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Community Organizations Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)


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Other organizations funding or implementing with land governance projects which are included in Land Portal's Projects Database. A detailed list of these organizations will be provided here soon. They range from bilateral or multilateral donor agencies, national or international NGOs,  research organizations etc.



Displaying 1331 - 1335 of 2116

Mali Local Democratic Governance phase 3


Four INGOs led by Diakonia have submitted an application for the development intervention “Local Democratic Governance” (LDG), phase 3 in Mali during the period 2014-2017. The overall development intervention cost is approximately 76 MSEK. The intervention aims to improve inclusiveness and accountability of land governance and prevent conflict linked to land management in Mali. This will be achieved through the implementation of four components with the following results: 1) Improved performance of local land management arrangements; 2) Improved ownership of local government authorities in land and natural resources management; 3) Improved the performance of citizen control for accountability between stakeholders involved in land and natural resources management; 4) Improved sustainable use of agricultural land and other natural resources (forests, grazing, water). The four INGOs i.e Diakonia, Norwegian Church Aid, SNV and Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation will implement the intervention together with local Civil Society Organisations. The intervention is supported solely by Sweden and it is planned that the four INGOs will forward funds to their local partners.


1) Improved performance of local land management arrangements; 2) Improved ownership of local government authorities in land and natural resources management; 3) Improved the performance of citizen control for accountability among stakeholders involved in land and natural resources management; 4) Improved sustainable use of agricultural land and other natural resources (forests, grazing, water).

Supporting Community Policing and Stabilisation in Iraq


This project contributes to enhancing peace, security and stability through rebuilding trust between law enforcement officials and communities; and a conducive environment for returns through strengthened social cohesion and increasing access to rights and political representation. To address these objectives, IOM will increase the capacity of law enforcement officials and the ability of the community to engage with one another to identify and resolve security issues through the Community Policing approach, as well as increase interagency coordination on border security issues. This project will also strengthen the participation of the Yazidi community in transitional justice mechanisms development, and increase inter community cohesion and political representation of Yazidis. IOM will support Yazidis and other vulnerable families to access housing, land and property rights as well as enhanced tenure security and rights.

UN Women Uganda 2016-2019


The Government of Uganda has made significant progress in developing legal frameworks, policies and programmes which respect, protect and promote human rights and empowerment of women and girls. Progress, however, often remains at the policy level with implementation on the ground lacking behind due to inadequate capacity or priority in government institutions. As a result, women in Uganda continue to be marginalized and experience discrimination in in all spheres of life. Women’s Economic Empowerment (WEE) constitutes another major obstacle to gender equality as well as to more overall development goals. Women have poor access to reproductive resources, and especially access to land and land tenure are areas of discrimination. Consequently, women struggle to access financial services including loans due to lack of collateral. Although 76% of Ugandan women are active in the labor market, women tend to concentrate in feminized occupations, clustering in low-value chains, part-time or informal employment. Violence against women and girls (VAWG) remains another main obstacle to the empowerment of women with the prevalence and social acceptance of VAWG consistently high. In addition, the link between WEE and VAWG is becoming increasingly apparent in Uganda. A great part of the violence reported at household level is economically motivated, with peaks around harvest periods. In response to the above situation analysis, the development intervention will provide core support to UN Women Uganda to implement the first three years (2016-2018) of its Strategic Note 2016-2020 with a total contribution of 66.5 M SEK (22 % of the total 5 year Strategic Note budget, 36% of the budget for the three years covered by the Agreement). In line with UN Women’s Global Strategic Plan, the development intervention targets six programmatic result areas: 1) Women lead and participate in decision making at all levels; 2) Women, especially the poorest and most excluded, are economically empowered and benefit from development, 3) Women and girls live a life free from violence, 4) Peace and security and humanitarian action are shaped by women’s leadership and participation, 5) Governance and national planning fully reflect accountability for gender equality commitments and priorities, and 6) Global normative and policy framework for gender equality and women’s empowerment strengthened and implemented. In addition, the development intervention has a seventh result area on organizational effectiveness and efficiency.


The overall aim of the proposed development intervention is that “Women are empowered to lead, participate in, influence and contribute to national development.”To achieve this aim, the development intervention defines six result areas: 1) Women lead and participate in decision making at all levels. 2) Women, especially the poorest and most excluded, are economically empowered and benefit from development. 3) Women and girls live a life free from violence. 4) Peace and security and humanitarian action are shaped by women leadership and participation. 5) Governance and national planning fully reflect accountability for gender equality commitments and priorities. 6) Normative and policy framework for gender equality and women's empowerment strengthened and implemented.

Supporting Community Policing and Stabilisation in Iraq


This project contributes to enhancing peace, security and stability through rebuilding trust between law enforcement officials and communities; and a conducive environment for returns through strengthened social cohesion and increasing access to rights and political representation. To address these objectives, IOM will increase the capacity of law enforcement officials and the ability of the community to engage with one another to identify and resolve security issues through the Community Policing approach, as well as increase interagency coordination on border security issues. This project will also strengthen the participation of the Yazidi community in transitional justice mechanisms development, and increase inter community cohesion and political representation of Yazidis. IOM will support Yazidis and other vulnerable families to access housing, land and property rights as well as enhanced tenure security and rights.

Mauritania - Economic Governance and Investment Management Support Project (PA2GI)


The proposed operation is a grant of three million units of account (UA 3 million) from the resources of the African Development Fund (ADF) to the Islamic Republic of Mauritania to finance the Economic Governance and Investment Management Support Project (PA2GI). PA2GI is an institutional support project intended to assist Mauritania in its efforts to ensure robust, sustainable and job-creating economic growth. More specifically, it involves striving to ensure public investment optimisation, private investment promotion and the strengthening of tax and land governance, in support of the national policy objectives of the National Accelerated Growth and Shared Prosperity Strategy (SCAPP) and the Presidential Priority Project (ProPEP). PA2GI comprises three components, namely: (i) strengthening the public investment process and private investment promotion; (ii) improving tax and land governance; and (iii) project management. Project activities will be implemented over a period of 36 months, from the entry into force of the ADF grant, scheduled for June 2021.


The overall objective of the project is to lay the foundation for efficient economic and financial governance. The specific objectives are to improve public and private investment management and promotion and enhance tax and land governance.

Target Groups

The main direct project beneficiaries are the State structures that will benefit from institutional capacity-building, in particular: (i) the General Directorates of Ministry of Economic Affairs and Promotion of Productive Sectors (DGFCE); (ii) investment promotion structures (CCIAM, APIM and CIMAM); (iii) the General Directorates of the MF (DGTCP, DGI and DGPDE); (iv) the Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (ARMP); and (v) the Court of Auditors. The indirect beneficiaries are investors, who will benefit from CCIAM training, arbitration by CIMAM arbitrators, better performance of the DGI and greater land tenure security, as well as the Mauritanian population, especially young people and women, which will benefit from the jobs created by new investments and greater land tenure security.