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Issuessécurité alimentaireLandLibrary Resource
Displaying 1069 - 1080 of 1593

Community Agriculture Nutrition - CAN - Handbook (Thai)

Reports & Research
Novembre, 2006

...There are many good books and resources on sustainable agriculture and
we have learnt much from them. However refugees are constrained in their
agricultural practices due to limited access to land, water and other resources.
This Handbook attempts to present a summary of simple adaptations of ideas
found in other books, manuals and resources on sustainable agriculture.
This Handbook is not a textbook as such, but a compilation of different
subjects for people to pick and choose. We know that it is not complete and

Community Agriculture and Nutrition - Handbook (English)

Reports & Research
Novembre, 2006

This Handbook is designed for both farmers and students to use in the field and
during training. It is divided into eight sections, each one containing several
topics and all illustrated with large clear pictures. The Handbook can be read
from beginning to end or each topic can be read separately. Space is provided
for readers to take notes and to add their own local knowledge...Our people have always been farmers. Farmers of the river lands, of the
mountains, and of the forests. Due to civil war in Burma, more and more of

A Nutrition and Food Security A ssessment of the Dry Zone of Myanmar in June and July 2013

Reports & Research
Juin, 2013

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: "This assessment of the rural Dry Zone reveals the
nutrition situation to be a concern, with high
rates of wasting and medium rates of stunting, high rates of low birth weight and high rates
of undernutrition among mothers; particularly
those who are pregnant and/or lactating. The
pattern of indicators suggests that flood plains and irrigated areas are best off,
and the
highlands may be worst,
but the situation is far from acceptable in the Dry Zone as a whole.

Food Security Profile

Reports & Research
Octobre, 2008

This Report summarizes the
findings of the Food Security Profiling assessment carried
out across the Dry Zone, especially
in Magway Division in August 2008.
This is the first time a Food Security Prof
iling exercises has been conducted in the Dry
Zone by the WFP and its Cooperating Partne
rs, including OISCA, TDH, REAM, ADRA,
and World Vision and the line department for Dryzone Department of Development
Affairs. This profile attempts to present a sn
apshot of household food security in the Dry

Community Agriculture and Nutrition - Handbook (Burmese)

Reports & Research
Novembre, 2006

This Handbook is designed for both farmers and students to use in the field and during training. It is divided into eight sections, each one containing several topics and all illustrated with large clear pictures. The Handbook can be read from beginning to end or each topic can be read separately. Space is provided for readers to take notes and to add their own local knowledge...Our people have always been farmers. Farmers of the river lands, of the mountains, and of the forests.

Toungoo Situation Update: November 2011 to January 2012

Reports & Research
Février, 2012

This report includes a situation update submitted to KHRG in February 2012, by a villager describing events occurring in Toungoo District during the period between November 2011 and January 2012. It discusses augmented troop rotations, resupply operations and the sending of bulldozers to construct a new vehicle road between the 20-mile point on the Toungoo – Kler La road and Kler La. It also contains reports of forced labour, specifically the use of villagers to porter military equipment and supplies, to serve as set tha, and the clearing of vegetation by vehicle roads.

Current Situation and Future Opportunities in Agricultural Education, Research and Extension in Myanmar

Reports & Research
Février, 2013

... Myanmar is an agricultural based country and the agriculture sector is the backbone of its economy. The agriculture sector contributes 34% of GDP, 23% of total export earnings, and employs 63% of the labour force. About 75% of the total population reside in rural areas and are
principally employed in the agriculture, livestock and fishery sectors for their livelihood.

Food and Nutrition Security in Myanmar

Reports & Research
Mars, 2013

... This background paper was commissioned by USAID as part of a Strategic Agricultural Sector and Food Security Diagnostic for Myanmar, led by Michigan State University and in partnership with the Myanmar Development Resource Institute ‐ Centre for Economic and Social Development (MDRI‐CESD). The broad objectives of the Diagnostic are to improve USAID’s understanding of the major constraints to

Rice Productivity Improvement in Myanmar

Reports & Research
Février, 2013

... Rice productivity in Myanmar has stagnated in comparison with other rice producers in the region. Once the world’s largest rice exporter, Myanmar is now a relatively minor player exporting an average 631,000 MT annually over th past 4 years. However, the nation’s export potential remains high because of abundant land and water resources, recent indications of progressive policy reforms, increased agricultural investment, and constructive international engagement.

Papun Interview: Maung R---, August 2011

Reports & Research
Février, 2012

This report contains the full transcript of an interview submitted to KHRG in August 2011 by a villager trained by KHRG to monitor human rights conditions in Bu Tho Township, Papun District. The villager interviewed Maung R---, a 31-year-old village head, who described extensive demands for forced labour, specifically for villagers to porter military rations, produce thatch shingles and bamboo poles, and tend to plantations owned by Border Guard soldiers. He also detailed demands for money including mandatory payments in lieu of recruitment for portering duties and arbitrary taxation.