Drafted Act 2013/1 LSF 199 amending Acts on buffer zones and environmental law.
Forslag til Lov om ændring af lov om randzoner og miljømålsloven.
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The proposed draft partly amends Acts No. 591 and No. 932 with regard to the scope and further consultation of water plannings in certain environmentally protected areas such as watercourses. Fertilization may NOT occur in rural areas in a buffer zone of max. 10 meters from the limits of watercourses and lakes of a surface greater than 100 square meters. The specific changes and plannings shall be electronically registered with the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries.
Amends: Act on buffer zones (ecotones) (No. 591 of 2011). (2011-06-14)
Amends: Environmental Act (No. 119 of 2017). (2017-01-26)