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Language code (ISO 639-1)
Language code (ISO 639-3)

Regulation on the inventory and surveys of areas with polluted soil, the necessary restorative measures, as well as the maintenance of implemented restoration measures.

February, 2007

This Regulation determines the manner for carrying out the necessary inventory and surveys over the areas (if present on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria) with polluted soil, defining the mandatory restoration measures, including the implementation and maintenance of such restoration measures.These rules will not apply to areas that are covered by programmes for elimination of environmental damage under the terms of other more specific documents (see article 1, paragraph 2).Major purpose of this text is to offer direct provisions aimed to set the inventory and field surveys that sh

Regulation on procedure and manner for use of sludge from the treatment of waste waters through their application in agriculture.

August, 2016

This Regulation determines the rules for the correct, controlled and safe use of sludge for agriculture purposes and/or related agricultural land activities and the requirements that sludge must meet in order to ensure a safe and non-harmful impact on human health, soil and environment (including the rules for frequency of sludge testing).Sludge, object of this text, is a semi-solid slurry and can be produced as sewage sludge from wastewater treatment processes or as a settled suspension obtained from conventional drinking water treatment and numerous other industrial processes.The Annex is

Regulation on the order and method of inventory, studies and carrying out maintenance of the necessary restoration activities on areas with damaged soils.

July, 2009

This Regulation determines the correct manner and way for conducting inventory and field studies on soils damaged by erosion, acidification, siltation, compacting and reducing of soil organic matter.The Regulation further sets the necessary related restorative measures (soil functions), as well as the maintenance and execution of such activities, that are performed in order to establish the areas with potential and actual risks of soil damage.These survey and additional studies will be carried out by and at the expense of the budget of the Executive Agency for Soil Resources of the Republic

Regulation on the application of the Law on the protection of agricultural land.

October, 1996

This Regulation determines the necessary conditions, responsibilities, rights and duties of state and local authorities and sets the obligations of related professional services as regards the implementation of the provisions and effective application of the terms previously set out by the Law on the protection of agricultural land (Official Gazette of the Republic of Bulgaria 35/1996).Concrete actions and rules provided by this Regulation are related to: the consultancy for owners and users of agricultural land; the limits of actions leading to damage to the ecological functions; the prohi

Regulation No. 4 of 12 January 2009 on soil monitoring.

March, 2009

This Regulation provides for several soil monitoring rules and provisions, including the establishment of the National Soil Monitoring System (NSMF) as competent national body and registry.The above mentioned National Soil Monitoring System is part of the National Environmental Monitoring System and includes the collection, assessment and summarization of all soil related information as well as the maintenance of a soil information system and its necessary modifications and updates.These rules are aimed at assessing the actual status of soils, analyzing and forecasting the development of va

Regulation on terms and conditions for the management, assignment of maintenance and restoration activities, assignment of tourist activities, security and control in forests, lands and water areas of the protected territories (state property).

May, 2005

This Regulation determines the conditions for: management, assignment of maintenance and restoration activities; assignment of tourist activities; implementation of forest security and control issues; implementation of management issues as regards the water areas present on the territory of previously designed state owned protected areas (also for national parks, reserves).The management and assignment of activities here listed will be in full accordance with the national strategies, plans and programmes in the field of environment, including the requirements of the international environmen

Regulation No 4 of 5 April 2013 on the conditions and requirements for the construction and operation of incineration plants and co-incineration plants.

April, 2013

This Regulation determines the necessary conditions and administrative and technical requirements for the construction and operation of incineration plants and co-incineration plants dealing with solid or liquid waste, as regards the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria.These rules are established in order to prevent, reduce and/or limit the pollution of the environment, including the emissions deriving form incineration activities (including harmful substances) and discharged in the ambient air, soils, surface and groundwater, also in relation to the risk to human health.The list of excep

Regulation No. 26 of 2.10.1996 on reclamation of damaged terrains, improvement of low-productive lands, removal and utilization of the humus layer.

October, 1996

This Regulation offers the rules and provides for procedures aimed at restoration for the purpose of re-cultivation of damaged terrains, also in order to improve the effective soil quality and to control the removal and use of the humus soil layer.The rules here provided are related to the activities such as engineering, melioration, agricultural/farming, forestry and other activities that may have negative impacts on the quality of land and soil.The main purpose of such restoration and soil quality improvement provisions is not only to protect the land and soil from degradation in terms of

Subsurface resources Act.

December, 1998

This Act settles the conditions and the order of: prospecting, exploration and extraction of the underground natural resources on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, in the continental shelf and in the exclusive economical zone in the Black sea; protection of the earth inner structure, and rational using of the underground resources on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, in the continental shelf and in the exclusive economical zone in the Black sea.

Regulation No. 3 of 1 August 2008 on the norms for the permissible content of harmful substances in soils.

August, 2008

This Regulation defines the levels (technical provisions) of allowed content of harmful substances in soils; the requirements for sampling and testing of soil samples in order to determine the effective presence/content of harmful substances.The permissible level of harmful substances in soils is determined on the basis of an assessment of the risk to the environment and human health at three levels: precautionary concentrations; maximum permissible concentrations; intervention concentrations (environmental and health risk).The Annex is part of this text (also containing the precautionary s