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Community Organizations Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)


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Other organizations funding or implementing with land governance projects which are included in Land Portal's Projects Database. A detailed list of these organizations will be provided here soon. They range from bilateral or multilateral donor agencies, national or international NGOs,  research organizations etc.



Displaying 1616 - 1620 of 2116

Building Resilience in Ethiopia's Awassa region to Drought (BREAD)


Droughts in Sub-Saharan Africa have been exacerbated by the current El Niño event, resulting in well publicised risks of famine in the worst affected regions and food shortages elsewhere. This project will combine data collected in the Awassa region of Ethiopia before, during and after the current El Niño to quantify the impacts to locally produced food and farmer livelihoods. Our primary aim will be to assess biophysical interventions that promoted resilient food production during this El Niño event, with a strong social sciences input so that societal acceptance and impacts of beneficial interventions can be assessed. We have assembled a UK-Ethiopia project team with long-standing expertise working in the region. It involves experts in all aspects of natural, economic and social sciences. We will test two over-arching hypotheses: (1) the short term extreme drought associated with the current El Niño will have a long term impact on communities, their farming systems and their soils; and (2) resilience to this drought can only be built through interventions that consider both biophysical and socio-economic factors. A major intervention that we will explore is sustainable soil management through organic residue incorporation, taking into account resource conflicts with animal feed and household fuel use that worsen during times of extreme drought. We explore the knock-on impacts of land management to the availability of green water (stored in soil) and blue water (abstracted from ground and surface water sources). Further data on soil fertility will be measured across a range of 36 case-study farms located within two districts that are different distances from water supplies. The project will allow for crop and soil data collected for two years before the current El Niño to be supplemented with continued measurements of post-drought resilience. Previous data were collected in the ESPA funded project 'Alternative Carbon Investments in Ecosystems for Poverty Alleviation'. Modelling of crop and soil responses will allow us to upscale the impacts of land management interventions. Our outputs will be translated into outcomes through engagement with farmers, local and regional government and other stakeholders, both throughout the research and once the research is complete. As recently as December 2015, we met directly with these stakeholders, using well-established networks developed by our Ethiopian partners. Awassa is not the region in Sub-Saharan Africa that is worst affected by El Niño, but we argue that its relatively high population density, supported by food availability during good growing seasons, makes it particularly important. Moreover, land in the worst affected regions is so infertile that interventions may have limited impact, whereas in Awassa and similar more fertile regions of Ethiopia, interventions could promote greater agricultural productivity to supply national food demands during extreme events. We have already observed that Awassa houeholds spend more time collecting water and have been able to collect less due to pump breakdowns as groundwater levels get deeper during this drought. Yields have plummeted, affecting the earnings of subsistence farmer. Interviews conducted in December 2015 showed that farmers attempt to cope with the situation through short term strategies such as selling off livestock which will have long term consequences for the farming system in the area. The outcomes of this research will contribute towards increasing awareness of the impacts of drought in the region, and improving resilience of farming systems to drought. This will help farmers to employ better coping strategies for drought and to cope for longer, requiring less interventions and avoiding catastrophic harvest failures. In the long term, this will contribute towards better food security and nutrition, improved resilience and reduced risks associated with extreme droughts from future El Niño events.


The Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) supports cutting-edge research to address challenges faced by developing countries. The fund addresses the UN sustainable development goals. It aims to maximise the impact of research and innovation to improve lives and opportunity in the developing world.

AACJ-South Africa


The AACJ programme will be implemented in eight African countries: Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria, Mozambique, Senegal, Somalia and South Africa. The AACJ consortium believes that building strong and inclusive movements for climate justice in these countries can be the engine for a powerful pan-African movement for climate justice. For the AACJ consortium, climate justice means all people have the right to live a decent and dignified life in a healthy environment. We believe that curbing climate change and enabling all people to build resilience and recover from climate-related shocks is key to break the vicious cycle of inequality and vulnerability. The impacts of climate change are not being borne equally or fairly, between rich and poor, women and men, and older and younger generations. The voices of frontline communities who both offer solutions to protect our climate and face the harshest consequences of the immediate impacts of climate change, are excluded from the policy debates shaping their futures. Their voices are often also isolated as opposed to aligned and lack the capacity to come together in unified front calling for action. The goal of our programme is to amplify and unite the voices in Africa demanding that women, youth and local and indigenous communities in the 8 target countries can defend and realize their human rights and live a decent and dignified life in a healthy and sustainable environment, within the context of the climate emergency. We will not only respond to power asymmetries within countries, but also challenge asymmetries of power between countries. We will connect with movements outside Africa, such as Climate Action Network Europe, jointly challenging unaccountable governments and unsustainable production and consumption patterns. Making these connections will help increase solidarity across communities and make the global climate movement more inclusive and legitimate. We will work from local to regional to global level, and vice versa. We will amplify local voices – communicating both struggles and positive experiences – to advocate for strong climate policies and national laws, and demand and monitor their implementation. We will use progressive frameworks, such as the Paris Agreement, the Africa 2063 Agenda and the SDGs to influence national governments and companies for positive changes in people’s lives The AACJ consortium believes that clear and compelling narratives play a crucial to increase the engagement of youth, women and local and indigenous communities in the debate and policy processes on climate justice. Taking people’s lived experience as a starting point, these narratives will play a key role in raising awareness, unveiling prejudices and stereotypes, debunking lies and rebalancing relations of power. The AACJ consortium will amplify African voices, encouraging environmental activists, indigenous leaders, women, youth, religious leaders, artists and opinion makers to share their personal experiences and contribution to addressing climate change. We will create safe spaces for traditionally sidelined groups to develop their own narratives which demonstrate their strength, resilience, innovative capacities and contributions to the climate crisis. We will ensure that these new narratives are shared and spread through climate debates and policy processes, connecting policy makers with people on the frontline of the climate crisis. With will connect activists, movements and communities with popular media (TV talk shows, radio call-ins and other interactive platforms) to enable exchange of ideas and information, foster understanding and increase public awareness on how women, youth and local and indigenous communities are experiencing and coping with climate change. The role of FEMNET will be indispensable to implementing Pathway 2 by creating counter narratives to help shift the discourse on changing the discourse on climate change


STRATEGIC COUNTRY OBJECTIVE: Strengthening CSOs platforms and engaging with key climate actors working with women, youth, Indigenous People and Local Communities to promote an inclusive and human rights-based approach to climate action. The programme will contribute to the following impact Impact areas Impact Outcome 1: Strong, inclusive, and effective civil society promotes climate justice. Climate movements are driven by women, youth and Indigenous People and connected to global movements The AACJ consortium in South Africa will develop broad alliances on climate justice by uniting movements that represent impacted communities with organizations and campaigns that advance climate justice and challenge extractive industries’ impact on the environment. The consortium will develop the capacity of local organizations to increase their autonomy and ability to self-organize as a transversal grass-roots movement, including by facilitating the development of common agendas and a unified voice between CSOs and climate justice activists, particularly women, youth, indigenous people and local communities (Pathway 1 and 2). Impact Outcome 2: Indigenous people and local communities have increased capacity to understand and use laws and policies to pursue climate justice. The AACJ consortium will work with local/ impacted communities to i) challenge unjust policies and practices that are currently in place, such as government support for fossil fuel energy and land grabs; and ii) support and promote policy reform for climate justice, including mainstreaming of environmental issues throughout government and public policy (Pathway 5). Activities include training indigenous people, women, youth and local communities to increase climate-related knowledge and participation in policy procedures. The programme will also support local communities and environmental defenders to articulate and defend their environmental and land rights, through legal empowerment and support (Pathway 3). Finally, the programme will document best practices on climate-related traditional knowledge and customary practices, for example through participatory action research and provide spaces for sharing, co-creation and promotion/ advocacy (Pathway 4).

Target Groups

We will work with women, youth and local communities – as well as other traditionally sidelined groups, such as people with disabilities



The Green Livelihoods Alliance (2021 - 2025) is an alliance of Gaia Amazonas, IUCN NL, Milieudefensie, NTFP-EP, SDI and Tropenbos International, with Fern and WECF as technical partners. The Green Livelihoods Alliance (GLA) aims to ensure that tropical forests and forest landscapes are sustainably and inclusively governed to mitigate and adapt to climate change, fulfil human rights and safeguard local livelihoods. In twelve countries in South America, Africa and Asia, as well as internationally, the Alliance works with Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IPLCs) and social movements to: - increase the participation of IPLCs in policy and decision-making regarding land rights and forest governance - strengthen lobby and advocacy to hold governments and industries accountable for deforestation and human rights violations. A crucial prerequisite is to ensure the operational space and security of IPLC leaders, CSO activists, women’s rights and environmental and human rights defenders (EHRDs).