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Community Organizations Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)


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Other organizations funding or implementing with land governance projects which are included in Land Portal's Projects Database. A detailed list of these organizations will be provided here soon. They range from bilateral or multilateral donor agencies, national or international NGOs,  research organizations etc.



Displaying 1401 - 1405 of 2116

Sugar Cane Cooperative Development


The project concerns the business advisory services support to Sugar Canes Cooperatives and Water Management Organizations operating in areas which follow: Mwogo Mageragere and Ntarama. For SUFACOMWO (66 members) and SUFACO NTARAMA (472 members with 8 500 tons per each year); the business scenario is that Kabuye Sugar Works Factory collects the produce directly from farmers and pays them directly through their bank accounts. Currently cooperative receives 500 Rwf from the factory for each ton supplied by its members at the end of the year through cooperativersquo;s bank account. The factory is also involved in providing inputs to the farmers. For SUFACOMA (219 members with 9 581 tons collected each year) the system of payment is the same like the previous ones a difference is that the cooperative owns a truck for transport and the members are supplying their produce on time. For these three cooperatives support is needed on the short run to in improve governance record keeping and establish financial statements. The remaining 6 SUFACOs need some more time to mature but they can receive the trainings second half of 2018. For WAMOS a training in Financial management is recommended.


To strengthen the sugar canes cooperatives to become more business oriented


The project shall be targeting 9 sugar canes cooperatives who shall be supported to improve their book keeping system improve farm record keeping local exchange visits shall be organized for the farmers to learn new cane varieties which take less time to grow and learn from fellow role model farmers . In order to improve the cooperative business model by accessing finance the stakeholder meetings shall be organized so that farmers who lack land rights up to now can get an opportunity to raise their concerns before involved authorities For the organization development the leaders and staffs who received the My Coop training will come together to share experiences on how the training action plan was implemented and which impact was created for the cooperative functioning and its role towards the members while the supervisory committees on the other side will receive coaching on the internal audit.

Republic of Congo - Population Movement


On Sunday 16th December 2018, some villages in the Province of Mai-Nambiar, Democratic Republic of Congo, neighboring the district of Makotimpoko in the Republic of Congo (Congo-Brazzaville) were affected by inter-ethnic conflict. The fighting has resulted in 400 fatalities and the destruction of property. A large number of the population of the conflict affected areas were forced to cross the river Congo and find refuge in several localities in the Cuvette (Konda and Youmba) and Plateaux (Makotimpoko, Bouemba, Patrick) areas in Congo-Brazzaville


Health and Water, sanitation and hygiene

Target Groups

The DREF operation intends to assist a total of 500 displaced households (i.e. 3000 people) with special emphasis on people with special needs, including • Elderly; • Female headed households • Unaccompanied children • Pregnant women • Women with children under the age of five

Promoting land tenure security through community forestry


Increase knowledge of Community forest management plan, facilitate to give wider community forest effects for rural development to both government staff and forest user groups. By having township level and Kachin state level net working groups, raised collective voice for policy influence on land law and community forest instruction. These will result government support land certification to communities who are applying CF certificates. That's why training , excursion and collaboration are not only aim for land tenure security but also will give positive benefit targeted community sustainability livelihood. Research and IEC (Information, Education and Communication) material will also be made and it will give us gaps we should do in future development of the communities.

Supporting the Implementation of the Green Growth Framework for Fiji - Phase 2


The Republic of the Fiji Islands comprises of over 320 islands. The two largest islands, Viti Levu and Vanua Levu make up three quarters of the land areas and 70% of the population reside on Viti Levu. Fiji’s economy is driven by tourism, agriculture, fisheries, manufacturing and the financial sector. Climate change has become a growing concern for Fiji’s economy and the livelihood of its people. Key challenges facing Fiji include: • Vulnerability to external shocks, including climate change and financial crises. High dependence on imported fossil fuels. Declining terrestrial and marine biodiversity, resulting from unsustainable land management and coral reef degradation. Difficulties in the provision of sufficient infrastructure and services in both urban and rural contexts. Fiji has a huge potential in green growth, including increasing renewable energy generation capacity, and moving toward more sustainable transportation services and technologies. In 2014 the Government adopted the Green Growth Framework for Fiji to plan for implementation of green growth across the economy.


Support Fiji to align its national targets under the National Development Plan with its NDC targets under the Paris Agreement and to plan for implementation. Provide technical assistance support to help Fiji implement its green growth plans as elaborated in the Green Growth Framework and National Development Plan

Private Sector Advocacy for Responsible Agribusiness Investments in Ghana


This project is a continuation of GHAB28 and will build the private sector influencing capacity of Oxfam in Ghana and national Civil Society Organizations. (CSOs) to influence and hold accountable Three (3) US/European based Behind the Brand (BtB) companies sourcing cocoa and other agricultural commodities from Ghana and public policies and practices. This will involve strategically engaging and holding BtB companies accountable to their commitments to climate, land, and gender, using Oxfam's methodologies/tools and expertise in private sector engagement and development. The project will improve accountability of at least Three (3) food and beverage companies' supply chains and increase Oxfam's positioning to engage other large food companies, which are expanding investment in Ghana. The project will contribute to promoting secure and equitable land rights for Cocoa farmers, especially women small holder to benefit from investments, and for Ghanaian society at large to ensure inclusive rural development. To increase social inclusion as well as for productive investment in the rural sector, national and traditional land tenure and land governance. This project is a continuation of GHAB28 and will build the private sector influencing capacity.