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Displaying 1861 - 1872 of 17995

A Healthy, Inclusive, and Sustainable Food Systems Approach for India

LandLibrary Resource
декабря, 2022

The urgency of India’s food system transformation is more pronounced than ever. Despite high economic growth and rising per capita incomes, approximately 194 million people in India remain undernourished and there is a high prevalence of micronutrient deficiencies, particularly among women and children under 5 years.

Participation in downstream nodes of the rice value chain in Uganda: Where are the women?

LandLibrary Resource
декабря, 2022

Evidence of women’s participation in value chains is greater on the production side, but scanty in downstream nodes, pointing to women being relegated to unprofitable activities. The consequence is suboptimal value chain performance with wide gender gaps in productivity, income, household food security, and poverty.

Some like it hot: Household disagreement and productivity in smallholder chili production in Indonesia

LandLibrary Resource
декабря, 2022

Women’s leadership of smallholder households is a major component of women’s empowerment. Approaches to understanding women’s empowerment in Southeast Asian countries require nuance due to the lack of independently managed plots by male and female spouses.

Gender dimensions of climate change adaptation strategies among Indigenous communities in the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve, India

LandLibrary Resource
декабря, 2022

Women inhabiting biosphere reserves experience heightened vulnerability, attributable to the intricate interplay between constrained resource accessibility and their dependence on climate-sensitive sectors such as agriculture and natural resource management.

Empowering smallholder farmers by sustainable fodder development for improved animal management in Odisha

LandLibrary Resource
декабря, 2022

Smallholder women farmers in the eastern Indian state of Odisha play a crucial role in the management of goat and backyard poultry. However, they face significant challenges due to fodder shortages, which adversely affect their livelihoods.

Excluding the marginalized? Exploring the livelihood and inequality implications of herbicide diffusion in eastern India

LandLibrary Resource
декабря, 2022

The increasing agricultural wages in rural India have lent significant R&D and policy support for laborsaving agricultural technologies. While some are heralded as ‘game changers’ in achieving food sufficiency goals, less research is devoted to understanding whether farmer adoption of these technologies worsens economic inequalities.

Soil Status and its Relationship with Gender and Health Inequalities in Guatemala

LandLibrary Resource
декабря, 2022

This research examines the relationship between soil inequalities, gender disparities, and health outcomes in Guatemala. The historical context of land concentration, limited access to land, internal conflict, and socioeconomic factors contribute to soil inequalities, which in turn affect household gender dynamics and health outcomes.

Women’s empowerment meets gendered transformations and climate change: Lessons for resilient agri-food systems from northwest Ghana

LandLibrary Resource
декабря, 2022

Women in climate-vulnerable and agriculturedependent hotspots, like the Savanna and Upper West regions in northwestern Ghana, experience diverse impacts of climate variability and change, pressures on the natural resource base, and rapid socioeconomic changes.

Gender differences in agricultural productivity in India: Empirical analysis using micro-level panel data

LandLibrary Resource
декабря, 2022

Strong evidence exists that women farmers have less access to land, inputs, labor, and information compared to men. Over the discourse of empirical research conducted in the domain of agricultural productivity, agricultural economists have always pondered over the inclusion of gender diversity as a separate dimension to identify the efficacy of gender roles in agricultural decision-making.

Gendered dimensions of improved agricultural practices in farm households in a coastal polder of southwest Bangladesh

LandLibrary Resource
декабря, 2022

Gender disparities persist in farm households in the climate-vulnerable coastal Bangladesh. Keeping this view in mind, this study explored the intrahousehold gendered dimensions in some coastal polders of southwest Bangladesh. A stratified random sampling method was employed to select 350 farm households from the polder 30 under Khulna district.

Agency and time poverty: Linking decision-making powers and leisure time of male and female farmers of Central India

LandLibrary Resource
декабря, 2022

The present study examines the gender differences in workload and decision-making as well as analyzing the influence of decision-making and other socioeconomic factors on the time use of male and female farmers of central India.