Resource information
The methodology is applicable to measures that reduce anaerobic decomposition of organic matter in rice-cropping soils. Such measures include changing the water regime during the cultivation period from continuously to intermittently flooded conditions and/or a shortened period of flooded conditions, using the alternate wetting and drying method, adopting aerobic rice cultivation methods, and switching from transplanted to direct-seeded rice (DSR). This methodology can be applied to large and small-scale or micro-scale projects or PoAs.
The methodology is adapted from the small-scale CDM methodology AMS-III.AU - Methane emission reduction by adjusted water management practice in rice cultivation - Version 4.0. This methodology has been revised in accordance with the recent IPCC guidelines (Chapter 5.5 of IPCC Guidelines (2019)). It has introduced options for determining country-specific baselines using Tier-2 approaches, as well Methane as additional guidelines on baselines and methane measurements, and simplified approach for small scale and micro scale projects.