Syrian Jabali goat and its production system
Perceptions of Texas Landowners Regarding Fire and Its Use
Growing recognition that periodic fire is critical for maintaining the health of many rangeland ecosystems and concerns over more frequent catastrophic wildfires have focused attention on prescribed fire as an ecosystem restoration and fuel management tool.
Essays of a Peripheral Mind: Desperately Creative Acts
[Agriculture, territory and multifunctionality: new directions in rural development policy]
En esta ponencia, se analizan las nuevas orientaciones de las políticas de desarrollo rural, mostrando sus diversas concepciones.
effect of development interventions on the use of indigenous range management strategies in the Borana Lowlands in Ethiopia
In the last three decades, the Borana rangelands of Southern Ethiopia have been deteriorating due to unsustainable utilization. This paper analyses the changes in indigenous range management among the Borana pastoralists and the role of development interventions.The fieldwork was carried out during 2000-2002, following a severe drought.
Occurrence of Senecio aquaticus and grassland management
Effects of Slash on Herbaceous Communities in Pinyon-Juniper Woodlands of Northern Arizona
Scattering slash (downed woody materials) after tree removal is increasingly prescribed by land managers as a treatment to promote the establishment and growth of understory vegetation in pinyon-juniper woodlands. However, the effects of scattering slash on soil resources and plant communities are poorly understood and often confounded with the release from tree competition.
Ecological and social characterization of key resource areas in Kenyan rangelands
future of the shortgrass steppe
Dry matter quality of above-ground biomass of abandoned grasslands
Chemical composition of 28 selected species of meadow herbs on the abandoned grassland was observed in a 3-year period of vegetation in the temperate locality with mainly cold winters of the central part of Slovakia (Strážov Hills, locality Chvojnica, elevation 600 m.