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Community Organizations United Nations Development Programme
United Nations Development Programme
United Nations Development Programme
United Nations Agency


UNDP works in some 170 countries and territories, helping to achieve the eradication of poverty, and the reduction of inequalities and exclusion. We help countries to develop policies, leadership skills, partnering abilities, institutional capabilities and build resilience in order to sustain development results. 

Inclusive growth, better services, environmental sustainability, good governance, and security are fundamental to development progress. We offer our expertise in development thinking and practice, and our decades of experience at country level, to support countries to meet their development aspirations and to bring the voices of the world’s peoples into deliberations. 

In 2016, UNDP is continuing its work to support the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the 17 new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), or Global Goals, as they help shape global sustainable development for the next 15 years.

UNDP focuses on helping countries build and share solutions in three main areas:

In all our activities, we encourage the protection of human rights and the empowerment of women, minorities and the poorest and most vulnerable.



Displaying 291 - 295 of 359

Land Conversion, Social Impacts, and Legal Remedies: Understanding the Role of Community Paralegals in Address


This project addresses the ongoing critical development challenge of changes in land use in Indonesia, Burma (Myanmar), and India. It will generate knowledge and an evidence-driven intervention strategy to help people gain more security over the land and natural resources they rely on for their livelihoods and survival. Industrial projects, large-scale agriculture Since the 1990s, successive governments of growing Asian economies have promoted trade and industrial expansion as critical drivers for economic stability and growth. This focus has led to rural and peri-urban landscapes being transformed by industrial projects, infrastructure, and large-scale agriculture. For people who depended on the land, these transformations have resulted in serious social and ecological impacts: -direct physical displacement and dispossession -loss of livelihoods -pollution or land degradation Legal rights remain unprotected There are very few easily accessible remedies to address the impacts of land use change. While regulations to minimize and mitigate damage exist, implementation is poor. There is widespread non-compliance to regulations. Administrative agencies are ineffective at responding to local community needs and integrating them into policy or legal designs. Laws are also ineffective. They serve as a threat, but not something that people can use to exercise their basic rights. Lawyers are costly, and often focused on formal court channels that are impractical for most people The UN Commission on Legal Empowerment estimates that four billion people cannot exercise their legal rights because of costs, dysfunction, corruption, or abuse of power. There is a recognized need for intermediary institutions, such as media, political parties, and unions that help citizens exercise their rights. Community paralegals as a solution Community paralegals also offer an effective solution. They are attracting increasing attention from international organizations, including the UN Commission on Legal Empowerment, for being cost-effective, flexible, and able to manage plural legal systems. They are especially noted for their effectiveness in dealing with land rights disputes in many countries, including several in Africa. This project will map land use changes in Indonesia, Burma, and India. Researchers will study how community paralegals can -collect rigorous data on impacts of land use change -translate impacts into legally actionable evidence -help affected communities seek remedies through formal administrative and legal institutions closest to the point of impact The project team will use conduct locally grounded research that identifies workable solutions to reduce the adverse effects of land use change on communities. The research will advance knowledge, inform evidence-based policy, and build evidence to promote responsible land governance.

Harnessing IDRC-Supported Research on Large-Scale Land Acquisitions and Accountability in Africa


Commercial interest and investments in Africa's agricultural lands have intensified in quantity, speed, and size over the past five years, particularly in the wake of the 2008 food crisis. This project will address concerns over the phenomenon. It aims to enhance leadership skills that will help build more equitable policies and practices for communities around large-scale land investments in Africa. Large-scale land acquisitions Foreign and domestic investors, both public and private, are acquiring control of vast stretches of fertile land for agricultural production in developing countries. While agricultural investments can contribute to economic development and reduce poverty, many investments have failed to live up to expectations and are not generating sustainable benefits. In many instances, these land deals are leaving local people worse off than they would have been without the investment. Pressures on agricultural land are expected to continue to meet the needs of growing populations. There is also the issue of diminishing supplies of fertile land caused by pressures on water sources, encroaching urbanization, and changing weather patterns related to climate change. Investments to date have served to highlight existing weaknesses in the management and governance of agricultural lands and on local communities' ability to secure land rights. More accountable, equitable investments This project will advance IDRC's work on this issue in sub-Saharan Africa to make land investment processes more accountable and equitable, and to prevent displacement and conflict. It will build on five action research projects covering 10 countries. Project teams will work with communities to increase their power to negotiate equitable terms and protect their rights and interests. It will fund the following activities: -Land Research Summit in Dakar, Senegal, to share initial research results and lessons learned, as well as foster policy discussions -Blogs and op-eds to raise awareness about research findings -Conference participation to share the research and findings

A cross-sector approach supporting the mainstreaming of sustainable forest and land management to enhance ecos


To promote the sustainable management of Miombo and Mopane production landscapes in Save and Runde sub-basins following an LDN approach.


Note: Disbursement data provided is cumulative and covers disbursement made by the project Agency.

Target Groups

Socio-economic benefits5.The project interventions under Components 1 and 2 will contribute toempowering local communitiesthrough increasing access to knowledge, supporting clustering into strong organisation, and improving agriculture and forest management practices that increase livelihoods’ resilience. This will enhance communities’ autonomy and adaptive capacity, and give them the opportunity to become agents of change. Furthermore, the gender-sensitive approach adopted throughout the project will contribute to addressing gender inequalities by creating opportunities for women which are often marginalised in rural communities and particularly vulnerable to climate change. Gender balance will be promoted by ensuring that women benefits adequately from the awareness-raising, knowledge-sharing, capacity building and income-generation interventions.6.The GEF 7 project will contribute toconserving and capitalising on traditional knowledge. Under Component 1, traditional and indigenous knowledge as well as practical knowledge on SLM and SFM will be integrated in the analysis for the identification of effective current practices. These practices will then be promoted through the implementation of the ILUPs under Component 2. Traditional crop species (NUSs) and corresponding agricultural practices will also be promoted where adequate.7.The diversification of agricultural and forest products under Component 2 will enablebetter nutrition and healthfor approximately 15,000 households. Consuming a diverse range of cereals, legumes, fruits, vegetables, NTFP and animal-source products contributes to improved nutritional outcomes. Furthermore, the biological diversity of resilient agricultural systems will reduce health risks from parasitism[1].8.Sustainable agricultural intensification practices will improve the use of natural resources, such as solar radiation, atmospheric carbon and nitrogen. In addition, in these improved production systems, the recycling of nutrients, biomass and water will be increased as well as resource use efficiency, and wastes will be reduced. As a result,agricultural production will be sustainably increased[2],[3].9.A basket of resilient farm- and forest-based income sources and markets will be strengthened under the GEF 7 project. Thediversification of income sourcesfrom diverse products and local food processingby 15,000 land-users including 7,800 women and 7,200 men will contribute to stabilising household incomefor approximately 67,500 individuals. In addition, diversified income sources will increase the resilience of forest, farm and rangeland users to climate and environmental risks. The failure of a crop, forest or livestock species will have lower impact on the households income which will be more economically resilient.10.By enhancing biological processes and recycling biomass, nutrients and water, producers will be able to use fewer external resources, therebyreducing costs. As an example, biological nitrogen fixation by legumes in intercropping and rotation systems can enable a major reduction in the need for synthetic fertilizers[4]. The establishment of CSB network will further reduce dependency on external support, and costs of agricultural input, and increase producers autonomy.11.The implementation of SLM and SFM requires skilled labour.100Master trainers and600facilitators will be trained through the FFS/APFS approach and transfer their skills to FFSs/APFSs members. This will sustainably strengthen the skill set of farm, forest and rangeland users thereby contributing to increasing opportunities for employment. In addition, the development of climate-resilient Value Chains under Component 2 will lead tojob creationacross the chain from the producers, to the processors, the retailers and the traders. This is particularly true for youth which will be able to acquire new skills according to emerging needs in sustainable nature-based markets.12.Approximately 60 government representatives (including 52% of women) from the central to the local level will receive training on LDN and cross-sectoral coordination under Output 1.1.1 and 1.1.2. These institutions will therefore be able to replicate cross-sectoral planningprocesses in other sub-basins. In addition, approximately 20 non-government staff from partner organizations and CSO and 30 government staff (including 52% of women) will receive training to become trainers on LD assessment, integrated land-use planning and LDN monitoring under Output 1.1.3. It is expected to reach a far larger number of trainees through the training-of-trainer approach. This will provide sufficient capacity to enable the maintenance of LDN monitoring interventions beyond the project lifespan and generate required evidence-based knowledge for informed decision making and planning for sustainable development.Environmental benefits13.The implementation of SLM and SFM interventions over 172,540 ha and the restoration of 2,150 ha of degraded forest and mixed landscape areas in the Miombo and Mopane woodlands of the targeted sub-basins will significantly contribute to the conservation of natural habitat and biodiversity. The project will result in: increased above and below ground biodiversity including in the buffer zones of protected areas, and increased ecosystems’ resilience to climate change. It will also directly support the conservation of threatened tree species in collaboration with the Forestry Commission. In addition, the wildlife corridors will be mapped and strengthened to support eocsystems connectivity and reduce human wildlife conflicts. Wildlife conservation will be further supported through the development of the management plan for the Chimanimani National Park and through improved collaboration with Mozambique for the sustainable management of the Chimanimani TFCA. The restoration of ecosystem functioning and increased biodiversity resulting from the project interventions will lead to increased provision of ecosystems good and services such as the provision of NTFPs, soil productivity and availabilty of water resources. The SLM and SFM interventions will contribute to increasing tree cover and will enable the storage of 1,267,525 tCO2 eq thereby contributing to climate change mitigation. The LDN approach to be demonstrated in the two sub-basins will enable to have no net degradation of land resources in the targeted area, and beyond through supporting outscaling and upscaling of the approach and interventionsin other sub-basins, and at the national, regional and global levels. Increasedeconomic value of natural resources through Value Chains development under Outputs 2.2.1 and 2.2.2 will encourage these environmental benefits to be sustained.Benefits related to the current situation with COVID-1914.The DSL project provides a critical opportunity to support vulnerable dryland communities in building a livelihood foundation that not only enhances climate resilience but also provides a response and recovery plan to the COVID-19 pandemic. This will be done through the establishment and strengthening of key sustainable dryland commodity Value Chains. For example, under Outputs 2.1 and 2.2, livelihoods resilience and diversification will be supported through improved management of crop, forest and rangeland resources and through the strengthening of crop, NTFPs and small livestock Value Chains to support increased and more reliable income for vulnerable households. The criteria for prioritising the livelihood interventions will include the impact of COVID-19 on local communities. Increased production of local input (e.g. seeds, seedlings, indigenous breeds) will increase economic reliance in rural areas and reduce their vulnerability to national market restrictions. Furthermore, the project will provide support to facilitate community-level access to social protection mechanisms and other supporting programmes from the government, donors, private sector organisations and NGOs that are currently being designed and implemented.15.The project will directly and indirectly support communities so that they continue to undertake preventive behavior to stop COVID-19 infection and spread. This will include:·supporting the project staff/consultants in observing recommended practices – such as social distancing, not organizing in-person meetings or big gatherings if recommended; minimizing travel between sites, wearing masks and use of sanitizers; and·encouraging project staff and consultants in promoting government and international best practice behaviours at the local level through direct communication, and dissemination of government information and communication products.16.Theproject will apply FAO’s guidelines on how to implement FFS in times of COVID-19:http://www.fao.org/3/ca9064en/ca9064en.pdf17.Moreover, in order to support efficient monitoring and dissemination of knowledge during COVID 19,the GCP will be leveraging the efforts of the FAO South-South and Triangular Cooperation Division in promoting a systematic learning approach to document and disseminate knowledge resources through the initiative called "Making every voice count for adaptive management". The initiative proposed the KM strategy based on the knowledge management cycle. It uses a variety of communication tools, focusing on a participatory video approach as an interactive platform that supports networking and knowledge generation, and in later stages documenting and disseminating knowledge assets and lessons learned – especially those identified by the local communities and stakeholders at landscape level. The baseline documentation was produced in the form of participatory videos and the GCP will be selecting the practical knowledge and challenges to be discussed at the regional and global level. It will also contribute, at a later stage, to disseminate these practices through different networks, including the COFO Working Group on Dryland Forests and Agrosilvopastoral Systems. The goal is to create a bridge between other teams and initiatives and work beyond the 11 countries involved in this program. Key activities will include:·Development of a contextualized good practices and lessons learned methodology aiming to harmonize the knowledge management efforts across all child projects as well as linking country efforts to the regional and global level through the GCP.·Deployment of innovative spatial data assessment tools to support partners in monitoring and co-production of knowledge with local stakeholders;·A stocktaking of existing knowledge products (including tools and approaches) supporting integrated management of dryland landscapes and seascapes, including related best practices;·Development and testing of a web-based platform on integrated approaches to dryland landscape management and restoration, best practices, guidelines, tools, and methodologies to support program implementation and host new innovations and experience emerging from the Program (this will be subject to consultative assessments of how such a platform might complement other, existing platforms, as against the alternative of enriching and enhancing such platforms, and strategies for ensuring the post-project sustainability of platforms) including the UN DECADE for Ecosystem Restoration Platform on good practices;·Preparation of strategic communication policy briefs for senior managers and decision makers on Program implementation;·Highlighting of the work of the Dryland Sustainable Landscapes Program within key communities of practice, such as the Global Landscapes Forum;·Facilitation of interactive learning events, including the sharing of results and lessons learned, for example at UNCCD CRICs and COPs.Please see GCP for further details.[1]FAO, 2018. The 10 Elements of Agroecology: Guiding the transition to sustainable food and agricultural systems.[2]University of Essex, 2001. Reducing food poverty with sustainable agriculture: A summary of new evidence.[3]Levard L (Gret), Mathieu B (AVSF), 2018. Agroécologie: capitalisation d’expériences en Afrique de l’Ouest.82pp.[4]FAO, 2016. Soils and Pulses: Symbiosis for life. Rome.

Interrogating Large-Scale Land Acquisitions and Their Implications for Women in Sub-Saharan Africa


Despite their critical role in promoting food security on the African continent, women continue to be marginalized in the distribution and allocation of land. The implications for both family survival and national food security are far-reaching. This project will support research to examine the conditions needed to allow women to become empowered to participate in large-scale land acquisition (LSLAs) processes. The objective is to help ensure that sub-Saharan Africa puts the legal and policy frameworks in place to foster better accountability and legitimacy on issues of land governance. African women must continue to engage in food crop farming to ensure food security for their families and for the continent at large. This is only possible if their right to land is protected, respected, and fulfilled. Previous studies have shown that African women's right to land is seriously under threat. Traditionally, African women have not had equal access to land and weak land laws and governance processes related to LSLAs are further eroding their access. We are now learning more about the impact of LSLAs on livelihoods in affected communities but little evidence exists on gender differences. Little is also known about how African women have developed strategies to foster more equitable land governance policies and practices to ensure greater accountability and transparency around LSLAs. This research seeks to fill these knowledge gaps. The ultimate goal of the project is to promote land governance policies that treat both genders more equally and that contribute to greater accountability and transparency around LSLAs. The research will be implemented in six communities in three African countries: Ghana, Cameroon, and Uganda. All three have experienced LSLAs. The research team will explore the following: -land acquisition processes; -winners and losers in these transactions; -ways in which the losers (specifically, rural African women) respond to their situation; and, -extent to which these responses are successful. The project will create gender-sensitive evidence-based knowledge that can be used by women, local communities, non-state actors, and public authorities to enhance accountability and legitimacy in LSLAs processes. It will also propose gender inclusive strategies for formal and informal institutions that will respect, promote, and protect women's rights in LSLAs processes.

Harnessing IDRC-Supported Research on Large-Scale Land Acquisitions and Accountability in Africa


Commercial interest and investments in Africa's agricultural lands have intensified in quantity, speed, and size over the past five years, particularly in the wake of the 2008 food crisis. This project will address concerns over the phenomenon. It aims to enhance leadership skills that will help build more equitable policies and practices for communities around large-scale land investments in Africa. Large-scale land acquisitions Foreign and domestic investors, both public and private, are acquiring control of vast stretches of fertile land for agricultural production in developing countries. While agricultural investments can contribute to economic development and reduce poverty, many investments have failed to live up to expectations and are not generating sustainable benefits. In many instances, these land deals are leaving local people worse off than they would have been without the investment. Pressures on agricultural land are expected to continue to meet the needs of growing populations. There is also the issue of diminishing supplies of fertile land caused by pressures on water sources, encroaching urbanization, and changing weather patterns related to climate change. Investments to date have served to highlight existing weaknesses in the management and governance of agricultural lands and on local communities' ability to secure land rights. More accountable, equitable investments This project will advance IDRC's work on this issue in sub-Saharan Africa to make land investment processes more accountable and equitable, and to prevent displacement and conflict. It will build on five action research projects covering 10 countries. Project teams will work with communities to increase their power to negotiate equitable terms and protect their rights and interests. It will fund the following activities: -Land Research Summit in Dakar, Senegal, to share initial research results and lessons learned, as well as foster policy discussions -Blogs and op-eds to raise awareness about research findings -Conference participation to share the research and findings