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Showing items 73396 through 73404 of 73616.A un año del anuncio de este Compromiso, el primer informe del Grupo de financiadores de la tenencia forestal aporta un pantallazo del avance de esta colaboración en 2021.
Passado um ano desde a constituição do Fundo, este primeiro relatório do Grupo de Fomento ao Manejo Florestal traz um retrato da evolução alcançada em 2021. O documento descreve o trabalho conjunto dos doadores, em diálogo com povos indígenas e organizações comunitárias locais.
Un an après l’annonce de l’Engagement, ce premier rapport du Groupe des bailleurs de fonds pour les droits de tenure forestière présente un bilan des progrès réalisés par les donateurs en 2021.
ILC and Welthungerhilfe with support from GIZ celebrated the 10th anniversary of the Guidelines’ endorsement by launching the VGGT+10 Initiative with the goal to take stock and assess to which degree the Guidelines have been used as an orientation for national -level tenure reform processes and a
This report presents the first global analysis of funding pathways in support of Indigenous Peoples’ and Local Communities’ (IPs' & LCs') tenure and forest guardianship, a project spurred by the IP & LC Forest Tenure Pledge made by 22 donors in 2021.
This case study describes the work of the AMAN-Nusantara Fund, a direct granting mechanism to Indigenous communities.
Laporan Studi Kasus ini merupakan bagian dari Studi "Assessing Pathways for Channeling Support to IPLC Tenure Rights and Forest Guardianship in the Global South"
This case study describes the work of the Mesoamerican Territorial Fund, a regional fund initiated by AMPB, focused on territorial (sub-national) forestry and agroforestry landscapes.
Este estudio de caso describe el trabajo del Fondo Territorial Mesoamericano, un fondo regional iniciado por la AMPB, centrado en la silvicultura territorial (subnacional) y los paisajes agroforestales.
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