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Pastoral life in Iran

LandLibrary Resource
декабря, 2002
Western Asia
Northern Africa

This document reports on a meeting of a group of pastoralists from throughout Iran. Over recent decades Iran’s pastoralists have been experiencing changes that have totally altered the social, political and economic landscapes through which they must navigate.

Role of policies and development interventions in pastoral resource management: the Borana rangelands in southern Ethiopia

LandLibrary Resource
декабря, 2002
Sub-Saharan Africa

Built on earlier quantitative assessment of the socio-economic drivers of the above changes, this paper focuses on the role of national level policies implemented in the area over the past decades, and how these have affected the traditional institutional setting that determines land use, property rights and pathways of livestock development.The paper uses a literature review combined with in-d

Has the aid industry disempowered Tanzanian pastoralists?

LandLibrary Resource
декабря, 2002

Donors have flocked to support Tanzania’s pastoralist land rights movement. However, well-intentioned desires to promote democracy, indigenous rights, participatory development and community conservation have had perverse consequences. Leaders of pastoral non-governmental organisations (NGOs) have become less and less accountable to their communities.

Land rights in Africa: protecting the interests of vulnerable groups

LandLibrary Resource
декабря, 2002

Land policies in Africa have often overlooked the interests of certain social groups. In some areas, traditional access and ownership rights for women, migrants and pastoralists have been ignored or reduced.  The rise of HIV/AIDS in the region has created new social groups who are vulnerable to discrimination by land policies.

Resource conservation strategies in agro-ecosystems of semi-arid West Africa

LandLibrary Resource
Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2002

Countries of semi-arid West Africa are experiencing growing populations, expansion of cultivated land and intensification of crop and livestock production an ever-increasing burden on the region's limited natural resources, consequently increasing degradation rates. A broad range of technologies combating degradation currently exist.

Remote sensing documentation of historic rangeland remediation treatments in southern New Mexico

LandLibrary Resource
Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2002
United States of America

The Jornada Experimental Range and the New Mexico State University Chihuahuan Desert Rangeland Research Center are fruitful areas to study the long-term effects of rangeland remediation treatments which started in the 1930s.

Carbon sequestration in dryland ecosystems of West Asia and North Africa

LandLibrary Resource
Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2002
Northern Africa

The West Asia–North Africa (WANA) region has a land area of 1.7 billion ha, and a population of 600 million. Desertification and soil degradation are severe problems in the region. The problem of drought stress is exacerbated by low and erratic rainfall and soils of limited available water holding capacity and soil organic carbon (SOC) content of less than 0.5 per cent.

Soil carbon sequestration in China through agricultural intensification, and restoration of degraded and desertified ecosystems

LandLibrary Resource
Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2002
United States of America

The industrial emission of carbon (C) in China in 2000 was about 1 Pg yr 1, which may surpass that of the United States (1.84 Pg C) by 2020. China’s large land area, similar in size to that of the United States, comprises 124 Mha of cropland, 400 Mha of grazing land and 134 Mha of forestland. Terrestrial C pool of China comprises about 35–60 Pg in the forest and 120–186 Pg in soils.