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Displaying 401 - 410 of 740Women's Digital Inclusion
The internet has great potential to promote women’s digital inclusion and gender equality, one of the pillars of sustainable development. But it can also pose new challenges to women’s rights and personal security, both online and offline.
This briefing, jointly published by the Internet Society and the Association for Progressive Communications (APC), outlines ways in which policy makers can facilitate the internet’s positive potential through an enabling framework for women’s digital inclusion:
Copernicus Land User Event
Copernicus Land User Event - Register now!
European and global land surface applications
Study on the state of consumer welfare in the real estate industry
The Real Estate Industry is a key sector in the socio-economic development of The Gambia,
and the sector has been rapidly growing in the past decade with over 1oo real estate
companies operating in the Gambia (AREC 2020). The industry is under the purview of the
Ministry of Lands and Local Government; however, it is not regulated by Government; which
has led to consumers being vulnerable to various types of unfair, misleading and deceptive
market practices by stakeholders in the transaction process.
The Gambia Competition and Consumer Protection Commission
The Gambia Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (GCCPC) is a statutory authority under the purview of the Ministry of Trade and Industry composed of five Commissioners appointed by the President, and headed by a Chairperson.
GCCPC is the body primarily responsible for the promotion of competition and the protection of consumers mandated by three acts, namely: The Competition Act 2007, The Consumer Protection Act 2014, and The Essential Commodities Act 2015.
VP wants embargo on foreign estate development
Following Deadly Land Disputes in Kombo, a Local Group Says ‘Enough is Enough’
Open Letter to Hon Ousainou Darboe: The Intolerable Kombo Lands Situation
Demolition of Structures In Sukuta Salagi: The State’s Public Exhibition of Contempt for Kombonkas
Governing the Resource of Data: To What End and for Whom?
This paper by Anita Gurumurthy and Nandini Chami presents the building blocks of an economic governance regime for data that can contribute to the growth of the digital economy by unlocking the potential of data. The de facto enclosure of data by platform monopolies not only creates a skewed market place with exclusionary effects, it also presents a huge opportunity cost in terms of the unrealized public and social value of data. The paper unpacks the limits of emerging approaches to data governance – both, individualist and collective – arguing why such frameworks do not go far enough.