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The Gender and Equity Implications of Land-Related Investments on Land access, Labour and Income-Generating Opportunities

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
ноября, 2013

In recent years, Zambia has witnessed increased interest from private investors in acquiring land for

agriculture. As elsewhere, large-scale land acquisitions are often accompanied with promises of capital

investments to build infrastructure, bring new technologies and know-how, create employment, and

Uganda SIGI Country Report

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
ноября, 2013

The Uganda-SIGI shows that investments in reducing gender inequalities holdimportant potential to improve women’s rights and reduce gender gaps. Over the pasttwo decades, Uganda has achieved solid progress, courtesy of comprehensive laws andpolicies strengthening women’s political participation and land rights, among others.


LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
ноября, 2013
Southern Asia

January 14, 2014 — This study analyzing the impact of the Girls Project, a pilot program designed and implemented by a partnership between the Indian government and Landesa, has found that participating girls are more likely to: stay in school longer, marry later, inherit land, and have an economic asset in their name.

Customary Land Ownership and Gender Disparity. Evidence from the Wa Municipality of Ghana

LandLibrary Resource
Journal Articles & Books
ноября, 2013

Studies draw attention to gender inequalities in land tenure. While some insist that gender inequalities in land tenure exists others do not. This paper discusses a study that examined gender issues in customary land ownership in the Wa Municipality. It sought to understand and find ways of bridging the gender gaps, if any.

Igualdade De Género E Direito À Terra E Aos Recursos Naturais

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
ноября, 2013

De modo a apoiar e promover a igualdade de género e o empoderamento da mulher rural
moçambicana, através da divulgação de legislação e informações relevantes sobre as
questões de género no país, o Centro de Formação Jurídica e Judiciária (CFJJ) do Ministério
da Justiça em Moçambique, a Organização das Nações Unidas para Alimentação e Agricultura

Gender equality and food security - women’s empowerment as a tool against hunger

LandLibrary Resource
Reports & Research
ноября, 2013

This publication analyzes gender inequalities that constrain women’s roles in agriculture and food production, and in the long run undermine achievement of food and nutrition security in the Asia and Pacific region. It recommends priority interventions that would enhance food and nutrition security in the region by ending gender discrimination and empowering women.

Land Reform

LandLibrary Resource
октября, 2013
South Africa

Community Videos Theme 3: Land Reform

Gender in REDD+: A Handbook for Grassroots Facilitators

LandLibrary Resource
Institutional & promotional materials
октября, 2013
South-Eastern Asia

The main objective of the handbook is to support local trainers and facilitators who are already familiar with climate change and REDD+. It provides them with useful information on gender considerations for climate change and REDD+ related training and capacity development programs.

Mujeres rurales y participación social: análisis del asociacionismo femenino en la provincia de Granada (España)

LandLibrary Resource
Journal Articles & Books
октября, 2013

Las asociaciones de mujeres han adquirido un significativo desarrollo en el ámbito rural andaluz. Aquíanalizamos su alcance y características en la provincia de Granada, examinamos sus objetivos y actividades,así como los perfiles y motivaciones de sus asociadas. La investigación se sustenta en la encuesta arepresentantes de estas asociaciones junto a grupos focales.