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Showing items 5437 through 5445 of 73567.Крошње великог дрвећа у урбаним срединама су одличан филтер за урбане загађиваче и фине честице. Једно дрво може годишње да упије и до 150 кг угљен-диоксида (CO2) из атмосфере, и тиме допринесе ублажавању последица климатских промена.
El 11 de mayo de 2017 se celebró el quinto aniversario de la aprobación de las Directrices voluntarias sobre la gobernanza responsable de la tenencia de la tierra, la pesca y los bosques en el contexto de la seguridad alimentaria nacional (en adelante, Directrices voluntarias) por el Comité de Se
Este perfil de país describe el estado de los recursos hídricos y el uso del agua, así como el estado de la gestión del agua agrícola en Mexico.
This course provides tools, methods and processes to support countries in monitoring and reporting on SDG Indicator 6.4.2 “Level of water stress: freshwater
withdrawal in percentage of available freshwater resources“.Cette brochure reprend les éléments clés de la publication La situation des forêts du monde 2018
The World Soil Day Photo book 2017 presents WSD photographic stories in a visual narrative. This publication recognizes and prizes the efforts of all WSD event organizers worldwide.
The manual provides information on the procedures followed by field brigades for the establishment of conglomerates and permanent plots of the National Forest Inventory (IFN).
FAO and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH have been providing support to the Western Balkans region to promote progress on Gender Equality, with a focus on measuring the proportion of countries where the legal framework guarantees women’s equal rights to land
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