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Community Organizations LA Referencia
LA Referencia
LA Referencia
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Avda. Del Parque, 4680-A, Edificio Europa
Santiago de Chile
Region Metropolitana (RM)
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The Federated Network of Institutional Repositories of Scientific Publications (Red Federada de Repositorios Institucionales de Publicaciones Científicas), or simply LA Referencia, is a Latin American network of open access repositories. Through its services, it supports national Open Access strategies in Latin America through a platform with interoperability standards, sharing and giving visibility to the scientific production generated in institutions of higher education and scientific research.

From the national nodes, scientific articles, doctoral and master's theses are integrated, coming from more than a hundred universities and research institutions from the nine countries that now form LA Referencia. Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Mexico and Peru are active members of the network and Costa Rica was integrated in 2016.

This experience is based on technical and organizational agreements between public science and technology agencies (Ministries and Oncyts ) of the member countries, together with RedCLARA. LA Referencia was born through the Cooperation Agreement, signed in Buenos Aires in 2012, which reflects the political will to offer in open access the scientific production of Latin America as a regional public good with emphasis on the results financed with public funds.



Displaying 51 - 55 of 706

Landscape response to late Pleistocene climate change in NW Argentina: Sediment flux modulated by basin geometry and connectivity

Journal Articles & Books
мая, 2017

Fluvial fill terraces preserve sedimentary archives of landscape responses to climate change, typically over millennial timescales. In the Humahuaca Basin of NW Argentina (Eastern Cordillera, southern Central Andes), our 29 new optically stimulated luminescence ages of late Pleistocene fill terrace sediments demonstrate that the timing of past river aggradation occurred over different intervals on the western and eastern sides of the valley, despite their similar bedrock lithology, mean slopes, and precipitation.

Historia del cambio climático o calentamiento global

Journal Articles & Books
мая, 2017

El Calentamiento Global, también llamado Cambio Climático, ha generado un gran impacto en la opinión pública. Nos estamos volviendo concientes que el accionar humano afecta el planeta en que vivimos. Indudablemente hay un sinnúmero de impactos producidos en el ecosistema tales como la tala de bosques, la pérdida de flora nativa y el efecto que esto tiene sobre la fauna, la caza indiscriminada, la contaminación del agua y el suelo, entre otros.

Vadose zone transport in dry forests of central Argentina: role of land use

Journal Articles & Books
апреля, 2017
South America

Most sedimentary plains occupied by semiarid woody ecosystems have low groundwater recharge rates and high vadose zone salt accumulation. Their cultivation has often led to drainage of water below root zone, displacement of solutes, and rising water tables, affecting, in most extreme cases, long-term viability of agriculture. To explore this possibility in semiarid plains of South America, we characterized vadose flow using chloride data in dry forests of central Argentina, in an area that has been subject to intense deforestation and agricultural expansion during the last century.

Estimating flow resistance of wetlands using SAR images and interaction models

Journal Articles & Books
апреля, 2017

The inability to monitor wetland drag coefficients at a regional scale is rooted in the difficulty to determine vegetation structure from remote sensing data. Based on the fact that the backscattering coefficient is sensitive to marsh vegetation structure, this paper presents a methodology to estimate the drag coefficient from a combination of SAR images, interaction models and ancillary data. We use as test case a severe fire event occurred in the Paraná River Delta (Argentina) at the beginning of 2008, when 10% of the herbaceous vegetation was burned up.

Cartografía de coberturas del suelo mediante Sensores Remotos, de la ciudad de Resistencia, Argentina (2013)

Journal Articles & Books
марта, 2017

Los Sensores Remotos se han convertido en los últimos tiempos en una herramienta importante para la planificación territorial, debido a la originalidad metodológica con la cual operan y el amplio espectro de observación de la superficie terrestre. El número de algoritmos disponibles en la literatura científica, permiten tratar individualmente muchas de las coberturas terrestres y caracterizarlas en base a su comportamiento espectral. En el presente trabajo se han aplicado dos métodos de clasificación de imágenes: árboles de decisión o reglas y clasificación no supervisada.