Displaying 1021 - 1030 of 2403Administración General de la Comunidad Autonoma de Euskadi
El País Vasco o Euskadi (Euskadi) es una comunidad autónoma española, situada en el extremo nororiental de la franja cantábrica, lindando al norte con el Golfo de Vizcaya (mar Cantábrico) y Francia (Aquitania), al sur con La Rioja, al oeste con Cantabria y Burgos y al este con Navarra. El País Vasco está reconocido como nacionalidad histórica por su Estatuto de Autonomía. Lo integran las provincias (denominadas territorios históricos en el ordenamiento autonómico) de Álava, Guipúzcoa y Vizcaya.
Agencia Nacional de Tierras Colombia
Creación de la Agencia Nacional de Tierras
El 7 de diciembre de 2015 fue expedido el Decreto 2363 “Por el cual se crea la Agencia Nacional de Tierras, ANT, y se fija su objeto y estructura”, en un esfuerzo del Gobierno nacional para consolidar la nueva institucionalidad que responderá a los retos del posconflicto en lo concerniente al desarrollo del campo y la implementación de los acuerdos suscritos en el marco del proceso de paz.
Así, en el Decreto quedó consignado el objetivo fundamental de esta Agencia, la máxima autoridad de tierras del Estado:
Asociación de Cooperación Internacional
El Espacio ACI se fundó en Honduras en 1994 con la finalidad de incidir en procesos de democratización en Honduras basados en el fortalecimiento de organizaciones gubernamentales y no gubernamentales, en la equidad y la justicia, que incluya a todas y todos en el desarrollo humano sostenible.
Los objetivos sociales de ACI son:
Godfrey Massay
Mr. Godfrey Massay is an independent consultant and expert in land issues in Tanzania.
Cocoa Research Institute of Ghana
At its inception, the Central Cocoa Research Station was assigned clear goals within the Gold Coast Department of Agriculture, to investigate the pest and disease problems of cocoa in order to maintain production in the Eastern Province and elsewhere in the Gold Coast. In 1944 when the Research Station was up-graded to WACRI, the objectives were widened to include investigations into the disease and pest problems of cocoa in West Africa, soil fertility and good agricultural practices, with the view to increasing yield and farmers' income.
World Cocoa Foundation
The World Cocoa Foundation is an international membership organization that promotes sustainability in the cocoa sector.
Who We Are
Unpacking Metropolitan Governance for Sustainable Development: Analysis of Case Studies: Summary Reports of Case Studies
This case study analysis forms part of the publication series “Unpacking metropolitan governance” that documents experiences and gives hands-on approaches for stakeholders in the field of sustainable development of metropolitan regions.
Urban Land Markets , Economic Concepts And Tools For Engaging In Africa
This Handbook introduces key economic and related concepts explaining the functioning of urban land markets. You will find in this Handbook tools for engaging in a critical analysis of conventional economics, particularly in the understanding of how African urban land markets work. Of great importance is the understanding of how land use, supply and demand unfold in African context. It provides a basis for strengthening urban policy in ways that enable poorer people in African cities to access well-located living and work spaces.
Youth-Led Action Research on Land Commencement Workshop
The land challenge is central to the broader youth dynamics of migration, employment, livelihoods and belonging. The more than 1.8 billion youth living worldwide represent not only a land challenge, but an untapped potential in moving the tenure security agenda forward.
Youth-led Action Research on Land builds on previous youth and land engagement and consultations that have identified critical needs and knowledge gapsin the space of youth and land.
Logging, Mining, And Agricultural Concessions Data Transparency: A Survey Of 14 Forested Countries
Global demand for timber, agricultural commodities, and extractives is a significant driver of deforestation worldwide. Transparent land-concessions data for these large-scale commercial activities are essential to understand drivers of forest loss, monitor environmental impacts of ongoing activities, and ensure efficient and sustainable allocation of land.