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Community Organizations Global Donor Platform for Rural Development
Global Donor Platform for Rural Development
Global Donor Platform for Rural Development
Philanthropic foundation


The Global Donor Platform for Rural Development is a network of 38 bilateral and multilateral donors, international financing institutions, intergovernmental organisations and development agencies.

Members share a common vision that agriculture and rural development is central to poverty reduction, and a conviction that sustainable and efficient development requires a coordinated global approach.

Following years of relative decline in public investment in the sector, the Platform was created in 2003 to increase and improve the quality of development assistance in agriculture, rural development and food security.

//  Agriculture is the key to poverty reduction

Agriculture, rural development, and food security provide the best opportunity for donors and partner country governments to leverage their efforts in the fight against poverty.

However, the potential of agriculture, rural development and food security to reduce poverty is poorly understood and underestimated.

Cutting-edge knowledge of these issues is often scattered among organisations, leading to competition, duplication of efforts, and delays in the uptake of best practices.

//  Addressing aid effectiveness

Therefore the Platform promotes the principles of the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness, the Accra Agenda for Action for sustainable outcomes on the ground, and the Busan Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation.

Increasing aid to agriculture and rural development is not enough. Donors must work together to maximise development impact.

//  Adding value

The Platform adds value to its members’ efforts by facilitating the exchange of their development know-how, which consolidates into a robust knowledge base for joint advocacy work.

Working with the Platform, members are searching for new ways to improve the impact of aid in agriculture and rural development.

  • An increased share of official development assistance going towards rural development
  • Measurable progress in the implementation of aid effectiveness principles
  • Greater use of programme-based and sector-wide approaches
  • More sustainable support to ARD by member agencies

//  Vision

The Platform endorses and works towards the common objectives of its member institutions to support the reduction of poverty in developing countries and enhance sustainable economic growth in rural areas.

Its vision is to be a collective, recognised and influential voice, adding value to and reinforcing the goals of aid effectiveness in the agricultural and rural development strategies and actions of member organisations in support of partner countries.

//  Evaluation

Between August and October 2014, the Global Donor Platform for Rural Development underwent an Evaluation. The evaluators interviewed across board focal points (FPs) of member organisations, partner institutions, staff of the secretariat and key agricultural and rural development experts from different organisations involved in the Platform initiatives. KIT reviewed Platform documentation of the past 10 years, online resources and services to complete the assessment.

According to the report, the change in overall global development objectives of the Post-2015 agenda and its sustainable development goals (SDG) will only reiterate the relevance of the Platform’s work in coordinating donor activities. Agriculture and rural development are incorporated in many of the SDGs. The targeted development of appropriate policies and innovative strategies will depend on increased, cross-sectoral cooperation which the Platform stands for. The achievement of the Platform’s objectives of advocacy, knowledge sharing and network facilitation functions remains to be a crucial contribution to agriculture and rural development.



Displaying 371 - 375 of 809

Support to the Philippine Climate Change Commission on the Implementation


The government of the Philippines resolved a climate legislative in 2009, which provides adaptation and mitigation. However, institutional capacities for the implementation of a consistent climate policy are weak and activities are not or insufficiently integrated into the planning process. The project therefore strengthens the national climate commission in development, implementation and coordination of the national climate strategy, and the national climate action plan and its integration in the planning system, e.g. applying a innovative monitoring system of effects of adaptation, local climate-compatible planning, support of the law of renewable energies,and with small-scale projects for better adaptation, mitigation and creation of carbon sinks with high possibility of duplication and multiplicator effects. The objective of the project is a better adaptation to climate change and emission reduction.

National REDD+ system, Philippines


The project aims at creating a national framework for reducing greenhouse gases from deforestation and forest degradation. The target groups are those responsible for REDD+ in the environment ministry, national and local government authorities as well as the populations who are dependent on forests, primarily indigenous groups. Measures include the establishment of a national implementation and coordination system (REDD+ register, governance structures); the development of REDD+ financial and participation mechanisms; extensive forest-related land-use planning in selected regions as a prerequisite for zoning and establishing land-use rights; the integration of ecological and social standards in implementing REDD+ measures; and awareness-raising and information/knowledge management.

Geographic data for flood risk management


This project focuses on preparing a digital terrain model (DTM) for the entire territory of the Republic of Macedonia using LiDAR scanning from an airplane. The data created will be particularly useful for flood risk mitigation, flood monitoring and for actions during flood situations, but also for reducing costs of infrastructure projects, enhancing environmental protection and monitoring and spatial planning. LiDAR surveying provides high accuracy Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data, which allows capture of the bare earth structure that satellites cannot see, as well as ground cover in enough detail to allow vegetation categorization and change monitoring. The resolution and positional accuracy of LiDAR means it can be used to capture and measure above-ground features over large areas including power lines, building outlines and towers. Activities 1.LiDar survey of the entire Republic of Macedonia and production of a precise DEM 2.Capacity building at AREC 3.Engaging stakeholders to utilise the new DEM and LiDAR data through workshops and seminars

Support to reform of urban land management


Improve land governance. The types of activities planned include an inventory of the legislative and regulatory framework, the development of a land and state code, the revision of the legal framework for the transmission and secure exchange of authentic deeds in electronic format , the establishment and conservation of notarial deeds in electronic format, the development of new methods of cadastral surveys - the design of the database of a computerized land register, Inventory of State assets - Support for the implementation of an interface between the land block and the tax block.