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Women and Men Farmers as Agents of Change on Gender Equality: Leadership Moments, Challenges and Enablers

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
января, 2012

The Asian Farmers’ Association for Sustainable Development (AFA) and Women Organizing for Change in Agriculture and Natural Resource Management (WOCAN) agreed to undertake an outcome-based evaluation of the ten provincial training activities conducted from May –December 2010, under a twoyear Rural Women’s Leadership Project (RWLP), supported by the International Fund for Agricultural Developmen

Women’s land rights and nutrition

LandLibrary Resource
Policy Papers & Briefs
декабря, 2011
I invite you to read this blog post by Amanda Richardson, Landesa. The post also mentions the issue brief, recently published by Landesa, collating some evidence on the relation between secure land rights, women, and improved household food security and nutrition.

From Under Their Feet

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
декабря, 2011

This paper was commissioned by ActionAid and serves as a think-piece to build our understanding of the gendered implications of the recent wave of large-scale land acquisitions and investments, particularly in Africa. It aims to provide a basis for further development of policy proposals and recommendations that address the issue from a developmental and gender equality perspective.

Criterios de evaluación de género para herramientas que versen sobre la tierra en gran escala Cómo podemos juzgar si una herramienta aplicable a la tierra es sensible a las necesidades tanto de hombres como de mujeres?

LandLibrary Resource
Training Resources & Tools
декабря, 2011
América Latina y el Caribe

A pesar del avance en los derechos de las mujeres, los derechos a la tierra y a la seguridad de su tenencia no son disfrutados igualitariamente por mujeres y hombres en muchas partes del mundo. Esto vulnera los derechos humanos internacionales, ejerciendo asimismo un impacto negativo sobre los hogares y la economía. Los temas de género referidos a la tierra son complicados.

Gender evaluation criteria for large-scale land tools: How can we judge if a land tool is responsive to both women and men’s needs?

LandLibrary Resource
Training Resources & Tools
декабря, 2011

This Gender Evaluation Criteria (GEC) matrix has been extracted from the GLTN publication entitled Designing and Evaluating Land Tools with a Gender Perspective: A Training Package for Land Professionals

Language: English, Spanish, French, Arabic

Les critères d’évaluation du genre pour les outils fonciers à grande échelle: Comment décider si un outil foncier correspond bien aux besoins des femmes comme à ceux des hommes?

LandLibrary Resource
Manuals & Guidelines
декабря, 2011

Comment décider si un outil foncier correspond bien aux besoins des femmes comme à ceux des hommes? En dépit des avancées dans le domaine des droits des femmes, ceux qui concernent la terre et la sécurité du régime foncier ne sont pas également répartis entre les deux sexes dans bien des régions du monde.

The Rio Conventions: Action on Gender

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
декабря, 2011

The year 2012 marks the twentieth anniversary of the Rio Earth Summit, which resulted in the establishment of the three Rio Conventions: the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD ) and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC ).

Gender and desertification

LandLibrary Resource
Policy Papers & Briefs
декабря, 2011

The range of measures often emphasized in gendered efforts to reverse desertification and land degradation and mitigate the effects of drought (DLDD) include improving the participation of women in decision-making, building the capacity of women’s organizations, eliminating illiteracy among women, minimizing the heavy workload on women and eliminating gender disparities in employment and in the

Genre et désertification

LandLibrary Resource
Policy Papers & Briefs
декабря, 2011

Parmi l’éventail des mesures souvent mises en avant dans l’approche genre dans le cadre de la lutte contre la désertification, la dégradation des terres et de l’atténuation des effets de la sécheresse, figurent l’amélioration de la participation des femmes à la prise de décision, le renforcement des capacités des organisations féminines, l’élimination de l’illettrisme féminin, l’allègement de l

Género y desertificación

LandLibrary Resource
Policy Papers & Briefs
декабря, 2011

El conjunto de medidas a menudo señaladas desde la perspectiva de género para revocar la desertificación y la degradación de las tierras y atenuar los efectos de la sequía (DLDD) incluye: la mejora de la participación de las mujeres en la toma de decisiones, la creación de capacidad de las organizaciones de mujeres, la erradicación del analfabetismo femenino, la disminución de su carga de traba

The challenges of securing women's tenure and leadership for forest management: the Asian experience

LandLibrary Resource
декабря, 2011
Southern Asia

This collection of analyses spotlight cases and interviews with prominent women activists involved in natural resource management in Nepal, Indonesia, the Philippines and China to better understand the diverse challenges faced by Asian women in relation to limited rights and insecure tenure. Despite contextual differences, the studies identify a number of similarities and trends.