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Community Organizations Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)


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Other organizations funding or implementing with land governance projects which are included in Land Portal's Projects Database. A detailed list of these organizations will be provided here soon. They range from bilateral or multilateral donor agencies, national or international NGOs,  research organizations etc.



Displaying 761 - 765 of 2116

Master's Degree Program in Urban and Regional Development(2022)


To enhance participants knowledge and experience in the field of urban and regional development including master planning land use planning real estate and housing development urban redevelopment and new town development


To enhance participants knowledge and experience in the field of urban and regional development including master planning land use planning real estate and housing development urban redevelopment and new town development

Master's Degree Program in Urban and Regional Development(2022)


To enhance participants knowledge and experience in the field of urban and regional development including master planning land use planning real estate and housing development urban redevelopment and new town development


To enhance participants knowledge and experience in the field of urban and regional development including master planning land use planning real estate and housing development urban redevelopment and new town development

Master's Degree Program in Urban and Regional Development(2022)


To enhance participants knowledge and experience in the field of urban and regional development including master planning land use planning real estate and housing development urban redevelopment and new town development


To enhance participants knowledge and experience in the field of urban and regional development including master planning land use planning real estate and housing development urban redevelopment and new town development

Fonds pour la promotion de l'agriculture sous contrat


Kernproblem ŒDer Agrarsektor, Triebfeder der ivorischen Wirtschaft, ist geprägt von kleinbäuerlichen, subsistenzorientierten Produktionseinheiten. Unzureichender Zugang zu Absatzmärkten sowie fehlendes Investitionskapital hemmen deren Entwicklung. Zusätzlich sind Kreditinstitute bei der Vergabe von Krediten an Kleinbauern zurückhaltend. Œ ŒModulziel ŒZiel des Vorhabens ist die Verbesserung der ökomischen Situation geförderter Kleinbauern, Kooperativen und kleinen und mittelständischen Agrarunternehmen bei gleichzeitiger Einhaltung vereinbarter Umwelt- und Sozialstandards. Œ ŒWesentliche Outputs ŒEs wird eine Finanzierungsfazilität eingerichtet, die Kreditlinien für ausgewählte Banken und Mikrofinanzinstitutionen zur Vergabe von Agrarkrediten zur Verfügung stellt, sofern diese gemäß den Bedingungen und Vorgaben der Fazilität den Endkreditnehmern ihrerseits Kredite gewähren. Die Finanzpartner werden dabei strategisch zum Expansionspotenzial ihres Agrarportfolios beraten, um einerseits neuen Zielgruppen Zugang zu Finanzierungen zu ermöglichen, andererseits die Kreditangebote für Wertschöpfungsketten abseits von Kakao und Kautschuk zu verbessern. Gleichzeitig werden relevante Organisationen zur Unterstützung der Akteure in landwirtschaftlichen Wertschöpfungsketten mit technischer Beratung bei der Verbesserung ihres Ausbildungsangebotes unterstützt. Œ ŒZielgruppe ŒKleinbauern ländlicher Gebiete, die über Landzugang, Landnutzungsrechte und die notwendige Arbeitskraft verfügen, nicht jedoch über ausreichend finanzielle Mittel und Kenntnisse zur Produktion hochwertiger Produkte und ihrer Vermarktung. Sie umfasst eine große Zahl familiär geführter, subsistenzorientierter Betriebe, denen es wegen niedriger Produktivität und fehlender Marktanbindung nicht möglich ist, ihre Armut zu überwinden. Zudem profitieren auch Menschen, die nicht direkt begünstigt sind, z. B. Wander- und Hilfsarbeiter. Œ ŒBeitrag zur nationalen Umsetzung der Agenda 2030 Œ- Keine Armut Œ- Kein Hunger


Die wirtschaftliche Situation von Kleinbauern und Agrarunternehmen in den geförderten Vertragslandwirtschaftlichen Allianzen ist verbessert bei gleichzeitiger Einhaltung der vereinbarten Umwelt- und Sozialstandards.

Resilience to child malnutrition ACF DRC 2017-2020 - Resilience to child malnutrition


To prevent child malnutrition in Kalomba health zone, DRC, Kasaï Central, during 2017-2020, through water and sanitation, nutrition and support to livelihoods, and by mainstreaming gender and environment. Linked to a previous humanitarian support in 2014-2017.


For more than 20 years, the security situation in the DRC has led to a multitude of successive new crises, the severity and scope of which have increased over time. This ongoing crisis has caused immeasurable human and material damage, plunging a large part of the population into a situation of extreme vulnerability. In this context, the Kalomba health zone, in Kasai Central province, experienced a massive population displacement, a significant number of protection incidents, and the destruction of socio-economic infrastructure and livelihoods. The factors aggravating the impact of food and nutrition insecurity in Kazumba Territory include: socio-economic vulnerability, new armed conflicts between armed groups and the absence of a cessation of hostilities agreement, the limited capacity of state security services to provide protection to the population, impunity and the weakness of the legal system, inter-community, customary and identity-based tensions, and land conflicts. The causes of vulnerability to food insecurity and malnutrition are complex and multidimensional. They are linked to a set of intertwined factors, such as poverty, health, hygiene, access to basic social services, eating habits, socio-cultural norms, the level of knowledge of improved agricultural techniques, the weakness of production, access to markets, as well as climatic hazards and other recurrent shocks, which result in a large number of people being in a state of quasi-permanent fragility. ACF's project objective is to sustainably strengthen nutrition security and resilience to malnutrition in communities and health system in Kalomba Health Zone in Kasaï Central province in DRC, from April 2017 to December 2020, through a gender-sensitive, community-based approach. The project is articulated along two axis: the health system and the community. It includes three result areas: (1) Structural strengthening of the integrated health system for sustainable service delivery; (2) Strengthened capacity of health personnel for outreach and sensitization through a gender-sensitive approach to nutrition security; and (3) Improved household nutritional security through gender-sensitive behavior change, access to safe water and livelihood support Given that malnutrition and WASH often correlate, the project includes substantial WASH related activities both in communities (according to the so-called "community-led total sanitation" approach) and in health facilities.