Topics and Regions
Land as a discipline in academics and in policy and development discourses, has remained comparatively under-developed. Land administration continues to be isolated and sectorally divided, over-bureaucratized and often-politicized. Contrary to the need, land governance portrays legal complexity and institutional inadequacy and exclusiveness. Contested landscapes of land governance in India calls for partnerships and innovations to make development more inclusive and prosperity shared. Participation of land-actors and users, especially communities, civil society and private sector are critical, to make land governance equitable and sustainable. Centre for Land Governance attempts to bridge information gaps, create evidence and build platforms for connection and conversations among land-stakeholders, through knowledge engagements around action and policy research, evidence-based advocacy, communication and capacity building
Displaying 251 - 251 of 251India State of Forest Report 2015
Status of Forest Report is published every two years by Forestr Survey of India, an autonomous agency under Indian Ministry of Environment and Forest.
It covers forest areas, forest cover, density, mapping, etc with information from national, States and district level.