Program Advisor LAND-at-scale at RVO, the Netherlands Enterprise Agency.
Displaying 31 - 40 of 61LAND-at-scale Chad: Land reform based on rapid evolutions and present crisis
The Netherlands Enterprise & Development Agency (RVO) is pleased to announce its collaboration with the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands (EKN) in N’Djamena, Kadaster International, Oxfam Chad and Oxfam Intermon for the implementation of a LAND-at-scale project in Chad “Land Reform based on rapid evolutions and present crisis”. The country intervention will run until 2025 and has a budget of 2 million Euros.
LAND-at-scale Mali
This one-pager provides details on the LAND-at-scale project in Mali. This project is implemented by SNV, KIT, Université des Sciences Juridiques et Politiques de Bamako and Coordination Nationale des Organisations Paysannes, and financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs via the Netherlands Enterprise & Development Agency.
LAND-at-scale Chad
This one-pager provides details on the LAND-at-scale project in Chad. This project is implemented by Kadaster International and Oxfam Novib, and financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs via the Netherlands Enterprise & Development Agency.
Securing land tenure in Uganda: A collaborative approach to address root causes of food insecurity
There is an immense pressure on land in Uganda. The country has a rapidly growing population and is host to the world’s third largest refugee population. Particularly poor people struggle to get access to healthy food. Agriculture practices need to become more efficient and focused on the domestic market. The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands (EKN) in Uganda works to improve food security in selected areas in the country. Among several food security projects, the EKN works with the LAND-at-scale program to improve land governance.
LAND-at-scale Uganda
This one-pager provides details on the LAND-at-scale project in Uganda. This project is implemented by the Global Land Tool Network, faciliated by UN-Habitat, and financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs via the Netherlands Enterprise & Development Agency.
Scaling up community-based land registration and land use planning on customary land in Uganda
The Netherlands Enterprise & Development Agency (RVO), the Netherlands Embassy in Kampala (EKN), the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) and the Global Land Tool Network (GLTN) are pleased to announce their collaboration for a LAND-at-scale project in Uganda. In a virtual signing ceremony on September 9th, the partnership was made official.
Announcing the LAND-at-scale project in Rwanda
The Rwanda Land Management & Use Authority (RMLUA), the Netherlands embassy in Kigali (EKN) and the Netherlands Enterprise and Development Agency (RVO) are delighted to announce a LAND-at-scale project in Rwanda. Together with Kadaster International and the International Development Law Organization (IDLO), the RMLUA, EKN and RVO will be collaborating on an ambitious project over the coming four years.
LAND-at-scale Rwanda
This one-pager provides details on the LAND-at-scale project in Rwanda. This project is implemented by Kadaster International and IDLO, and financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs via the Netherlands Enterprise & Development Agency.
“Scaling community legal literacy, land rights certification and climate resilience”: Introducing the LAND-at-scale Mozambique project
Centro Terra Viva, Terra Firma Lda and the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) are excited to announce their partnership for a LAND-at-scale project in Mozambique. Starting this year, the project will run for three years focusing on three components, namely scaling community legal literacy, land rights certification and increasing climate resilience.
LAND-at-scale Mozambique
This one-pager provides details on the LAND-at-scale project in Mozambique. This project is implemented by Centro Terra Viva and Terra Firma, and financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs via the Netherlands Enterprise & Development Agency.