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Décret nº 2001-260 modifiant le Code de l'urbanisme et le code de l'expropriation pour cause d'utilité publique et relatif aux documents d'urbanisme.

LandLibrary Resource
Western Europe

Ce décret établit les dispositions réglementaires communes aux schémas de cohérence territoriale, aux plans locaux d'urbanisme et aux cartes communales. Il s'agit notamment, des dispositions relatives aux informations portées par l'Etat à la connaissance des communes ou de leurs groupements; aux projets d'intérêt général; aux associations locales d'usagers et à la Commission de conciliation.

Décret nº 2001-261 relatif aux zones d'aménagement concerté et modifiant le Code de l'urbanisme.

LandLibrary Resource
Western Europe

Ce décret porte dispositions relatives à la création, à la réalisation et à la suppression ou modification des zones d'aménagement concerté.

Met en oeuvre: Loi nº 2000-1208 relative à la solidarité et au renouvellement urbains. (2000-12-13)

Decree No. 791 relative to planning of the use of fertilising substances.

LandLibrary Resource
Northern Europe

According to provisions of this Decree users of arable land shall be responsible to prepare a plan for the use of fertilizing substances for the upcoming planting season in each year or a plan for a longer term in the case of use of animal manure or extensive cultivation. Such plan shall contain various indications on the required use of fertilizers.

Decree amending the Decree establishing characteristics of valued soil ecological units and the procedure of their recording.

LandLibrary Resource
Czech Republic
Eastern Europe

This Decree lays down some amendments to the Decree establishing characteristics of valued soil ecological units and the procedure of their recording. In particular, the present Decree establishes the amended characteristics of the main soil units (originally specified in Annex 2 of the amended Decree) and new characteristics of soil depth (Annex 4).

Ordonnance concernant les zones protégées pour les animaux sauvages.

LandLibrary Resource
Western Europe

La présente ordonnance met en exécution la loi fédérale du 20 juin 1986 sur la chasse et la protection des mammifères et oiseaux sauvages; la loi du 14 novembre 1996 sur la chasse et la protection des mammifères, des oiseaux sauvages et de leurs biotopes et le règlement du 20 juin 2000 sur la chasse et la protection des mammifères, des oiseaux sauvages et de leurs biotopes.

Decision No. 43/2004/QD-TTg approving the general planning on construction of Chu Lai Open Economic Zone, Quang Nam Province.

LandLibrary Resource
South-Eastern Asia

The present Decision provides for the approval of the Land Use Planning and for the development of industrial, touristic, infrastructural and housing projects in order to rehabilitate, recuperate and develop unused, public, agricultural and urban lands.

Order No. 360/2004 modifing Order No. 1212/2003 on the Regulation on the Measures for Agro-environment of Rural Development Plan (RURIS).

LandLibrary Resource
Southern Europe

This Order modifies the approving the Implementing Regulation on the Measures for Agro-environment of Rural Development Plan (RURIS). In particular, it amends article 4 of the Order and articles 3, 9, 10, 12-18, 20- 22, 24, 28, 29, 31, 32, 34, 35-38, 42, 51, 59, 61-63, 65, 68, 71, 77, 79, 83, 85,87-92, 94 and Annexes IV, VII, VIII, IX of the Regulation.

Order No. 1212/2003 approving the Implementing Regulation on the Measures for Agro-environment of Rural Development Plan (RURIS).

LandLibrary Resource
Southern Europe

This Order, composed of 3 articles and one Annex, approves the Regulation for the environmental measures to be applied within the Rural Development Plan - RURIS. The Regulation, contained in the Annex, consists of 8 chapters and 10 Annexes.

Government Resolution No. 150/2003 approving the Inter-municipal Territorial Plan of the “Alto Douro Vinhateiro” (PIOTADV).

LandLibrary Resource
Southern Europe

This Resolution approves the Inter-municipal Territorial Plan of the “Alto Douro Vinhateiro” (PIOTADV). The aim of such Territorial Plan is to protect the classified territory and to preserve the characteristics of the area “Alto Douro Vinhateiro”.