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Community Organizations Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)


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Other organizations funding or implementing with land governance projects which are included in Land Portal's Projects Database. A detailed list of these organizations will be provided here soon. They range from bilateral or multilateral donor agencies, national or international NGOs,  research organizations etc.



Displaying 1086 - 1090 of 2116



The Project Development Objective (PDO) is to support sustainable land management practices and increase communities’ monetary and non-monetary benefits in targeted Project areas which are mainly in erosion prone rural upland areas.This PDO is to be achieved through the support of alternative livelihoods and provision of environmental services and through sustainable utilization of wood andpasture products in the long term. The Project will particularly focus on enhancing the financial, economic, and institutional sustainability of land use and natural resources management, and will help build capacities of Albania farmers, community organizations and government institutions to efficiently use EU funding.

Contributing to drought response through the promotion and protection of Housing, Land and Property (HLP) righ


This intervention is a multi-faceted Protection hybrid intended to consolidate the ongoing humanitarian response to the drought situation in Somalia, while at the same time supporting reintegration and durable solutions efforts. The intervention is framed around the following three central outcomes: i) Eviction prevention and response: individuals affected by displacement receive support assistance to improve their tenure security situation and address post-eviction complications ii) Access to justice and information: enhanced access to specialized services to address HLP problems and improve peaceful co-existence among displacement affected populations iii) capacity development: reintegration and durable solutions efforts are strengthened through enhanced local and institutional capacities to promote peaceful co-existence and protect HLP rights. It is designed to consolidate ongoing humanitarian efforts by expanding critically essential protection services and enhancing synergies between mainstream Protection and other sectors in a way that makes the drought response more complete. The action will be implemented in four main regions across Somalia – South and Central Somalia, Puntland State and Somaliland. Specific districts that are targeted within these three broad geographic regions include: Puntland – Bari, Nugaal, Mudug Somaliland – Sanaag, Walgyoi, Galbeed, Sool, Todgheer and South and Central Somalia – Gedo, Bay, Banadiir, Lower Juba, Middle Shabelle and Lower Shabelle. As a drought-driven response, the cities and villages hardest hit will be prioritized although targeting will remain flexible in order to accommodate unforeseen emergencies which the drought situation could trigger in other locations. The overarching objectives of this project will be achieved through the implementation of fourteen select set of activities that are clearly articulated under the ‘Logical Framework Section’ of this application, including the specific modalities through which each deliverable will be materialized. On an overall, implementation modalities will include a combination of both direct service delivery and remote programming, which will be led by substantive project staff and a robust network of skilled and highly trained paralegals. The project will be implemented by NRC’s ICLA program that specializes in the application of legal concepts to promote and protect the rights of persons affected by displacement. In the case of this intervention, contextually appropriate legal methods will be employed to provide effective and quality lifesaving protection response designed to address Housing, Land and Property rights violations and to promote peaceful co-existence in the context of the drought response in Somalia. NRC has prioritized direct implementation as a means of guaranteeing quality, but local capacity development has also been mainstreamed into the project’s design in order to promote sustainability. Local municipalities will be targeted for partnership cooperation.

Provision of Emergency Shelter and NFI to displaced persons affected by by drought and conflict in Merka dis


The project will involve the distribution of 750 NFI kits to 750 HH (4500 people) displaced by repeated conflict and drought in Merka districts in Lower Shabelle region (6 IDP Camps in Merka town namely Aw yaalle , Nurta Taliyow, Buufow Bacaad, Aw beylow, Tima Cadde and Isman Kunle beneficiaries will be targeted based on vulnerability criteria that will prioritize women headed households, the elderly and children headed households especially girls. The beneficiaries will be distributed equally with each benificiary getting NFI kit comprising 1 Plastic Sheet, 3Blanket, 2 Sleeping mat, , 1Kitchen Set, 1 Mosquito nets, 1 Solar Lumps, 2 Cherrycans AYUUB will closely coordinate with Other Agencies distributing NFI's in the areas and start the project implementation with community consultations and coordination with Local Authority to identify vulnerable people displaced by the drought. This will include consultations with local authorities, community elders and host communities to identify and register the most vulnerable people for NFIs support. The project implementation will involve the following activities: 1. Beneficiaries registration: AYUUB will hold consultations with community members to jointly determine the targeting criteria, identify the most vulnerable and register beneficiaries for the NFIs and Shelter. AYUUB will prioritize the Most vulnerable people in the Targeted area . AYUUB will also target host communities to ensure that other vulnerable people within the target locations are also assisted based on needs and also avoid conflict between the host community and displaced people, the Host Communties are among in the IDP Camps. We Consider Protection in our Shelter activities, during beneficiary identification we select beneficiaries with Specific needs, Marginalized communities, Female headed house hold and families with orphans, also during our community training we also ensure representation from all the above-mentioned groups. 2. NFIs Throug In Kind distribution: AYUUB will distribute NFIs through in Kind distribution to 750 households (4500 people) who include 1000 women, 800 men, 1400 girls, 1300 boys. The age and gender disaggregation is based on the demographic profile in Somalia and prioritization of women and girls who are the most affected by displacements. The actual gender and age breakdown will be reported once beneficiary registration is completed. AYUUB will promote the dignity of the beneficiaries by placing the decision of the content of priority NFIs in their best interests. The approach will empower displaced people in prioritizing needs and give them the power of making decisions for their needs and The proposed content in each set is based on current Shelter Cluster standards for people in humanitarian emergencies. Since there are no functioning NFI markets in Merka twon, AYUUB will procure as in-kind modalityfor provision of NFIs 3. ESK Shelter Kit though in-kind distribution: - AYUUB Will distribute ESK kit through in Kind distribution to 750 HH (4500 people) 1000 women, 800 men, 1400 girls, 1300 boys in Merka district and will be distributed to the same IDP HH received NFI Kits . 4. Post distribution monitoring: Each distribution will be followed with a post distribution monitoring to get feedback on the distribution process and utilization of the NFIs kits, one month after distribution. 5. AYUUB Will do Community consultations and Meetings for the respective Communities from the 6 IDP Settlements to support community consultations at the initial beneficiary identification and registration, and secure land tenure mainstreaming. 6. AYUUB Will provide cash assistant Support for Construction of Shelter Kits to the targeted Communities themselves and Will be trained 25 Community members’ on Basic construction of ESK (Emergency Shelter Kit) to construct themselves after the receive of Shelter through in Kind



Bicknell's Thrush (BITH) is a neotropical migratory bird species whose population overwinters predominantly in the ..Dominican Republic where forest habitat is under threat from agricultural expansion and fire. With past NMBCA, significant progress has been made in identifying and protecting critical habitat, managing that habitat, ..and restoring previously lost habitat for BITH in the DR. This project builds and expands upon those advances. ..This project will: 1) improve management of four key habitat areas by supporting park guard personnel, patrols, and ..boundary-marking 2) engage coffee and cacao farmers in Bird-Friendly production methods; 3) restore 73 hectares planting more than 35,000 native trees and coffee plants, 3) monitor presence, and distribution of BITH and other ..Partners in Flight priority migratory species; and 4) conduct land tenure studies to explore opportunities for expanding protection. With matching funds, we will: 1) hire 7 new park guards, and maintain 11 existing guards and two ..reserve managers; 2) build a new guard station 3) create a new 7.5 hectare private reserve; and 4) build capacity in ..our partner through construction of an ecotourism facility and a fundraising/educational event.

Securing Climate-Resilient Sustainable Land Management and Progress Towards Land Degradation Neutrality in the


To secure critical ecosystem services through climate-resilient sustainable land and coastal management contributing to Land Degradation Neutrality in the Federated States of Micronesia


Note: Disbursement data provided is cumulative and covers disbursement made by the project Agency.

Target Groups

The socio-economic benefits in the project will be observed at the individual (household level) as well as at the collective community level for economic groups like farmers, fishers and forest dependents as follows: At least 4,516 people (50% women) living, in and around the 5 demonstration marine areas will directly benefit through improved natural resource use, sustainable agriculture and fisheries activities, agroforestry, diversified livelihood improvements, value chain development and improved ecosystem services. Improved conservation of terrestrial and marine seascapes and their watersheds, wetlands, marine habitats, fisheries and community production practices will enhance the ecological value of the respective ecosystems for community benefits. Implementation of strategies and mainstreaming of sustainable resource use via the community organizations will result into sustainable practices in agriculture, fisheries, marine resource use, tourism and value chain products and services. This will collectively result in better conservation and livelihoods outcomes; Improved access to basic goods and technical services, technology and improved agriculture, fisheries, waste management and marine resource use practices, as well as diversification of livelihoods including tourism and resource-based products will ensure more livelihood options and better prices and income. The focus on addressing gender inequality wherein various initiatives, such as promotion of alternative livelihood options, participation of women in various local conservation committees are proposed. The project envisages more gender equality in context of sex ratio, decision making powers, ownership and control on marine sources and women leadership as well as participation; A reduction in the resource use conflicts and increase in effective implementation of sustainable resource use practices. Incremental funding through sustainable agriculture and resource measures will protect critical biodiversity hotspots and provide for improved and diversified livelihoods and incomes and a sustainability of such investments beyond the life of the project; Incremental funding through new and innovative financial measures will protect critical ecosystems and provide for improved and diversified livelihoods and incomes and a sustainability of such investments beyond the life of the project; Stable or improved populations of native species and improved environments will greatly enhance visitor experiences for increasing potential for ecotourism and community financial benefit.