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Library Regulation on the limitation of hazardous substances and fertilizers in soil.

Regulation on the limitation of hazardous substances and fertilizers in soil.

Regulation on the limitation of hazardous substances and fertilizers in soil.
Uredba o mejnih vrednostih vnosa nevarnih snovi in gnojil v tla.

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This Regulation of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, which is composed of 34 articles, establishes maximum levels of the release of hazardous substances and fertilizers into the soil when entering sewage from treatment plants, compost or mud from dredging lakes and limits of the release of hazardous substances and fertilizers into the soil, methods of inputting data on hazardous substances and fertilizers in the soil. The objective of this Regulation is to reduce and prevent water pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources and to regulate the use of sewage sludge, compost or slurry so as to avoid adverse effects on soil, plants, animals and people and to encourage the proper use of them.

Implements: Environmental Protection Act. (2006-04-04)
Implements: Council Directive 91/676/EEC concerning the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources. (1991-12-12)
Implements: Council Directive 86/278/EEC on the protection of the environment, and in particular of the soil, when sewage sludge is used in agriculture. (1986-07-04)

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