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De-risking agriculture through crop insurance? Insights from an impact evaluation of novel insurance solutions

LandLibrary Resource
декабря, 2022

• Climate change has led to increased production risks especially for smallholder farmers who often tend to be more vulnerable
• Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) has several climate change hotspots and is more vulnerable to weather shocks compared to other regions.

Sustainable livestock production: A systematic review of different constraints associated with sustainable livestock production

LandLibrary Resource
декабря, 2022

Agriculture in general and ranches contribute significantly to the sustainability of poor and marginalized farmers. To meet the future requirements of an increasing population, animal productivity must be significantly increased. Animal production is increasingly influenced by a variety of external factors.

Agricultural emissions reduction potential by improving technical efficiency in crop production

LandLibrary Resource
декабря, 2022

CONTEXT: Global and national agricultural development policies normally tend to focus more on enhancing farm productivity through technological changes than on better use of existing technologies. The role of improving technical efficiency in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction from crop production is the least explored area in the agricultural sector.

A framework for gender equality and social inclusion in agribusiness transformation in East and Southern Africa

LandLibrary Resource
декабря, 2022

A Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) approach is fundamental to agribusiness transformation in the Eastern and Southern Africa region. Work package 5 aims to bring about inclusive and scalable agribusiness innovations through targeted GESI support to UU ESA work packages 1-6.