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Showing items 73324 through 73332 of 73616.The government of Lesotho’s (GOL) land reform efforts, enacted in the Land Act 2010, principally seek to create an environment that is favourable to agricultural development and economic investment.3 For years, Lesotho has lacked efficient land markets in which foreign investors could participate
This detailed timeline provides further background information on the history and land governance of Botswana presented in the Land Portal Botswana country profile
This detailed timeline provides further background information on the history and land governance of Namibia presented in the Land Portal country profile
This detailed timeline provides further background information on the history and land governance of Zimbabwe summarised in the Land Portal country profile.
This detailed timeline provides further background information on the history and land governance of Eswatini summarised in the Land Portal country profile.
A detailed chronology of historical and political developments and land related issues in Lesotho. This detailed timeline accompanies the country profile of Lesotho, also published by Land Portal.
This detailed timeline has been prepared as a companion to the new Magascar country narrative to be published on the Land Portal. It provides a chronology of key events in Madagascar's history, its political transitions and changing land policy and law.
Land laws provide a legal basis for addressing a country’s land-related strategies and are the central land policy instruments through which governments realise land policy objectives.
The Eastern Cape Province, and in particular, it's interior western Karoo region, has long been subject to periodic droughts, with significant implications for it's agricultural sector.
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