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Community Organizations Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)
Other organizations (Projects Database)


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Other organizations funding or implementing with land governance projects which are included in Land Portal's Projects Database. A detailed list of these organizations will be provided here soon. They range from bilateral or multilateral donor agencies, national or international NGOs,  research organizations etc.



Displaying 1046 - 1050 of 2116



The Civic Response on Environment and Development (CRED): is a non-for-profit institution registered as a national NGO. It’s driving vision is an ”empowered community that promotes equitable utilization and sustainable governance of natural resources forpoverty aleviation and social economic transformation”. The mission is “to implement research, advocacy and outreach initiatives that empowercitizens and local communities to demand for transparency, accountability and participation in decision making and work with duty bearers to promote good Natural Resources governance”. Thematic focuses include promoting land tenure security, ensuring resilientcommunities to climate change, promoting good governance of oil and gas resources, and ensuring good governance of mineral resources and participation of ASMs. Vision An empowered community that promotes equitable utilization and sustainable governance of Natural resources for poverty alleviation and social transformation.” Mission To implement research, advocacy and outreach initiatives that empower citizens and local communities to demand for transparency, accountability and participation in decision making and work with duty bearers to promote good NR governance Values “An empowered community that promotes equitable utilization and sustainable governance of Natural resources for poverty alleviation and social transformation.” To implement research, advocacy and outreach initiatives that empower citizens and local communities to demand fortransparency, accountability and participation in decision makingand work with duty bearers to promote good NR governance The strength of CRED include evidence based programming, promoting socialaccountability, working directly with communities, legalaid provision for those whose livelihoods are threatened by extractives activities, evidence gathering through community monitoring, and engagement of leaders at local and national levels. CRED’s track record and key achievements in the recent past include: (a) Securing land rights of community groups in the Albertine region through advocacy and litigation strategies. Some evicted community groups were supported to regain their land, such as the Rwamutonga community in Bugambe sub county, Hoima while a big number of communities have been supported to strengthen their tenure status. For examples, CRED pioneered the formation of Communal Land Associations (CLAs) in Bulisa district which has helped to secure communal resources such as grazing landsand watering points. (b) Promoting stronger safeguards for human rights in Uganda’s extractives sector. CRED has inputted national laws and company policies leading to relatively more progressive safeguards in the area of business and human rights.These include Resettlement Action Plans (RAPs) for oil and gas activities, District compensation rates, Environment and Social Impact Assessment report for Oil projects (ESIAs) and Human rights impact assessment reports by oil companies. (c) Enhanced compensation packages for Project Affected Persons (PAPs) under the TILenGA, Kingfisher and EACOP projects. Unlike earlier land acquisition processes such as the Refinery land acquisition in Hoima that are associated with multiple rights violations, due to CRED’s contributions, there are considerably better compensation packages for TILenGA, Kingfisher and EACOP, better grievance handling mechanisms and better articulation of gender safeguards. (d) Putting in place a robust community monitoring mechanism that uses technology to track and report human rights violations in a methodical and timely manner. This system has produced information and data that has informed local, national and international advocacy processes leading to the interventions of Total’s chiefexecutive in France, heads of foreign missions in Uganda and a number of UN special rapporteurs on the human rights situation in Uganda’s oil and gas sector. Since the conception of the EACOP project, CRED has participated in most of the processes e.g. the RAP and ESIA processes, preparing the Oxfam led Community-Based Human Rights Impact Assessment (CBHRIA) which is the basis of the ongoingcommunity monitoring initiatives. Therefore, CRED has a good understanding of the issues.Asthe EACOP construction takes shape, it is important that the scope and depth of the community monitoring work is enhanced and vigorous systems are put in place to report and act on human rights violations. CRED has been at the center of all these processes. CRED’S CONRIBUTION ON THE PROJECT: • Organizecommunity feedback and verification engagements on the monitoring findings. • Organize quarterly engagement meetings with International Oil Companies (IOCs), EACOP sub-contractors and local and nationalgovernments on human rights. • Compile annual state of human rights monitoring reports for dissemination to stakeholders. • Conduct a Research on Uganda’s adherence to the international human rights and gender frameworks and protocols in the extractivessector . • Conduct Annual High-level policy dialogue on business and human rights in the extractives sector. • Carry out international collaboration engagements with IOCs, international NGOs, and engagement of UN special rapporteur on human rights regarding concerns in Uganda’s extractives sector. • Conduct annual multi-stakeholder field assessment of environmental concerns along the EACOP project (involving civil society, IOCs, community monitors and local government officials along the EACOProute). • Conduct community engagements on environmental concerns of the EACOP project.



The programme will empower precarious workers in the highly informal agri-food sector - mostly micro, small and medium enterprises - in 3 ASEAN member-states (Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam) with the aim of addressing their rights, needs and vulnerabilities through the promotion of 3 pillars of the JSF Decent Work: labour rights at work, social protection and social dialogue for all. Climate change impacts, economic insecurity and occupational safety and health of these workers will be addressed by more adequate and shock-responsive social protection measures. Labour law enforcement will be enhanced to upgrade their livelihoods. These workers will be heard by employers and relevant government structures through dialogue and negotiation mechanisms. A particular focus is put on women workers who are impacted differently due to prevalent gender norms constituting additional obstacles to their empowerment, including gender-based violence and time scarcity due to long hours of unpaid care and domestic work. Without gender justice, decent work cannot be achieved. Following a rights-based and gender transformative approach, 16 local partners jointly cover the target groups in the 3 countries. They will cooperate to empower local groups and their leaders to influence power holders more effectively. 3 regional partners will add value through learning and knowledge building, tapping from experiences in the ASEAN region, while leveraging the relevant ASEAN policy frameworks, in particular those promoting decent work, social protection and gender equality. 9 collaborators, including the local Oxfam offices, will support the partners through capacity strengthening, knowledge sharing and brokering cooperation. At the end of the programme, these women workers will become more resilient to shocks and risks, have more agency and voice, and work and live on more equal footing in society. Other beneficiaries include male workers, network members and staff of partners and stakeholders. By 2026, 69.200 women workers in the agri-food sector, including small holder farmers, in Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam, exercise their right and have access to adequate labour and social protection contributing to gender equality and (shock) resilience, through better representation, policy and practice changes.

CIPO- Cambo Indigenous Women Association


In Cambodia there are many organization and institutions that work on indigenous people in capacity building, various knowledge about the rights to freedom of expression, political rights, the rights access to social protection. Although many relevant organization and institutions paid attention on indigenous women but their problem have not been responded yet. Seeing this, minority women from different indigenous group have common idea to establish the indigenous women network to voice their issues and concems and, hold the government and private sector to account and protect. The benefit of their communities. On 02 September 2018 women’ group organized a consultation workshop on the establishment of the first women’s network in Cambodia, coordinated bythe Cambodia Indigenous People Alliance (CIPA), Cambodia Indigenous People Organization (CIPO) Highlander Association (HA). Following its inception, the women’s group received supported from International Indigenous Women Forum (IIWF) through the CambodiaIndigenous People’ financial system to carry out its activity starting in April 2019. In 2020 the women’s group have prepared its action plan according to the old plan from last year, discussed with the members who do not yet have the budget to support and implement out the activity. For the women’steam, there are many issues and needs that must be push and addressed indigenous communities, such as land rights issues decimationissue, economic, education, mining issue and climate change issue. The project was developed by seeing the impact of mining investment in Mondulkiri and its potential impacts on community’s livelihood, heath, and environment and to empower IP women to take control and protect their resources and, ensure social and, environmental safeguarding. In addition, the women would like to have frequent training or meeting with communities living around mining investment area to strengthen their capacity to recognize their rights to participate in the early stages of researches and environmental assessment. Community awareness on the impact prevention methods are important to seek intervention from the company and the ministry of the mines and energy to take strict action against the activities of its workers who violate the national law. The strengthening IP women network in the mining-affected area of communities, forests communities, and indigenous collective communities is crucial to voice their concems and hold the government and company accountable. Oxfam through EI project 2022is partnering with CIPO/CIWA to continue implementing the project namely "Strengthening the rights and collective voice of indigenous women to prevent their rights from the impact of mining investment in Keo Seima District, Mondulkiri province." The overall objective of the project is "IPs Women and men realized their rights to protect their community and environment from potential mining impacts." To achieve this the project will focus on community organizing, building institutional capacity and identity of IPs communities, uphold FPIC and IPs' rights, their capacity to monitor impacts and their collective voicesto negotiate with the government and private sectors to account and mitigate social and environmental impacts on their communities.

UWONET- Fostering Women's Leadership Uga


PROJECT TITLE: FOSTERING WOMen#S LEADERSHIP TO ADVANCE WOMen#S LAND RIGHTS AND ADDRESS VIOLenCE AGAINST WOMen AND GIRLS IN UGANDA. The project builds on the concluded 5-year Raising Her Voice Project (RHVP) which was conceived and designed to influence the UgandaGovernment to ratify and domesticate the Africa Union Protocol on Women#s Rights without harmful reservations; and to contribute topromoting the role of women in the decision-making processes affecting their lives. The five-year Project was launched in 2008 and ended in March 2013. This project will be part of the 2nd phase of the RHV which started march 2014. Although the 2nd phase of the project focuses on fostering Local women#s activism and leadership to advance Women#s land rights and fight against VAW, the 3rd yearof the 2nd phase of RHV will continue to consolidate gains made in advancing women#s land rights and VAW prevention and response The project is intended to build the capacity of grass root political women leaders and women#s rights organisations to engage, influence and lobby for gender responsive programmes and interventions on land and to address VAW issues in line with the Maputo protocol.In 2010 and 2013, the Government of Uganda passed the Domestic Violence Act and the land policy respectively. This project aims therefore to expedite the implementation of these frameworks active engagement of the key stakeholders, majority of who are women (70%). The project will also create important connections between decision making spaces at local (Sub county and district), national andregional levels. The Project consortium members will build the capacity and confidence of women and women leaders to equally influence national policy debates around implementation of the Domestic Violence Act, financing for GBV prevention and response facilitiesand the Land policy with emphasis, succession, inheritance and functionality of Land management structures at Local level. The project will build capacity of informal and formal structuresto strengthen coordination and the referral pathway for increased access tojustice. Through the project, 2 main goals will be realised; 1) National women#s rights organisations and district coalitions working on VAW and women#s land rights will haveimproved capacity to influence government and social actors to address women#s rights violations 2) The Maputo Protocol and other regional declarations on women#s rights will be increasingly applied by national governments and traditional justice mechanisms

F.a: Enhancing Community Based Decision Making on Customary Land, Natural Resources, and Livelihood: A Pilot P


Within the project, an initial workshop with the two local communities involved will take place, SDI's existing land mapping guides will be updated, the communities' land use and natural resources will be mapped, the communities' land use norms will be doc umented, their awareness of how to tackle investors interested in land acquisition will be increased, communication material and radio programmes will be produced. Finally, the lessons learnt during the project will be analysed and shared with national and international decision-makers. Liberia is one of the African countries, which has granted most land concessions to the national elite and foreign investors, 25% of its land area. The land is used for industrial agriculture as well as forestry and mining i ndustries, for instance rubber and oil palm plantations. Consequences include forced displacement of local communities, environmental damage, human rights violations, livelihood uncertainty and land conflicts. Therefore, communities lack legal advice, info rmation on the consequences of contracting their lands, and ways to get investors to respect the contracts made. The aim of the project is to gather best practices on how to support communities to protect their traditional lands, resources, livelihoods and cultures. By increasing the capacity of the communities, the aim is to raise awareness of their land governance strategies. In addition, the aim is to ensure participatory, responsible and informed decision-making of the communities when deciding on their land and resource management. They will also be supported in negotiating and reaching a fair compensation on investments regarding their lands. The project will be implemented with two local communities in the River Cess county (approximately 7,000 commun ity members). The communities are mostly members of the forest dependent Bassa tribe. Typical livelihoods are related to agriculture, fishing, hunting, traditional medicine, artisan mining and non-timber forest products (rattan).