Saffron Heritage Site of Kashmir in India. GIAHS Saffron Site Report (part- 2)
Saffron production is confined to a limited geographical area in the State. Saffron has traditionally been associated with the famous Kashmiri cuisine, its medicinal values and the rich cultural heritage of Kashmir. Its role in enriching the local cuisine, its medicinal value and its use in important religious rituals is well known. However, Saffron production is currently suffering on several counts, especially those relating to productivity as well as post harvest management. This has resulted in lower production and poor quality.
La foresterie à la FAO
Le prsent numro d'Unasylva est consacr au quarantime anniversaire de la FAO, et en particulier aux 40 annes d'activits du Dpartement des forts de l'Organisation. Dans ce numro et dans les deux prochains, nous publierons, ct des articles d'actualit, des extraits des livraisons passes d'Unasylva. Par exemple, ce numro contient l'essentiel d'un article d'Andr Marie Aubrville sur la mort des forts de l'Afrique tropicale, tir du N 1 d'Unasylva. Trente-huit ans plus tard, cet article semble particulirement prophtique au moment o la FAO redouble d'efforts pour rsoudre la crise africaine.
República Dominicana y la FAO
Desde mucho antes de la apertura de su oficina en 1979, la FAO ha brindado asistencia técnica y financiera para impulsar el desarrollo del sector agropecuario, pesquero y forestal, así como a la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional en la República Dominicana. A través de un largo número de proyectos y programas, la FAO ha focalizado sus intervenciones en áreas como la seguridad alimentaria, la inocuidad y sanidad agropecuaria, la sostenibilidad de recursos naturales, la gobernanza forestal y el fortalecimiento institucional.
La vulgarisation forestière
Le prsent numro d'Unasylva examine les dfis que doit relever la vulgarisation forestire et les efforts dploys actuellement en ce sens.
Report from the outcome of the debate of the 39th Session of the European Commission on Agriculture (ECA)
Meeting Name: FAO Regional Conference for Europe (ERC)
Meeting symbol/code: ERC/16/8
Session: Sess. 30
Training for agriculture and rural development
Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems : GIAHS Information Sheet
The purpose of this sheet is to provide comprehensive set of information on GIAHS Programme in a single document which summarizes all the core information uploaded in the website and written in the previously released sources.
Gender News Asia Pacific. June 2016
The regional gender newsletter serves as a means to share relevant information and lessons amongst Country Offices in the regional as well as an advocacy tool. It contains 'stories' from projects in the region as well as more general information related to gender equality.
Development and protection of rice-fish culture in China: policy options
The project objective is to recognize and promote multiple values of the rice-fish system for livelihoods, ecological and cultural preservation by evaluating policies, institutions and technological developments that impact on farmers’ practices of rice-fish system, and developing a network of demonstration sites and partners in provinces of Zhejiang and Guizhou, China.
Changes in in "customary" land tenure systems in Africa
Across rural Africa, land legislation struggles to be properly implemented, and most resource users gain access to land on the basis of local land tenure systems.