Topics and Regions
PHD in Urban Development at the Federal University of Perbambuco, Brazil. Research areas lines based on urban socio-spatial segregation, gender and urban planning, land rights and decolonial studies related to space production in indigenous contexts in Latin America.
Doutora em Desenvolvimento Urbano pela Universidade Federal de Perbambuco, Brasil. Linhas de pesquisa baseadas em segregação socioespacial na cidade, gênero e planejamento urbano, direitos à terra e estudos descoloniais relacionados à produção do espaço em contextos indígenas na América Latina.
In May 2012, the Committee on World Food Security approved the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security (the “Guidelines”). The Guidelines have been described as a catalysing instrument that improves the conditions of land and natural resources, in the agricultural, fishery and forestry sectors. They address problems related to poor governance of land tenure and the growing pressure exerted on natural resources, thereby helping countries to achieve food security for all.
10 claves para periodistas que cubren derechos de tenencia de la tierra
Ruta para el abordaje y transformación de conflictos socioambientales
Este documento se presenta como aporte de la FAO en Colombia a través del Proyecto Gobernanza y Paz, que cuenta con el apoyo de la Embajada de Italia y la Agencia Italiana de Cooperación para el Desarrollo.
Hoja de ruta para la formalización y titulación de predios de entidades de derecho público
The Voluntary Guidelines: Securing our rights - Senegal
The guide will serve as documentation of the lessons learnt from the experiences of making use of the VGGT and in Senegal. As stakeholders from countries, such as Guinea, Mali and Mauritania seek inspiration from Senegal to improve governance of tenure in their own country context, this document will be an important source of inspiration. The document will also be a reference for different Donors and Partners interested in tenure governance in Senegal.
Ruralistas querem aprovar projeto que prioriza uso agropecuário da água e permite desmatamento