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Community Organizations Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)


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Other organizations funding or implementing with land governance projects which are included in Land Portal's Projects Database. A detailed list of these organizations will be provided here soon. They range from bilateral or multilateral donor agencies, national or international NGOs,  research organizations etc.



Displaying 1166 - 1170 of 2116

Provision of transitional shelter and NFIs to the most vulnerable IDPs in Northern Baidoa


The shelter project will support the provision of sustainable transitional shelter and NFIs to the vulnerable IDPs in Northern Baidoa. The project will target new arrivals with NFIs and emergency shelter kits while vulnerable protracted IDPs will be supported with transitional shelter construction. The transitional shelter construction will adopt owner-driven approach where project beneficiaries will be involved in the planning and site layout, actual construction and monitoring. SYPD will provide technical guidance throughout the construction process. The project activities will target an estimated 3000 vulnerable IDPs. Based on the 2014 Somalia demographic profile this is estimated to include 869 women, 812 men, 638 boys,681 girls. Priority will be given to vulnerable female headed households and actual gender disaggregation will be updated after beneficiary registration. The shelter typology will be the charish, with iron sheet (CGI) roof, poles and sticks walls plastered with mud and a raised floor. The typology is the traditional shelter across Somalia and will be readily acceptable to the beneficiaries and appropriate to the temperate climatic conditions. Due to the familiarity with the typology among the beneficiaries, the owner-driven approach will be easily adopted. In addition, the project will provide NFIs to vulnerable IDPs to allow them live a dignified life. The shelter construction process will mainstream Housing, land and property rights. This will include holding consultations with local authorities, local land owners and host communities to explore longer term security of tenure for IDPs. SYPD will facilitate the acquisition and signing of security of land tenure documents with local authorities to ensure that IDPs are not eventually evicted once the project has been implemented. The project will incorporate site and settlement planning for every shelter construction to promote secure and safe environment for IDPs. The project will mainstream protection issues for IDPs particularly at night by distributing household solar lamps and street lightin. The provision of household lighting will contribute to prevention of gender -based violence and sexual violence and limit the use of environmental unfriendly energy such as kerosene and firewood for lighting.

Réhabilitation du quartier de Fort National à travers l’activation d’un Centre de Services à l’Entreprise (CSE


The project aims at supporting existing action towards the reduction of community- based violence by facilitating the entrepreneurship of youth through the reinforcement of their capacities and the creation of micro and small enterprises in the construction sector in the target neighbourhoods. The selected areas of intervention are among the most vulnerable of Port-au-Prince and are characterised by high social conflict and economic insecurity which result in urban violence and unstable life conditions. Efforts towards the creation of sustainable and decent jobs through professional training (aimed at obtaining State certification), production and rehabilitation of public infrastructures hope to decrease the risk of community-based violence, in agreement with the mandate of the CVR-MINUSTAH. In particular, ILO's efforts target the young unemployed to involve them in income generating activities that will contribute to the economic development of their neighbourhoods. Direct beneficiaries: 57 direct beneficiaries (30% women) aged between 15 and 35, including 8 entrepreneurs considered as "vulnerable", identified through a community participatory process. Indirect beneficiaries: - Families of the direct beneficiaries; - Residents and entrepreneurs of Fort National; - Old people, disabled people, children and all residents who will benefit from the pedestrian accesses built in their neighbourhood.

Amélioration des conditions de vie et restauration des moyens d’existence des ménages les plus affectés par la


Le projet préconise, une réponse mixte avec une complémentarité entre assistance alimentaire (en espèces/cash conditionnel) et un appui permettant de contribuer à l’amélioration des conditions de vie et àla restauration des moyens de subsistance des ménagesaffectés par l’insécurité alimentaire aigüe, les mouvements de population y compris, les expulsés/rapatriés de l’Angola et les épidémies (rougeole et paludisme), à cause de l’instabilité de ménages, la perte de leurs biens et moyens d’existence et ayant un accès limité aux services essentielsdans la province du Kasaï Central, territoires de Kazumba (ZS de Bilomba, Kalomba et Tshibala) et de Luiza (Luambo et Yangala). Cette approche permettrait de fournir, une réponse humanitaire aux besoins vitaux des bénéficiaires dans la brève période et promouvra une amélioration des conditions de vie sur la moyenne/longue période. Le projet mènera des activités d’Assistance alimentaire d’urgence (distributions, en vivres et cash, de kits) d’Appui aux moyens d’existence (distributions, en vivres et cash, de kits) et Développement de la chaine de valeur agricole en matière de production, stockage, transformation, et commercialisation formation plaidoyer pour un meilleur accès à la terre. D’une manière précise, il donnera un cash conditionnel/ protection de la semence et du cash pour élevage une ‘’distribution directe’’ des intrants maraîchers et vivriers/outils et semences à 5000 ménages les plus vulnérables (4250/agriculture et 750/cash pour élevage remise du cash/achatdes bêtes trouvables dans les marchés locaux après sensibilisation des fournisseurs (cobaye, poules, canards, lapin, caprin, etc) formation techniques équipes, ménages et Groupements Paysans dotation des unités de transformation des produits agricoles aux GP pour leur renforcement capacités face aux prochains chocs. Ce projet préconise également la sensibilisation sur le cash les mesures barrières de la COVID-19 l’amour du travail agricole et de l’élevagela bonne politique de production d’utilisation et de stabilisation des produits agricoles et de l’élevageaccès à la terre bonne gouvernance dans la gestion des unites de transformation et l’accompagnement technique des ménageset des GP. Une étude du marché sera organisée sur le cash et les autres activités lors de l’évaluation initiale. Les activités identifiées par ce projet occupent une place de choix parmi les sources des revenus de la zone d’intervention. L’approche participative retenue la collaboration avec les autres acteurs de santé et de la protection (logement, terre et propreté) l’implication des services étatiques dans les missions conjointes, autorités locales, ménages bénéficiaires, leaders communautaires l’inclusionde 750ménages de personnes vivant avec handicap, soit 15% de 5000 ciblés la considération de l’égalité de chance entre les sexescontribueront à la réussite et à la pérennisation des résultatsdu présent projet.

Strengthening Coordination and Self-Management of Drought Affected IDPs in Bosaso through an Integrated Mechan


This project seeks to improve the living conditions, assistance, and protection of drought and conflict affected population and host communities by facilitating the equitable access to multi-sectorial services in Bossaso through effective Camp Coordination and Camp Management. The core problems that the project intends to address are restricted humanitarian access, lack of information on service provision at site level, lack of land tenure and forced evictions. The intervention is an integrated response across the three clusters of Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM), Shelter and Housing Land amp Property (HLP) where PSA will implement CCCM activities, whereas NRC will implement shelter and HLP activities. In order to facilitate a seamless implementation of the integrated project, PSA and NRC have settled on pre-teaming agreement, which outlines and expresses a convergence of will between the two organizations, indicating an intended common line of action, expectations and roles the document has been uploaded as part of attached documents. The collaboration between the two organizations under the integrated project will ensure there is teamwork where information and intervention is synchronized through maximum utilization of the resources and information in accordance with SHF principles. The project PSA will target 2,900 HHs (17,400 individuals, 50% females) that are most vulnerable in across Bossaso IDPs sites, PSA will directly target the following camps and population per sites: Xaadoole(1178), Saylada xoolaha(2552), Biyo kulule(1968), New biyo kulule(2271), Banaadir(1765),Bulo mingis(3296), Raf iyo raaxo(1976), Tuurjaale(1567) and Xaafatu carab(827) IDPs camps. In addition, in areas with some of the gaps, the project will indirectly include other sites that require additional assistance due to the large number of IDPs living in the camps. The sites would be selected in close coordination with CCCM cluster displacement data and information, where 80% of the beneficiaries targeted will be IDPs and 20% host communities. On disability inclusivity, the rights of PWDs will be put into consideration by disaggregating beneficiary data by disability (preferably using the Washington Group Short Set of Questions (WGSS), by being included in camp management committees (CMCs) and by ensuring feedback and complaints mechanisms are designed to ensure accessibility for PWDs. Also, gender will be mainstreamed into the project through the specific consideration of the different needs of women, men, boys and women. Additionally, minority groups rights (minority clans and other groups) will be fully be put under consideration through camp leadership and participation in cash for work activities. The proposed CCCM activities will comprise 1 Mapping of the existing governance structures: 9 Service Mapping: 2 Bi-annual site verification The establishment/ efficient use of referral pathways to benefit 17400 individuals Communication with Communities (CwC) to reach 17400 individuals 3 Coordination meetings with service providers Establishment of one site roving team 9 Eviction risk data mapping CMCs capacity building on governance for 150 participants (CMCs) 3 Safety Audits Installation and rehabilitation of 60 solar lights Garbage Collection will benefit 126 individuals (60% women) Special mobility assistance for 80 PwDs Establishment of one Community Feedback Mechanism and Hotline Site management and planning training for 150 participants Lobby and advocacy on land tenure and ownership to benefit 17400 individuals

Integrated Management of Protected Areas in the Arid Regions of Mauritania (IMPADRA)


To enhance the conservation of key species in Mauritania through the creation and sustainable management of a new Protected Area in the arid Wilaya of Adrar.


Note: Disbursement data provided is cumulative and covers disbursement made by the project Agency.

Target Groups

1. The proposed project will support biodiversity conservation efforts to generate Global Environmental Benefits (GEBs) by creating and improving the management effectiveness of a new PA in an arid Wilaya of Adar. The global benefits associated with the Biodiversity focal area are the creation of and improved management effectiveness of 200,000 ha for conservation and sustainable natural resource use and 100,000 ha under sustainable land management in production systems in landscapes adjacent to the new PA. The 35,000 ha of El Ghallâouîya KBA will be extended towards the south-west where the KBA has the same contiguous landscape with the Guelb er Richatt Nature Reserve to create a 200,000ha terrestrial protected area. This will contribute to improving the conservation of the bird species in El Ghallâouîya KBA in Adrar Wilaya. The project will support conservation actions through changes in local community behavior and by improving and changing production practices in arid areas to be more biodiversity-positive with a focus on sectors that have significant biodiversity impacts such as agriculture and tourism, through technical capacity building and implementation of financial mechanisms. This approach will be scaled up to other areas in Mauritania, particularly the arid zones of the country. Socio-economic benefits from the project will include the improved livelihoods and reduced vulnerability of at least 1,775 community members. Furthermore, the project’s communication strategy will aim to reach at least 135,316 people through radio environmental education/awareness programs on the value of biodiversity conservation and sustainable natural resource management. 2. Embedded in the principles of an integrated natural resource management approach, the generation of the aforementioned GEBs will consider the environmental conditions of the arid landscapes in Adrar Wilaya. The project will also consider existing production practices (including pastoral practices), how communities interact with the environment and the limited institutional frameworks, insufficient regulations and current land uses in Adrar. The rationale is based on an integrated approach to more holistically address underlying drivers of environmental degradation while simultaneously, addressing socio-economic concerns of local communities. In this regard, an integrated natural resource management approach will be valuable in ensuring economic, social and ecological sustainability in a resource-constrained and climate-impacted environment[1] as in Mauritania. [1] Sara J. Scherr, Seth Shames and Rachel Friedman. (2013). Defining Integrated Landscape Management for Policy Makers