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Community Organizations United Nations Development Programme
United Nations Development Programme
United Nations Development Programme
United Nations Agency


UNDP works in some 170 countries and territories, helping to achieve the eradication of poverty, and the reduction of inequalities and exclusion. We help countries to develop policies, leadership skills, partnering abilities, institutional capabilities and build resilience in order to sustain development results. 

Inclusive growth, better services, environmental sustainability, good governance, and security are fundamental to development progress. We offer our expertise in development thinking and practice, and our decades of experience at country level, to support countries to meet their development aspirations and to bring the voices of the world’s peoples into deliberations. 

In 2016, UNDP is continuing its work to support the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the 17 new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), or Global Goals, as they help shape global sustainable development for the next 15 years.

UNDP focuses on helping countries build and share solutions in three main areas:

In all our activities, we encourage the protection of human rights and the empowerment of women, minorities and the poorest and most vulnerable.



Displaying 321 - 325 of 359

Interrogating Large-Scale Land Acquisitions and Their Implications for Women in Sub-Saharan Africa


Despite their critical role in promoting food security on the African continent, women continue to be marginalized in the distribution and allocation of land. The implications for both family survival and national food security are far-reaching. This project will support research to examine the conditions needed to allow women to become empowered to participate in large-scale land acquisition (LSLAs) processes. The objective is to help ensure that sub-Saharan Africa puts the legal and policy frameworks in place to foster better accountability and legitimacy on issues of land governance. African women must continue to engage in food crop farming to ensure food security for their families and for the continent at large. This is only possible if their right to land is protected, respected, and fulfilled. Previous studies have shown that African women's right to land is seriously under threat. Traditionally, African women have not had equal access to land and weak land laws and governance processes related to LSLAs are further eroding their access. We are now learning more about the impact of LSLAs on livelihoods in affected communities but little evidence exists on gender differences. Little is also known about how African women have developed strategies to foster more equitable land governance policies and practices to ensure greater accountability and transparency around LSLAs. This research seeks to fill these knowledge gaps. The ultimate goal of the project is to promote land governance policies that treat both genders more equally and that contribute to greater accountability and transparency around LSLAs. The research will be implemented in six communities in three African countries: Ghana, Cameroon, and Uganda. All three have experienced LSLAs. The research team will explore the following: -land acquisition processes; -winners and losers in these transactions; -ways in which the losers (specifically, rural African women) respond to their situation; and, -extent to which these responses are successful. The project will create gender-sensitive evidence-based knowledge that can be used by women, local communities, non-state actors, and public authorities to enhance accountability and legitimacy in LSLAs processes. It will also propose gender inclusive strategies for formal and informal institutions that will respect, promote, and protect women's rights in LSLAs processes.

Managing Peatlands in Mongolia and Enhancing the Resilience of Pastoral Ecosystems and Livelihoods of Nomadic


To develop the capacity for enhancing ecosystem services of peatlands (specifically reduction of GHG emissions from degraded peatlands) in Mongolia and the capacity of indigenous reindeer herders to reduce land degradation and improve the provision of ecosystem services and increase community resilience.


Note: Disbursement data provided is cumulative and covers disbursement made by the project Agency.

Target Groups

The following section is a reproduction of the ProDoc Section on benefits (ProDoc pp. 62) This Project will support Mongolia’s LDN target of ‘Promoting sustainable grassland management and halting further grassland degradation’ and ‘Ensuring no net loss of wetlands by 2030 compared to 2015’ by putting 20,000 ha of landscapes under improved practices. The Project will reduce 30,000 t of CO2e per annum with sustainable peatland management interventions. Demonstration of successful introduction of peatlands related land use change in the NDCs of Mongolia will be a positive example for other countries and will encourage countries to include peatlands in their NDCs. The project implementation will have a significant positive impact on Mongolian part of the watershed of Lake Baikal. The sources of the main tributaries of the Lake Baikal, Orkhon and Selenga, are part of the project area. Safeguarding these sources will contribute to alleviating the current problems of the decline of the water level of Lake Baikal, the world´s largest freshwater resource. The project will develop and apply existing methods of ecosystem restoration and test them in pilots to inspire local, national and international stakeholders. Restoration of peatlands in arid and semiarid biomes, as well as restoration of permafrost is a significant challenge. By demonstration of pilots, the Project will help in meeting the targets of the UN decade of ecosystem restoration (2021-2030). Furthermore, the project will directly contribute to increasing the capacity of disadvantaged nomadic herder communities to engage in and benefit from sustainable land management efforts and adapt to environmental and human-induced changes to the rangeland habitats they depend upon. The tools and partnerships developed through the project will increase their knowledge and understanding of policy and national decision-making processes that affect the habitats they depend upon, and their livelihoods. With these capacities, herder communities will be in a better position to advocate for their sustainable model of land use in sensitive tundra and taiga landscapes and mitigate pressures to convert land to more degrading uses. Nomadic herders will enhance their resilience to changing social, environmental and climatic conditions at the global scale. An additional expected benefit of the project is community empowerment, enabling nomadic herders’ community members to participate more fully as equal partners in information sharing, education and training, technology transfer, organizational development, and policy development, thereby gaining more access to commercial, social and political opportunities. The project will also facilitate interaction between state, local authorities, industry and nomadic herders, assisting in creating dialogue, building confidence and sharing information. Further the project will: · Enhance capacity of countries to implement MEAs (multilateral environmental agreements); · provide ways and means for reducing and mitigating the effects of anthropogenic transformation, land fragmentation and degradation; · provide global support for achieving UNESCO World Heritage status for reindeer husbandry; · preserve and develop reindeer husbandry and its cultural base in the circumpolar north; and · increase the competence of the next generation concerning the central importance of indigenous pastoral systems. In addition to these benefits, the contribution of the project to the GEF Core Indicators is discussed and presented earlier.

Bottom-Up Accountability Initiatives and Large-Scale Land Acquisitions in Africa


The objective of this project is to test whether the Food and Agriculture Organization's Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security can help increase accountability for large-scale land acquisitions in Mali, Nigeria, Uganda, and South Africa. It will provide insight into the conditions under which international land governance instruments can be used to hold public authorities more accountable. This, in turn, may help locals secure the right to food in sub-Saharan Africa. From rural to urban In 2007, the absolute number of people living in urban centres worldwide overtook the number of people living in rural areas for the first time ever. As a result, the international development community's attention is increasingly turning urban. Yet data from the United Nations indicates that three-quarters of sub-Saharan Africa's poor still live and work in the countryside. Effective access to, and ownership over, land and natural resources remains critically important for the rural poor in Africa to be able to build decent economic livelihoods and participate meaningfully in decisions that affect their lives. Movement to acquire land on a large scale Against this backdrop, food, fuel/energy, climate, and financial crises have converged. One of the most immediate and important implications is the revaluation of land as a scare resource. This reality has driven industries, governments, communities, and individuals to acquire land at a scale never witnessed before. Africa has played centre stage to this wave of large-scale land acquisitions. Since 2006, international and domestic investors have acquired an estimated 50-80 million hectares of land in low- and middle-income countries. Research to investigate land acquisitions FIAN, the Foodfirst Information and Action Network, will implement the project. National citizen-based groups, regional and international civil society organizations, researchers, and policymakers interested in land issues will participate in the project. The research team will apply a case study and participatory action-research approach. The project is expected to generate evidence about how local residents can enhance their ability to promote more equitable, transparent, and accountable land acquisition mechanisms. Evidence for improved monitoring Project results will contribute to the UN Committee on World Food Security's monitoring mechanism. The evidence will also be shared with other relevant monitoring bodies at the national (parliamentary commissions, national human rights organizations), regional, and international levels (African and UN human rights systems).

Priority 2: Provision of sustainable shelter solutions for persons affected by protracted crises and returnees


In line with priority 2 of 2022 SA1 objectives and cluster objectives, this project intends to address the acute needs of the most vulnerable IDPs amp persons affected by protracted crises and returnees, giving a special focus on minority groups, people with disabilities, female-headed households, vulnerable children, disaster victims, GBV survivors, elderlies amp people with special needs amp, etc at Almtoon district – Aljawf Gov., Almodhafar District – Taiz Gov. amp Marib district- Marib Gov. YFCA in minor partnership with NDEO (Nabd Development and Evaluation Orgnization, an active, committed and capable local NGO at Almotoon district) is planning to target 3,682 individual IDP amp returnees of the most vulnerable affected individuals (721 men,752 women, 1082 boys, 1127 girls) through the provision of houses rehabilitation at Almtoon amp Almodhafar districts and provision of transitional shelter, shelter maintenanceamp upgrade specifically at Marib district. The provided assistance along with the targeted locations was identified considering the acute needs of the most vulnerable population to improve their access to adequate, sustainable shelter solutions resulting in enhancing their physical living space, thus improving habitability, safety, health, dignity, privacy, protection from adverse climate and protection risks, cultural suitability, availability of services, access to livelihoods, and relative tenure security. Through this project, returnees' inclusion will be promoted which will effectively encourage other IDPs to return besides assisting returnees to settle in their homes by providing the necessary shelter assistance amp enriching their skills with their direct engagement of them in the project implementation. YFCA intervention for each district will be as follows: - 180 Transitional shelters will be provided to the IDPs with prolonged displacement situations in Marib district. - 200 IDP houses to be provided with shelter maintenance amp upgrade in Marib district. - 50 returnees' houses will be rehabilitated in Almtoon district- Aljawf Gov. - 96 returnees' houses will be rehabilitated in Almodhafar district- Taiz Gov. - The livelihood component will be integrated closely within the provided interventions where BNFs will be trained amp supported with the necessary technical amp financial support. YFCA will be following the shelter cluster selection amp vulnerability criteria along with the implementation Guidelines, ensuring that age, gender, and diversity approach is used to establish the needs. The targeted districts are located within Marib, Taiz/Aden amp Sa’ada Hubs where YFCA has its main sub-offices, a well-trained team on shelter amp protection who strictly adhere to all necessary shelter amp protection requirements of the beneficiaries to carry out the main implementation task with backstopping support from the main office in Sana’a benefiting from its robust coordination with the Executive Units for Marib ampTaiz Gov and SCMCHA for Aljawf Gov. as well as the coordination with Shelter, Protection amp WASH clusters, RRM, IOM, and active partners in the targeted locations has already been done to support and facilitate the planned interventions and to avoid any duplication with other partners. YFCA is fully experienced with the local contexts and planned interventions where YFCA was the first NGO to provide sustainable interventions to Marib community specifically the shelter maintenance amp upgrade amp the transitional shelter.

Prevention and Mitigation of Protection Risk through integrated GP and HLP activities through Mobile Response


In response to the protection needs of people who have been affected by conflict, flood, tribal and intercommunal violence, that has manifested itself in to recycle of revenge killing, looting, loss of properties and livelihood leaving the most vulnerable individual (s) IDPs, returnees and host community vulnerable to different protection risks, This project is an integrated protection monitoring and HLP designed to address the needs of the beneficiaries in the hard-to-reach areas of Duke, Bor South, Twic East, and Pigi/Canal in Jonglei State. The activities will be implemented through both static and mobile response by the protection mobile team in which. MHA will analyze the context, identifying key protection risks and related contributing factors, and will work together with the affected population to find a way of preventing their recurrence or minimize their effect. HLP activities will aim to address the HLP concerns of the IDPs and returnees, by engaging all stakeholders in the project locations to ensure that all mechanisms for HLP rights are activated and functional enough to respond to needs in a timely manner. Housing land and property activities would include support to the person with HLP related issues to access alternative dispute mechanisms, conduct HLP training for the community leaders and local authority and ensure genuine representation of the returnees, IDPs, and host community as part of MHA effort to sensitize the community on basic human rights, HLP rights, local and international legal frameworks including traditional customary laws that protect individual’s rights to own property. Provide options with HLP issues on legal remedies particularly claims of lost documents and land registration. Facilitate the referral of a person with HLP needs to NFIs/shelter partners and other humanitarian partners to access the needed assistance. Provide support and Capacity building on land registration and policy development. Provide legal support and counseling including psychosocial support, community sensitization, and legal awareness-raising on HLP rights and alternative dispute resolution as well as individuals protection assistance with direct cash support to cover HLP needs as may be required. As part of coordination at the field level, MHA will conduct stakeholders mapping to have a better understanding of the context and to apply the area-based approach and engage with non-protection partners to ensure the centrality of protection into their response, and to increase the level and quality of service being provided in the areas of return as part of collective effort to enhance the durable solution. Conduct Protection monitoring and assessment through the static presence in Pigi/Canal and mobile response to deep field locations/ priority counties to identify the protection need of the conflict-affected IDPs, returnees, and host community. These activities aim to identify the protection risks, human rights violations, movement patterns/ trends, risk contributing factors, conflict drivers, and barriers to meaningful access to humanitarian assistance especially for a person with specific protection needs including a person with a physical disability Strengthening of the existing community-based protection mechanism, rehabilitation of the community-based protection centers, training of CPBNs members, local authorities on homegrown risk prevention and mitigation measures, how community leaders can peacefully address potentials conflict among the community e.g revenge killing, cattle raiding, and conflict over the limited resources as part of MHA’s effort to promote social cohesion between the IDPs, returnees and host community to ensure the long-term protection outcome which the community will maintain after the end of the projects and the project target is 12,000 individuals 3700, men, 3,756 women, 1,904 boys, and 2640 girls. Out of this target, 3818 would be HLP project activities.,