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Community Organizations Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)


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Other organizations funding or implementing with land governance projects which are included in Land Portal's Projects Database. A detailed list of these organizations will be provided here soon. They range from bilateral or multilateral donor agencies, national or international NGOs,  research organizations etc.



Displaying 706 - 710 of 2116

ALTIF: Accessing Land for Tourism Investment Activity


Solomon Islands Threshold - Land Management For Investments Projects - ALTIF: Accessing Land for Tourism Investment Activity: the Access Land for Tourism Investment Facilitation Activity (ALTIF) will address the land access and investment facilitation issues to help the country grow its tourism sector. The ALTIF Activity seeks to achieve this objective by building government capacity to identify investable land and facilitate investment in the sector. The Activity aims to increase tourism investment in Solomon Islands, which is expected to deliver jobs and productivity gains, increased local purchases, and foreign exchange benefits. The sub-activities are: (a) Improve Access to Land and Establish Social License to Operate for the Tourism Investor ("Land Sub-Activity"): The objective of the Land Sub-Activity is to identify registered land parcels that have a high potential to attract outside tourism investment to Solomon Islands and to support the process by which an investor obtains access to that land via a long-term lease and establishes Social License to operate with the neighboring community, which is necessary for long term land tenure security. Grant funding shall support: (i) identifying land with high potential for tourism investment by employing a tourism investment viability screening process; (ii) educating and supporting investors and communities on Social License issues; (iii) facilitating and assisting investors, landowners, and communities to establish and maintain Social License; and (iv) as needed, assisting communities to formalize rights to land near targeted investment sites. (b) Increasing Tourism Investment through Investment Facilitation ("Investment Facilitation Sub-Activity"): The objective of the Investment Facilitation Sub-Activity is simplifying the investment process to facilitate tourism investment through InvestSolomons, a division of the Ministry of Commerce, Industries, Labour and Immigration ("MCILI"). This approach shall provide investors definitive information about land parcels available for tourism investment and assistance in navigating the investment process. InvestSolomons shall facilitate and coordinate the completion of all Government tasks and decisions required for the investor to realize the investment in a timely manner. (c) Facilitated Governance Reform ("ALTIF FGR Sub-Activity"): The objective of the ALTIF FGR Sub-Activity is to provide a governance structure for the ALTIF Project that facilitates building capabilities and implementing the reforms that are identified by the Land Sub-Activity and Investment Facilitation Sub-Activity. Using a facilitated governance reform ("FGR") methodology, such as problem driven iterative adaptation ("PDIA")or similar approach, this Sub-Activity aims to build local ownership and identify and solve problems. Grant funding shall support a task force (the "Tourism Investment Task Force") to oversee implementation of the ALTIF Project; establish working level teams to advance initiatives and problem solving; and provide coaching to the Tourism Investment Task Force and the working level reform teams.

Togo Threshold-Threshold Fund


Signed in February, 2019, The MCC Togo Threshold Program is designed to improve citizens' access to high quality and affordable Internet and Communications Technology (ICT) services�both mobile phone services and Internet�by encouraging private sector investment, developing an independent regulatory regime, expanding service to underserved areas, and increasing the use of ICT among women and small businesses. The threshold program will also seek to expand access to formalized land through the recognition and protection of legitimate land rights in five pilot areas across the country and to develop a regulatory framework to implement the proposed new land code. The threshold program incorporates stringent accountability mechanisms to ensure that MCC funds are tied to results and are used only for programmatic purposes.

Increased and Sustained access to lifesaving water and sanitation for displacement affected populations in Dal


Since establishing initial operations in Somalia in 2004, the Norwegian Refugee Council has been implementing WASH, Food Security, Livelihoods, ICLA( Information Counselling and Legal Assistance )and Education sector programming throughout Somalia . In Juba region specifically, the proposed program will link with NRC’s ongoing interventions in ICLA, Food Security, Livelihoods, WASH and Education all defined to provide a combination of lifesaving and resilience building support to displacement affected communities. This project will include rehabilitation of WASH facilities in schools and dissemination of hygiene education. NRC will build on the aforementioned interventions to provide a holistic response to the disaster affected populations .NRC has evidence that confirms that an integrated, holistic intervention is required to meet the urgent and inter-connected food security, nutrition, and WASH needs in affected geographical location. It is with this understanding that this action is designed to act in complementarity to other related action that is currently being implemented. In Kismayo , access to and use of latrines and sanitation facilities is extremely low. Only a third of the populations use any method to prevent contamination of the water when storing or handling. As a result, cholera and acute watery diarrhea (AWD) are endemic and frequent outbreaks occur every year. This intervention targets IDP and host communities whose health and nutritional status is severely impeded by frequent water borne illnesses and whose traditional coping mechanisms and livelihood systems are still recovering from the recent recurrent emergencies. This situation is likely to be aggravated by the foreseen increase in number of returns arising out the intended closure of the refugee camps in Kenya. The project intends to increase equal and sustained access to reliable safe water, adequate sanitation, promote positive hygiene services and take appropriate action to contribute to the lifesaving and life sustaining integrated response to displacement affected populations among IDPs and host communities in Dalxiiksa Kismayo. This action will be implemented in the location with the highest number of IDPs within Kismayu . NRC seeks to implement hygiene promotion activities that include distribution of assorted hygiene items, training of promoters and wash committees, construction and rehabilitation of shallow wells and rehabilitation of other water infrastructure, construction of both communal latrines including de-sludging existing ones. The latrine facilities will be lockable and equipped with handwashing facilities. All activities will fall in line with both sphere and relevant approved WASH cluster standards and guidelines. The beneficiaries will be selected through a community consultative process with the community leaders in order to ensure that only those who meet the specified vulnerable criteria are identified for support. Female headed households will be given high priority while accountability and transparency measures will be put in place to ensure equity within an all-inclusive aid administration process. NRC will maintain and expand synergies across all the programs by ensuring that this action is implemented alongside other s and that benefits arising out of multiple actions to the same target groups are exponentially increased. NRC shelter and ICLA program will provide opportunities for constructing appropriate transitional shelters using preferred and locally available material through an owner driven approach, while livelihood interventions will direct efforts towards supporting a combination of both off farm and on farm food security interventions that ensure sustained improvement of food security indicators. The Shelter program will work hand in hand with ICLA to ensure that all those who benefit from WASH, Livelihood and Shelter intervention have secure land tenure arrangements and are guaranteed of protection.

Emergency Shelter response to IDPs and poor host communities in Kaxda district-Mogadishu


This action seeks to ensure that vulnerable displacement-affected populations in Somalia, including those that are hard to reach, have adequate physical protection, safety and privacy, through access to basic services and livelihood opportunities. Somalia remains among the worst humanitarian crises in the world. A mixture of clan-related conflict, drought, flooding and forced evictions is resulting in increasing amounts of person becoming IDP’s. NRC will respond to shelter needs for newly displaced persons and host community in Kaxda district of Banadir region. This action will directly target 900 households or approximately 5,400 individual beneficiaries. The response will strive to improve access to locally appropriate shelter solutions through a combination of life-saving activities while creating conditions for more durable solutions. The action will consist of settlement planning training, the distribution of settlement planning tools, the provision of emergency shelter kits and solar lamps as well as cash transfers for beneficiaries to construct their own shelter. This should promote beneficiary participation as well as choice and ownership of the shelters. Through NRC’s Information, counselling and legal assistance (ICLA) core competency, the beneficiaries will be supported to obtain communal land tenure documents in order to avoid the risk of being forcibly evicted. Benefiting household selection and targeting will be based on needs, equity and access possibilities, and will be undertaken in coordination with the cluster and other humanitarian actors. NRC will also ensure that protection issues are mainstreamed throughout the implementation of the project.

Lifesaving and life sustaining integrated response to IDPs and host communities in North Baidoa


This project will be implemented in Baidoa district, Bay region and is designed to meet the needs of both IDPS (70%) and poor host communities (30%) . NRC will select extremely vulnerable individuals (EVIs) through a predetermined beneficiary selection criteria and construct 270 transitional (Caarish) Shelters, with mud plastered walling along with local sticks and CGI roofing, which is culturally acceptable and most appropriate shelter typology in Baidoa. The shelters will be constructed through community driven approach and NRC will provide the beneficiaries with conditional cash to construct their shelters. NRC will cover the cost of skilled and unskilled labourers who will be engaged by the beneficiaries during the construction. Caarish shelter is a new typology in Baidao however similar designs are acceptable to beneficiaries. In order to progressively ensure ownership, NRC will start construction with piloting 20 Caarish shelters (size: 4m x 3m) and will take feedback from community and local authorities on the appropriateness. If these designs are found acceptable then construction will be expanded to include an additional 250 shelters otherwise if not found acceptable then the typology will be changed to typical transitional CGI shelters. Both the Caarish and the CGI shelters cost the same, though the Caarish are considered cooler and thus environmental more acceptable to the beneficiaries. A change in the typology type will therefore not mean any budgetary changes. NRC will also distribute household solar lamps to the same beneficiaries. NRC will as part of the planning process for this project ensure that the ICLA program supports the shelter component in obtaining secure land tenure for all the beneficiaries. As a result consultation with the local administration at the onset will be initiated to ensure that the appropriate documents for the land is provided by the local authorities as a means to securing a legally acceptable land tenure arrangement for the beneficiaries. Each household will be provided with a lease agreement document endorsed and recognized by the local authorities. To make the shelter support wholesome in line with the intention to ensure that each of the beneficiaries feels better protected as a result of this service, each of the beneficiaries will also be provided with a household solar lamp for use in lighting. Settlement planning training will also be incorporated in the project to ensure proper layout of the shelters and to provide necessary space for other facilities like WASH, Education etc. NRC will also mainstream the protection issues during the whole project life. The project principle objective is: Vulnerable displacement-affected populations in Somalia, including the hard to reach, have adequate physical protection, safety and privacy, and improved access to basic services through construction of culturally appropriate transitioal shelters. The project shall provide 270 households in Baidoa (approximately 1,620 beneficiaries) with housing ensuring that the type of housing improves their privacy, physical protection and dignity. The activities that will be implemented to ensure the delivery of the shelters shall be: Site Planning and building of communal infrastructure, land tenure consultations, cash transfers and all-inclusive community consultations. The owner driven construction approach shall be applied in the delivery of shelters, to ensure speed and timely completion of works , good quality , savings on purchases , comprehensive beneficiary participation and their capacity building.