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Analiza potenţialului productiv al fondului funciar din Republica Moldova

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2010

In this article, some analysis models regarding land structure and productive capacity of the land fund are examined. Also, there were analyzed the influence of erosions degree and soil quality on the modification of the agricultural land efficiency. It was established that the productive potential of the land fund depends on climatic conditions, which determine the necessity to adjust agriculture to the peculiarities of different regions

Particularităţile juridice privind instituţia înstrăinarii bunurilor cu destinaţie agricolă

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2013

Timeliness and the purpose of this article consists in the carrying out of an investigation of complex problems arising from practicing institution disposal of goods intended for agriculture, through the prism of analysis rules governing this matter, leveraging in this respect and legal framework doctrinaire approaches in this field, as well as for the formulation of solutions and proposals for improvement of legislation governing the institution disposal of goods.The main objectives of this article are: defining and creating the concept maintenance condition goods intended for agriculture

Răspunderea juridică pentru încălcarea legislației funciare

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2016

In that article it made an analysis of land legislation and legal doctrine on the liability of infringement and violation of rights of land that have connection with the land. The complexity of the investigation was expressed through forms of legal liability for illicit facts which are covered by several branches of law.

Consideraţii cu privire la dezvoltarea conceptului şi strategiei consolidării terenurilor agricole

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2011

The article presents data concerning the results of introducing pilot projects in 6 villages of the Republic of Moldova in 2007-2009.As a result it was possible to accumulate the necessary experience for the extension of the se activities overall the country. Simultaneously, a number of difficulties and problems have been identified and without their elimination it will be difficult to accomplish these activities.

Contribuţia Catedrei ,, Îmbunătăţiri funciare şi fizică” la dezvoltarea lucrărilor de îmbunătăţiri funciare în Republica Moldova

Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2013

During its existence the Department „Iand improvements and Phisica” carried out activities not only teaching, but alco scientific, contributing to the development of land improvement works in Moldova.

Преобразование земельных отношений в Республике Молдова (1989-2019 гг.).

Journal Articles & Books
ноября, 2020

Преобразование земельных отношений в 1989-2019 гг. в Республике Молдова не было случайным явлением. Настоятельная необходимость в социально-
экономических реформах явилась объективной необходимостью, вызванной
самим ходом истории развития общественных и экономических отношений.
Особенно остро отставание ощущалось в области сельского хозяйства, где
большинство стран всё с большим трудом обеспечивало своё население про-
довольствием, а промышленность сырьём на уровне современных требований.