Sub-decree No. 252 on privatization of state land in total amount of 7100 hectares in Ream commune, O'Oknha Heng commune, Toul Totung commune, Andong Thmor commune and Somrong commune of Prey Nob district, and Tumnob Rolork commune of Stung Hao distric...
Resource information
Date of publication
ноября 2011
Resource Language
ISBN / Resource ID
252 ANKr.BK
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The 7100 hectares of land from forest cover 2002 in Ream commune, O'Oknha Heng commune, Toul Totung commune, Andong Thmor commune and Somrong commune of Prey Nob district, and Tumnob Rolork commune of Stung Hao district in Preah Sihanouk province was privatized for social land concession to allocate to former armed forces and their families.