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Building on successes in African agriculture

LandLibrary Resource
Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2004
Sub-Saharan Africa

Agricultural growth will prove essential for improving the welfare of the vast majority of Africa’s poor. Roughly 80 percent of the continent’s poor live in rural areas, and even those who do not will depend heavily on increasing agricultural productivity to lift them out of poverty. Seventy percent of all Africans— and nearly 90 percent of the poor—work primarily in agriculture.

Abomasal parasites in wild sympatric cervids, red deer, Cervus elaphus and fallow deer, Dama dama, from three localities across central and western Spain: relationship to host density and park management

LandLibrary Resource
Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2004

A survey of abomasal parasites in cervids from Central Spain was conducted at 3 sites, Quintos de Mora (Toledo), Maluéñez de Arriba (Cáceres), and La Herguijuela (Cáceres). Commonly occurring helminths belonged to 3 polymorphic species of the Ostertagiinae: Spiculopteragia asymmetrica/S. quadrispiculata, Ostertagia leptospicularis/O. kolchida, and O. drozdzi/O. ryjikovi.

influence of land use on desertification processes

LandLibrary Resource
Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2004

Site degradation occurs mainly through deterioration of the soil's capacity to capture and store water, as well as the loss of organic matter or the accumulation of salts or other toxic substances in the soil. This degradation process, leading to the reduction of the biotic potential of the site, is known as desertification.

Adapting social science to the changing focus of international agricultural research. Proceedings of a Rockefeller Foundation-ILCA social science research fellows workshop

LandLibrary Resource
Conference Papers & Reports
декабря, 2004

The papers in this proceedings provide a cross section of science research in international agricultural research centres (IARCs), where the objectives and research foci within the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) have changed substantially in the 1990s. The book is divided in five sections.

Biomass yield, quality and acceptability of selected grass-legume mixtures in the moist savanna of West Africa

LandLibrary Resource
Journal Articles & Books
декабря, 2004
Western Africa

In order to identify options suitable for providing livestock feed in the wetter part of the moist savanna, the DM yield, botanical composition, crude protein, in sacco digestibility and neutral detergent fibre of combinations of 4 herbaceous legumes and 2 grasses were evaluated between June 1994 and December 1995 at Ibadan, south-western Nigeria.

Classification and description of the major farming systems incorporating ruminant livestock in West Africa

LandLibrary Resource
Conference Papers & Reports
декабря, 2004

A classification of the major ruminant livestock production systems in West Africa is proposed. The proposed typology has two major classes of systems-sole livestock and crop-livestock. The sole livestock class has two systems (rangeland-based and landless) and the crop-livestock class has three sub-classes (annual crop-livestock, tree-crop-livestock and irrigated/flooded cropland-livestock).