

Federal Law No. 28-FZ of 2000 "On state land cadastre".

Fédération de Russie
Europe orientale

This Federal Law consists of V Sections that contain 26 Articles. Section I lays down the general provisions. Section II establishes the competence of the Federal Executive Bodies, Regional Executive Bodies and local administration in the field of carrying out activity as regards keeping up of land cadastre. Section III determines data composition and the list of documents that make part of land cadastre. Section IV establishes the modalities of keeping up of state land cadastre. Section V lays down the conclusive provisions.

Loi nº 2001-35 modifiant certains articles du Code des droits réels.

Afrique septentrionale

Cette loi modifie le texte de divers articles du Code des droits réels, relatifs à l'organisation de la conservation de la propriété foncière et à ses missions, notamment l'établissment de titres fonciers, la conservation des documents relatifs aux immeubles immatriculés, l'iscription des droits et des charges afférents à ces immeubles.