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Community Organizations Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)


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Other organizations funding or implementing with land governance projects which are included in Land Portal's Projects Database. A detailed list of these organizations will be provided here soon. They range from bilateral or multilateral donor agencies, national or international NGOs,  research organizations etc.



Displaying 106 - 110 of 2116

F.a: Power to the people: Empowering poor communities in Garissa on land rights in the context of LAPSSET proj


Haki na Sheria Initiative was initially established in 2010 and registered as community based organisation 2012. The organisation?s capacity grew as it started handling matters like citizenship at the national level. This change necessitated the change in status and the organization got registered with the NGO Coordination Board as a national NGO in 2017. Haki na Sheria Initiative exists to empower marginalized communities to understand, respect, promote, demand and effectively claim their human rights and obligations in pursuit of an equitable society. HSI?s is committed to the vision of a Kenya where all marginalized communities live dignified lives free of human rights violations. In HSI?s view, change requires a local catalyst. The change can only be built by civic engagement of the local communities through public education and raising awareness about human rights, seeking accountability at all levels of the government through local communities? engagement and filing public interest litigation cases and through engaging with strategic networks and movement building to a society that is free from human rights violations. Overall objectives: Improved awareness for 600 poor and marginalised pastoralist on community land rights; Register Sarirah community land with national land commission in Garissa County by the end of 24 months.

FLC: Amka Mwanamke (Woman Arise) Campaign in Response to Women's Land Rights


ZLA's key areas of work include ie. research advocacy and providing support to communities to map and document their rights to land. In Zambia land rights directly influence the livelihoods of communities since in Zambia agriculture supports the livelihood s of over 70% of the population. 78% ofwomen in Zambia are engaged in agriculture compared with 69% of men. The dual land tenure system and lack of a coherent land registry has resulted in a largely fragmented legal framework for gaining access to land and this insecurity is specifically affecting for persons with disabilities widows and other vulnerable households The project will increase the knowledge of PWDs and other vulnerable households on land rights and administration by establishing CLACs forming study circles training citizen journalists and conducting community awareness meetings. Access to justice will be enhanced by setting up paralegal desks and the training of local court staff in targeted districts as a result approachability to land institu tions and related services for PWDs and other vulnerable households will greatly be improved. Research on land rights for PWDs and other vulnerable groups will also be undertaken allowing for an evidence-based advocacy approach to be adopted by ZLA.

FLC/ZLA Secured Land Access and Rights for All (SLARA)


Project further educates the 40 young indigenous peoples representatives that the organization have capacitated earlier about the cultural and legal rights of the indigenous peoples in order them to better defend those rights and take possible injustices t o the legal instance. The education concentrates especially on questions of land law rights and right of access to health care. Educating the indigenous peoples own representatives to defend their rights serves the aim of spreading the knowledge and multip lication of effects among the communities. Furthermore empowerment enables better monitoring detection and following-up of violations of the rights. Also representatives of three different indigenous peoples organizations are capacitated on these issues. A s well a situation report about the state of the indigenous peoples rights and legal problems encountered by the communities will be published to increase awareness in the whole society and to enhance the implementation of the legal rights.

Kiwengwa-Pongwe Protection + Open Civil Society Project - KIPPO


Forest degradation is a major challenge in Kiwengwa-Pongwe Forest Reserve (K-PFR) in Unguja island Zanzibar. This is due to increased pressure by densely populated surrounding villages; 96% of the people use firewood as their primal source of energy. The c ommunities' livelihoods depend on the sustainability of the forest and its capacity to prevent erosion. However the villagers' awareness and means of sustainable forest use and awareness of land rights are inadequate.A forest protection NGO MUMKI has been registered in the area with the support of previous GST's project. MUMKI and Forest Conservation Committees (FCC) that carry out forest conservation activities consist of residents of villages around Kiwengwa-Pongwe (K-P). MUMKI works with DFNR that does n ot have enough resources for wholesome forest protection and there are no other forest protection organizations in the area. Therefore KIPPO aims to build MUMKI's capacity to manage as an independent NGO that can effectively protect the forest during and a fter the project. The aim is to develop civil society where people can democratically decide on the matters concerning their immediate surroundings. Objectives will be achieved by organizing trainings for MUMKI on association management and fundraising sup porting in establishing an office and assisting in networking and village visits. A coordinator who acts as a link between Finland and Zanzibar will be hired.MUMKI's activities include organising FCC patrolling in the forest and raising awareness in the vi llages about the importance of forest protection. During the project MUMKI will become a better known actor in the area; it will work as a source of information in livelihoods land rights and sustainable forest use. MUMKI organizes forest protection activi ties; 7000 tree seedlings will be planted to create an agroforestry buffer zone to reduce pressure on K-P forest. The villages that are the source of most pressure to K-P will be beneficiaries for MUMKI's pilot project in which sun ray cookers are distribu ted in order to decrease the need of firewood. MUMKI's funding opportunities broaden as local honey production is supported.

Promoting forestry and forest conservation in Kizarawe


There is particular concern of increasing forest degradation in the Kizarawe area in Tanzania. Illegal cutting of forest resources for energy purposes is an increasing problem in Daresalaam city. Communities in the villages have only little knowledge in tr ee nursery management and afforestation.The project is designed to support village people to learn basic knowledge about the forestry actions to save their environment and improve their living conditions. The main activities of the project are extension an d training. The people in the villages are trained to produce seedlings so that they can establish plantations. The villagers are also able to produce seedlings for sale to generate some income. The project also deals with the question of the private land ownership. The overall objective of the project is to improve the state of forests in the first hand in project villages but also wider in Kisarawe District and support the communities to be empowered on forest management and environmental conservation. Th e aim is also to improve the economic status of the village farmers.The purpose of the project is expand forest plantations and decrease the pressure of the remaining natural forests. Further the purpose is support NGO DeCo to be active and capable in fore st issues and in forestry extension on village level.The main beneficiaries are the village farmers (women and men) and their families.