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Community Organizations Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)


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Other organizations funding or implementing with land governance projects which are included in Land Portal's Projects Database. A detailed list of these organizations will be provided here soon. They range from bilateral or multilateral donor agencies, national or international NGOs,  research organizations etc.



Displaying 1361 - 1365 of 2116

Land Administration Project


The 4 years (plus 9 months extension)project to modernize the land administration in Benin assists the national agency to put in place a functioning, sustainable cadastral information system, to strengthen its organizational processes, to strengthen the collaboration with the main stakeholders in the cadastral chains and to engage civil society in promoting inclusiveness for vulnerable groups in accessing land. The project is built around a fit-for-purpose approach and contributes to achieving a country-wide coverage of the cadastral system that will be kept up to date and improves the land security of all parties involved and provides relevant information for the various stakeholders.


The overall objective of the PMAF is to "make all actors in the land registration chain work to contribute to land security for all segments of the Beninese population and to the promotion of private investment". The specific objectives of the PMAF are as follows: A The national land register is available, functional and sustainable in order to contribute effectively to the land security of a growing number of people; B ANDF implements the national land and domain policy, in accordance with the obligations defined in the Land Code and respecting the conditions of land security and in a financially sustainable manner; C: All parties in the mapping, legal and judicial chains know their roles and responsibilities and assume them effectively and correctly in collaboration with other parties in the chain; D: Increased opportunities for civil society and other interest groups to advocate for improved legislation, policies and implementation of policies to protect access and land ownership rights for socially and/or economically disadvantaged groups;


Act No. 2013-01 of 14 August 2013 on the Land and State Owned Property Code created the National Agency for Land and State Owned Property (ANDF), which is a public establishment of a technical and scientific nature, by investing it, in article 418, with "a mission to secure and coordinate land and State ownership management at the national level". According to Decree 2015-010 of 29 January 2015 on the responsibilities, organisation and functioning of the ANDF, it is responsible: to implement Beninese State policies, strategies and programmes in the field of land and State ownership; ensure the implementation of procedures relating to land management; to manage the land registry; confirm land rights and issue land titles; to establish a national land information management system that is transparent, accessible, reliable and up-to-date

Target Groups

Main direct beneficiary: ANDF: Agence nationale du Domaine et du Foncier; Other beneficiaires: Municipalities and other decentralized administrations, Notaries and lawyers, Banks and financial institutions, Land surveyors and IGN, Civil Society Organisations and in general the overall population (M/F) of Benin.

Land Productivity Project


Togo Threshold - Land Productivity Project: The objectives of this project are to: (1) expand access to formalized land by identifying and legitimizing customary land rights, (2) move the legitimized rights into the formal system, (3) improve the formal system so that it effectively protects legitimate land rights, and (4) expand inclusive access to land by ensuring that recognition of women's rights, already recognized in formal law, are fully incorporated into practice.

Agricultural Value Chain Support Project


The overall objective of the project is to improve the resilience of rural communities facing the challenges of Climate Change (CC) and land degradation (LD), harming their livelihoods and subsequently their food security situation. Letter of Interest received by the Ministry of Environement of Senegal in December 2014 for the new GEF6 Programme for food security.

Building Climate-resilient coffee value chain with diversification of production – NUCAFE


A blend of grant and lending is provided to increase smallholder coffee farmers’ incomes in Uganda through improved farming practices and resilience measures as well as an increased amount of processing of coffee beans before export to enhance value. Financing is sought for two aspects of coffee farming in Uganda. Firstly, to build smallholder farmers’ resiliency by facilitating access to climate change adaptation and mitigation techniques and technologies via training and access to equipment. Secondly, lending is required to upgrade facilities at the National Union of Coffee Agribusinesses and Farm Enterprises (NUCAFE; see below) coffee processing plant, along with a working capital facility for the purchase of further raw coffee from farmers for processing. The Project is intended to provide smallholders with means to sustainably improve their earnings in the face of climate change, by both improving their yields and increasing the value of their product through the NUCAFE co-operative. The Project will contribute to poverty reduction by creating green jobs in coffee production and processing and to environmental sustainability by, among others, effective land management.


Responsible for; project management; liaison with NUCAFE and the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries.; Conducting policy analysis and recommendations; and, the provision of inputs for the project proposal and investment documentation Responsible for stakeholder engagement and all local inputs, and support proposal development

CIPO 2016-2020


Cambodia Indigenous People Organisation (CIPO) is a Cambodian non-governmental organization. It found in June 2014. CIPO’s aim is indigenous community has a sense of ownership and partnership in land and sustainable natural resources management to ensure well-being of economy, society, culture and reducing poverty, discrimination. CIPO’s objectives are to increase awareness, capacity and legal assistance of indigenous people and to collectively organize communities to advocate for their rights. Expected results are: -          Indigenous peoples as collective and individual accessed awareness/knowledge and legal assistance to claim their rights. -          Collective rights of community members organized for the Communal Land Titling. -          Indigenous communities accessed trainings on professional occupation in agriculture and cultural handicraft and improved the use of existing resources in enhancement of sustainable livelihood. -          The cultural identity, tradition/custom, and the rights of indigenous peoples documented, and disseminated to all concerned people. CIPO will provide capacity building and promote community ownership in collaboration with stakeholders in the areas of IP’s rights, land and NRM. CIPO also provides skill trainings to improve the sustainable livelihoods for IPs. CIPO mainly operates in Rattanakiri, Mondul Kiri, and Preah Vihear province. The IP people makes up approximately 1.34% of the 13.5 million, they lack self-confident, awareness on their rights, they are not secure on their land. IP’s rights and livelihoods are under threats due government granted economic land concession, demand land for agro-industrial, mining and hydro power building and the IP areas became target area of development project. CIPO is a member of Cambodia Indigenous People Alliance (CIPA), a steering committee of the Indigenous People Forest Network (IPFN), a member of NGO Forum and other networks and a network member of Asia Indigenous People.  


This project mainly contributes to results within Fair distribution of wealth and access to natural resources. Results will be reported later in the Global Civsam grant period 2016-2020