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Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Regional state Rural Land Administration and Utilization Proclamation (No. 110/2007).

LandLibrary Resource
Eastern Africa

This Proclamation aims at improving management and utilization of land and land resources for agricultural purposes in the Southern Nations, Nationalities And Peoples' Regional State. It applies to all land that lies outside of municipal borders.

Regional Law No. 1497 VH-I “On allocation of territory for pastoralism”.

LandLibrary Resource
Eastern Europe

This Regional Law establishes the modalities of allocation of agricultural lands for grazing, transhumance and pastoralism and is aimed at specific and rational management of grazing grounds, conservation and improvement of grasses, prevention of soil erosion and land degradation, desertification, other negative anthropogenic impact and conservation and reproduction of natural landscapes.

Regional Law No. 5-RZ “On allocation of territory for pastoralism”.

LandLibrary Resource
Eastern Europe

This Regional Law establishes the modalities of allocation of agricultural lands for grazing, transhumance and pastoralism and is aimed at specific and rational management of grazing grounds, conservation and improvement of grasses, prevention of negative anthropogenic impact, conservation and reproduction of natural landscapes.

Regional Law No. 64-RZ “On allocation of territory for pastoralism”.

LandLibrary Resource
Eastern Europe

This Regional Law establishes the modalities of allocation of agricultural lands for grazing, transhumance and pastoralism and is aimed at promotion of traditional forms of pastoralism. Land destined for grazing, transhumance and pastoralism shall be public property and shall not be subject to privatization.

Benishangul Gumz Regional State Rural Land Administration and Use Proclamation No. 85/2010.

LandLibrary Resource
Eastern Africa

This Proclamation of the Benishangul Gumz Regional State shall apply to any rural land found in the region. It mainly is concerned with land rights land use and administration of rural lands. Land is declared the common property of the state and people and it shall not be subjected to sale or other means of exchange.

Décret n° 2-87-523 du 11 chaabane 1408 (30 mars 1988) portant création et délimitation du périmètre d'amélioration pastorale d'El Hadra des Rehamna (commune rurale de Jâafra, cercle des Rehamna, province d'EI-Kelâa-des-Sraghna).

LandLibrary Resource
Northern Africa

Le présent décret crée et délimite un périmètre d'amélioration pastorale d'El Hadra des Rehamna (commune rurale de Jâafra, cercle des Rehamna, province d'EI-Kelâa-des-Sraghna). La création de cette zone vise à limiter la dégradation des pâturages et en assurer la reconstitution en vue d’une exploitation rationnelle.