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Decree of the Government of the Kyrghyz Republic on remote pasture plots on the territory of the Republic of Kyrghyzstan.

LandLibrary Resource
Central Asia

With the object of stabilizing an economic situation of agrarian and industrial branch, the Government of the Republic of Kyrghyzstan states: to retain for the period of time till 1996 free use (with no rent) of pasture plots allocated by farms for remote livestock-breeding outside their administrative boundaries on the territory of other rayons and oblasts of the Republic of Kyrghyzstan; to de

Range Practices Regulation (B.C. Reg. 177/95).

LandLibrary Resource
Northern America

This regulation implements Forest Practices Code of British Columbia Act; (therein referred to the Act ) and has 4 parts. The first part refers to definitions. Part 2 deals with Range Developments. It starts by outlining restrictions on location of range developments in a community watershed as defined in section 41 (8) of the Act.(sec 3).

Decree of the President of the Provincial Council No. 29 on forestry.

LandLibrary Resource
Southern Europe

This Decree lays down provisions for implementing Provincial Act No. 21 of 21 October 1996 relative to the forestry sector. The Decree is divided into three Titles and contains two Annexes. Title I regulates the hydrogeological and forest bonds referred to in article 3 of Provincial Act No. 21 of 1996. Article 2 concerns its removal under certain circumstances.

Décret nº 97-007PRN/MAG/EL fixant le statut des terroirs d'attache des pasteurs.

LandLibrary Resource
Western Africa

Ce décret fixe le statut des terroirs d'attache, c'est à dire de ces unités territoriales déterminées ou reconnues par les coutumes et/ou les textes en vigueur à l'intérieur desquelles vivent habituellement pendant la majeure partie de l'année des pasteurs, et auxquelles ils restent attachés lorsqu'ils se déplacent que ce soit à l'occasion de la transhumance, du nomadisme ou des migrations.

Order No. 80 of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food on use of reclaimed land of the blackland region for grazing.

LandLibrary Resource
Eastern Europe

This Order authorizes specialized organization “Agrolesomeliostroy” subordinated to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food to allot drained pastures of the blackland region on lease for grazing for the period of five years and to conclude lease contracts. Priority lease right shall be granted to farming enterprises which land has been expropriated for the period of drainage and land reclamation.

Resolución Nº 24 - Normas para el arreo de animales por caminos públicos de la XII Región.

LandLibrary Resource
South America

La presente Resolución dispone, entre otras cosas, que previo al traslado de los animales el propietario deberá proveer al arriero de toda la documentación y autorizaciones operativas que procedan; que el tránsito por vías públicas de animales podrá efectuarse únicamente cuando no existan otras vías utilizables; que el arreo deberá efectuarse de día.

Resolución Nº 862 - Requisitos para uso de campos de pastoreo de alta cordillera.

LandLibrary Resource
South America

La presente Resolución establece los requisitos para el uso de campos de pastoreo de alta cordillera: a) todo campo deberá contar con corrales y mangas con capacidad suficiente y en condiciones adecuadas para el expedito manejo del ganado; b) todos los campos que arrienden talaje deberán contar con asesoría médico veterinaria; c) el cumplimiento de los anteriores requisitos se acreditará median

Ministerial Decree No. 649 validating the Regulation on transfer in lease and management of pastures.

LandLibrary Resource
Central Asia

This Ministerial Decree validates the Regulation on transfer in lease and management of pastures and the form of contract for transfer of the plots of pasture areas. It classifies pastures as: (a) pastures for transhumance; (b) pastures for intensive management; (c) pastures located between transhumance areas and fixed pasture areas; and (d) pastures of the inhabited areas.

Stock Routes and Travelling Stock Regulations.

LandLibrary Resource

These Regulations implement the Stock Routes and Travelling Stock Act by providing specifications on the register of stock routes (sects. 4-5), the use of stock reserves (sect. 6), way bills (sects. 7-12), licences for public watering places, inspections and disposal of straying stock (sect. 33).

Implements: Stock Routes and Travelling Stock Act. (2002-01-01)

Décret nº 97-054/PRES/PM/MEF portant conditions et modalités d'application de la loi sur la Réorganisation Agraire et Foncière au Burkina Faso.

LandLibrary Resource
Burkina Faso
Western Africa

Ce décret détermine les conditions et les modalités d'application de la loi n° 014/96/ADP du 23 mai 1996 portant réorganisation agraire et foncière au Burkina Faso. Il est formé par 512 articles répartis en 5 parties: ....(I); Gestion du domaine foncier national (II); Réglementation des droits réels immobiliers (III); Dispositions transitoires (IV) et dispositions finales (V).

Regulation on pastures.

LandLibrary Resource
Western Asia

The objective of this Regulation is to define the methods and principles of implementing Pasture Law No 4342. Pastures are classified by the principles of their vegetation quality as: “extremely good”; “good”; “medium” and “weak”. Grazing capacities are determined by the local branches of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs.