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Community Organizations Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)


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Other organizations funding or implementing with land governance projects which are included in Land Portal's Projects Database. A detailed list of these organizations will be provided here soon. They range from bilateral or multilateral donor agencies, national or international NGOs,  research organizations etc.



Displaying 1416 - 1420 of 2116

F.a: Achieving 5th schedule and Forest Land Rights for Tribes in Tamil Nadu


The project aims to obtain title deed for about 9,750 forest dependent tribal families in Tamil Nadu, India under Forest Rights Act (Forest Rights Act 2006), as well as to start the new title deed search processes. As well strengthening of landless Primiti ve tribes in the plains with the financial assistance of Tribal Sub plan and Scheduled Caste Development Fund. In Tamil Nadu recognition of indigenous land rights and enforcement of the laws has been very slow process. However, in early 2016 the Supreme Co urt decision withdrawn the lower court's decision, which was halted the implementation of the Forest Rights Act in 2008 and this is very positive for the promotion of indigenous peoples' rights. The project will speed up the process for granting land title deeds, and is thus intended to protect the rights of thousands of families in the countries from which their livelihood depends. Strengthening land rights also has a positive impact on the environment as illegal land use is decreasing and the diversity of farming will be promoted. Beneficiaries on this project are tribal communities living in 17 districts in the state of Tamil Nadu. We also involve NGOs, movements, association which are supportive to the tribal rights and their development. http://vrdp.org

Defending tomorrow through historical memory and collective action


Extractive policies and practices on the environment and common goods have are producing a serious damage in the northwestern region of Honduras. 31% of the territory is concessioned (approximately 34,900 km2). During last 10 years, 548 natural resource concessions have been awarded at national level, of which 265 are located in this region. There are about 21 hydroelectric projects in indigenous peoples' territories, without social participation and prior consultation. As well as, the agro-industrial model of palm export has continued. The concessions have generated conflicts for the conservation of natural resources. The forced displacements that they entail for the peasant, indigenous and Afro-Honduran communities makes these projects enter into strong opposition to the the needs and rights in local communities, thus becoming in source of social and political conflict. In this context, the proposal is linked to the objectives and achievements of the EU funded regional project (ICD1016) since it will keep issues of defence of land rights on the public agenda. The project is also linked to the "Strategic Plan for integral ecology and food sovereignty" presented by the partner in 2020, inspired in "Laudato Si" and considering the impact of the pandemic in Honduras. The partner will develop strengthening initiatives for accompanied social movements and communities through the design and implementation of legal, protection and advocacy strategies. The expected changes include to increase the awareness on the importance of stronger institutions and the Rule of Law in Honduras to protect land rights defenders. The planned training and participatory research processes aim to empower the targeted communities and defenders.

Zambia Land Alliance - Support to Strategic Plan 2009-2013


Support to Zambia Land Alliance Work Plan 2013? The project is continuation to the ?Support to Zambia Land Alliance Work Plan September 2009-September 2012? which is based on the ZLA strategic plan 2009-2013. Activities to be implemented:Land rights and em powerment programmea)To promote security of customary land and sustainable land use by poor men women and youths especially in ZLA operational areasb)To promote and protect the rights of displaced and potential internally displaced persons and minority gro ups in ZLA operational areasc)To strengthen local accountability in the land administration system for the urban and rural poor in ZLA operational areasd)To advocate for appropriate and timely reforms of laws and policies pertaining to land delivery and ad ministration especially for the poor and vulnerableCommunication and networking programmea)To provide land related information in innovative and appropriate formats for use by stakeholders at local national and international levelsInstitutional development and management programmea)To review and strengthen the structures linkages and operations of the District Land Alliancesb)To improve ZLA?s governance and management effectiveness and sustainability of its organizational programmes