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Community Organizations Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency
Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency
Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency

Sida is a government agency working on behalf of the Swedish parliament and government, with the mission to reduce poverty in the world. Through our work and in cooperation with others, we contribute to implementing Sweden’s Policy for Global Development (PGU).

We work in order to implement the Swedish development policy that will enable poor people to improve their lives. Another part of our mission is conducting reform cooperation with Eastern Europe, which is financed through a specific appropriation. The third part of our assignment is to distribute humanitarian aid to people in need of assistance.

We carry out enhanced development cooperation with a total of 33 countries  in Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America. Our selection of cooperation countries are based on political decisions made by the Swedish government.

Sida’s mission is to allocate aid and other funding. Our operations are managed by the government’s guidelines, describing the goals for each year’s operations and the size of the development aid budget.

Our staff members and their expertise assist the government with the assessments and the information it needs, in order to decide and implement its development assistance policy. We participate in the advocacy work for Sweden’s prioritised issues within the international development cooperation field, and we are in constant dialogue with other countries and international organisations. Part of our assignment is also to report statistics and disseminate information about our operations.

Our work is financed by tax money and we administer approximately half of Sweden’s total development aid budget. The other part is channelled through the ministry for Foreign Affairs. All our work should be performed in a cost-effective way with a strong focus on results.

Sida has more than 700 employees, located in our three offices  in Sweden as well as abroad in our cooperation countries.



Displaying 31 - 35 of 274

Diakonia sub-programme within AGIR II - Diakonia subprogram AGIR II


Reprogrammed funds to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 The overarching goal for the AGIR programme is: A Mozambican society where its citizens, particularly the most marginalized groups, fully enjoy their rights to inclusion and equity, to redistribution of wealth created from the country’s patrimony, to accessible and affordable public services of good quality, to basic civil freedoms and to political representation and participation; in a peaceful and ecologically sustainable environment. The sub-programmes have different thematic focus: Diakonia: focuses on the right to free and fair elections and to a multi-party democracy, on marginalized and vulnerable groups’ human rights (women, children & persons living with disabilities), on access to justice, on sexual and reproductive health and rights, as well as on gender based violence. Oxfam Ibis: focuses on the right to information generally, but also specifically in relation to the extractive industries, on free media (including investigative journalism), on strengthening of parliaments at all levels, as well as on actors of change whose goal is improved access to and quality of fundamental services (particularly health and education). Oxfam Novib: focuses on oversight of public budgets and expenditures, on public resources allocation and social audits, on fair tax collection, as well as on marginalised and vulnerable groups’ human rights (women, LGBT, de elderly and people living with HIV/AIDS), as well as on sexual and reproductive health and rights, and on gender based violence. We Effect: focuses on land rights, on the effects of the extraction of natural resources, on rural development, food security, climate change and environment.Diakonia’s Subprogramme will help to achieve the AGIR II results, change the prevailing situation in the country, by supporting national and local CSOs so they can work towards a more democratic society where a just peace prevails, the government is accountable, and citizens, government and the private sector respect human and socio-economic rights, in particular those of women, youth and people unable to resolve their current vulnerability. Diakonia’s role is to help CSOs to become more legitimate, pro-active and competent agencies as citizens’ voices and organizers that in key debates and decision-making processes that affect Mozambique’s development. Diakonia will work with two levels of target groups:(i) Primary target groups: CSOs, networks and forums, that receive resources and capacity from the Subprogramme aiming at changing behaviour at the level of the right holders and at change attitudes when serving, at the level of the duty bearers according to the ToC.;(ii) Secondary target groups: government institutions, the elected, public servants, political parties, the private sector, communities, families and citizens that are targeted by partners’ interventions. Representing, mainly the duty bearers, a target of the primary group together working the right holders, to change policy practices and policies, are aiming at a new normative setting in society and State affairs, according to the ToC.Diakonia focus on organisations at the national level and in two provinces: Zambézia and Niassa. Also focus on strengthening existing formal and informal networks. As already stated, the selection of local partners reflects the strategic objectives of Diakonia’s AGIR Subprogramme. Decentralised support is a new Diakonia strategy for AGIR II, in an effort to encourage networks to work more with their members, (not just focusing on planning specific activities connected to commemorative dates and events such as women’s month, the child’s fortnight, HIV/AIDs day, human rights day) and to be more strategic and plan for changes at different levels of governance (central, provincial and local).


The overall objective of the AGIR-programme (Programa de Acções para uma Governação Inclusiva e Responsável), was to strengthen the capacity of civil society to demand accountability for political and economic decisions and to promote the respect for human rights, as well as by ensuring women and men have access to information about such decisions, and contribute to improved governance and to a democratic pluralism in Mozambique. The Swedish support recognised civil society as an independent actor in its own right, core support funding, harmonization, civil society ownership, alignment to key partner organisations's existing systems and mutual accountability for results are fundamental aspects of the programme. Diakonia was one of four International Partner Organisation's (IPO's) receiving funds to implement the AGIR programme, with the objective and thematic focus to ensure women and men (of all ages with no discrimination) have improved access to quality public services (education, health care, water, justice) and fully realise their potential and human rights resulting from increased transparency and accountability of the duty bearers". Diakonia worked with 19 local organisations to ensure achievement of results. The AGIR-II programme came to an end in December 2020. Diakonia and the Embassy (EoS) agreed to a no-cost extension (NCE) period meant for the preparation, submission and approval of final reports. During this NCE period, Diakonia and EoS also agreed to a cost-extension period (July 2021 to June 2022) which was to provide support to five strategic partners. The project was subdivided into three thematic focus imported from the AGIR II programme: (i) Right to Inclusion and Equality. (ii) Right to political Representation and Participation and (iii) Right to accessible, affordable public services of good quality.

Diakonia sub-programme within AGIR II - Diakonia AGIR II - delegated partnership Holland


The overarching goal for the AGIR programme is: A Mozambican society where its citizens, particularly the most marginalized groups, fully enjoy their rights to inclusion and equity, to redistribution of wealth created from the country’s patrimony, to accessible and affordable public services of good quality, to basic civil freedoms and to political representation and participation; in a peaceful and ecologically sustainable environment. The sub-programmes have different thematic focus: Diakonia: focuses on the right to free and fair elections and to a multi-party democracy, on marginalized and vulnerable groups’ human rights (women, children & persons living with disabilities), on access to justice, on sexual and reproductive health and rights, as well as on gender based violence. Oxfam Ibis: focuses on the right to information generally, but also specifically in relation to the extractive industries, on free media (including investigative journalism), on strengthening of parliaments at all levels, as well as on actors of change whose goal is improved access to and quality of fundamental services (particularly health and education). Oxfam Novib: focuses on oversight of public budgets and expenditures, on public resources allocation and social audits, on fair tax collection, as well as on marginalised and vulnerable groups’ human rights (women, LGBT, de elderly and people living with HIV/AIDS), as well as on sexual and reproductive health and rights, and on gender based violence. We Effect: focuses on land rights, on the effects of the extraction of natural resources, on rural development, food security, climate change and environment.Diakonia’s Subprogramme will help to achieve the AGIR II results, change the prevailing situation in the country, by supporting national and local CSOs so they can work towards a more democratic society where a just peace prevails, the government is accountable, and citizens, government and the private sector respect human and socio-economic rights, in particular those of women, youth and people unable to resolve their current vulnerability. Diakonia’s role is to help CSOs to become more legitimate, pro-active and competent agencies as citizens’ voices and organizers that in key debates and decision-making processes that affect Mozambique’s development. Diakonia will work with two levels of target groups:(i) Primary target groups: CSOs, networks and forums, that receive resources and capacity from the Subprogramme aiming at changing behaviour at the level of the right holders and at change attitudes when serving, at the level of the duty bearers according to the ToC.;(ii) Secondary target groups: government institutions, the elected, public servants, political parties, the private sector, communities, families and citizens that are targeted by partners’ interventions. Representing, mainly the duty bearers, a target of the primary group together working the right holders, to change policy practices and policies, are aiming at a new normative setting in society and State affairs, according to the ToC.Diakonia focus on organisations at the national level and in two provinces: Zambézia and Niassa. Also focus on strengthening existing formal and informal networks. As already stated, the selection of local partners reflects the strategic objectives of Diakonia’s AGIR Subprogramme. Decentralised support is a new Diakonia strategy for AGIR II, in an effort to encourage networks to work more with their members, (not just focusing on planning specific activities connected to commemorative dates and events such as women’s month, the child’s fortnight, HIV/AIDs day, human rights day) and to be more strategic and plan for changes at different levels of governance (central, provincial and local).


The overall objective of the AGIR-programme (Programa de Acções para uma Governação Inclusiva e Responsável), was to strengthen the capacity of civil society to demand accountability for political and economic decisions and to promote the respect for human rights, as well as by ensuring women and men have access to information about such decisions, and contribute to improved governance and to a democratic pluralism in Mozambique. The Swedish support recognised civil society as an independent actor in its own right, core support funding, harmonization, civil society ownership, alignment to key partner organisations's existing systems and mutual accountability for results are fundamental aspects of the programme. Diakonia was one of four International Partner Organisation's (IPO's) receiving funds to implement the AGIR programme, with the objective and thematic focus to ensure women and men (of all ages with no discrimination) have improved access to quality public services (education, health care, water, justice) and fully realise their potential and human rights resulting from increased transparency and accountability of the duty bearers". Diakonia worked with 19 local organisations to ensure achievement of results. The AGIR-II programme came to an end in December 2020. Diakonia and the Embassy (EoS) agreed to a no-cost extension (NCE) period meant for the preparation, submission and approval of final reports. During this NCE period, Diakonia and EoS also agreed to a cost-extension period (July 2021 to June 2022) which was to provide support to five strategic partners. The project was subdivided into three thematic focus imported from the AGIR II programme: (i) Right to Inclusion and Equality. (ii) Right to political Representation and Participation and (iii) Right to accessible, affordable public services of good quality.

EBCCF: Promoting environmental governance


The partner has made remarkable efforts in assisting the government to address climate change abatement, assess policy gaps and feed information to the government for appropriate action. Moreover, the partner has closely been working with different stakeholders to enhance their capacities. The partner also has good skill in identifying overlapping programmes to help save resources and create synergy among practitioners and stakeholders. The partner has adopted a multi-sectoral, multi-level and broad based partnership approach to complement with national, regional and global efforts and to offer support to policy makers and stakeholders on mainstreaming climate change. Vision: is to be a leading civil society organization in environmental rehabilitation and biodiversity conservation championing sustainability of ecosystems, adaptation to and mitigation of climate change by building resilience where vulnerability to poverty reduced; productivity increased and communities benefited from opportunities obtained.Mission: Promote conservation and sustainable use of environment and biodiversity, and contribute to developing low carbon green economy through increased resilience to climate change; underpin natural resource management through rehabilitation of degraded lands for conservation and increased production, productivity and innovated livelihood diversification to broaden opportunities for smallholder farmers, pastoralists and other stakeholders; contribute to forming synergy among practitioners and scale-out best practices through coordinated and networked action. The Partner has proven experiences in promoting technologies for climate change mitigation and adaption practices and in undertaking watershed management and livelihood diversification to build and sustain the environment and subsequently improve the wellbeing of the communities.Thus, the agreement partner has shared the proposed project to Sida with the aim of at least to address 150,000 people with a focus to enhance capacity for environmental management and climate action in Ethiopia in general and specifically in two pilot zones (West Arsi and East Shoa) of Oromia regional state, the most sensitive part of the country. These pilot zones were selected because of severe land degradation, environmental pollution and high climate change risks noted in Central Rift Valley Ecosystem. The proposed project outcomes will focus on increasing awareness, enforcing environmental laws and advocating on risks of climate change. The theory of change aiming to enhance stakeholders capacity on environmental management and climate action by raising awareness by at least influencing 150,000 people in Ethiopia. Moreover, the theory change sets its ground on fundamental principles that, if there is training for leaders, public and experts, then there will be increase in the level of awareness of environmental management and climate change. If there is increase in environmental law awareness , enforcement of environmental law, then there will be better management of the environment. If there is advocacy on environmental management and climate change, then the policy makers and the public as a whole will be influenced. Thus, the increase in awareness level, law enforcement and influence of leaders and the public, will enhance capacity for environmental management and climate change.The proposed project will complement Farm Africa`s CRV landscape project with more focus on capacity building through creating platforms, training and advocacy. Moreover, the project will promote participatory approach by involving national, regional and woreda level partners in environmental governance through active engagement of local government, communities, broadcasting organizations, CBOs and other NGOs. The proposed budget for the implementation of the project is SEK 1,350,000 running from May 2020 to November 2021.

Alliance for Enviromental and territorial rights of indigenous people in Bolivia - Enviromental and territoria


The work will consist of establishing spaces for formal and permanent dialogue between authorities and civil society. The effort is expected to achieve respect, protection and a fulfillment of the right to a healthy and sustainable environment that enables a transition from the prevailing extractivist development model to sustainable development. To achieve this, a colaboration consisting of two civil society organizations in human rights, land rights and the environment (Fundación Tierra, grant partner and CEJIS as subgrantee) has elaborated a proposal with a amounth of 9,600 000 MSEK for a period of two years, that supports environmental rights and land rights, trough information, dissemination and the promotion of government participation in open debate forums on environmental rights and land rights for greater transparency and political commitment. The project aims to contribute, from an inter-institutional space, to environmental sustainability by promoting environmental rights through the strengthening of civil society and the practice of public policies within the framework of the international commitments assumed by the Bolivian State, in the perspective of overcoming the model of development in the extractive sectors of agriculture, energy, mining and hydrocarbons. General objetive: To Contribute to sustainability of indigenous territories by promoting the environmental and territorial rights of indigenous organizations within the framework of the international commitments assumed by the Bolivian State, in the perspective of overcoming extractive the development model. Specific objective 1. Promote the generation of relevant information that makes visible violations of environmental and territorial rights of indigenous peoples, managing the experiences, concepts, approaches, methodologies and work tools of institutions that are part of the alliance. It is focused on generating content and information in a systematic and reliable way of the environmental and territorial situation, which will serve as a basis for construction of agendas in civil society and indigenous peoples of lowlands for advocacy at the state level. Specific objective 2. Promote the involvement of relevant civil society actors, especially indigenous organizations and communities, women's groups and environmental groups, in mobilizing and strengthening their capacities to demand compliance with environmental and territorial rights. Specific objective 3 Strengthen the Consortium institutions through the rescue and systematization of experiences, concepts, theories, approaches, methodologies and work tools on environmental and territorial rights (access to information, participation in decisions and environmental justice)


The proposal aims at a change in political and institutional context for the exercise of environmental rights. The intervention will help to improve the safety of target groups such as trying to exercise their environmental rights. In addition, it will contribute to the resources that in the medium term can be generated from sustainable environmental and land use in general, especially for the benefit of the indigenous peoples affected by pollution. The project will work with civil society actors who are very relevant in it proposed intervention logic through capacity building.

IGAD 2019-2023 Gender Responsive Land Adminstration and Monitoring


This project envisions to achieve access to land and security of land rights for all land users in the IGAD region through the implementation of the AU Declaration on Land Issues and Challenges in Africa, leading to enhanced socio-economic development, peace and security. The project is expected to build the capacity of IGAD and its Member States to implement land administration reforms through the adoption and implementation of appropriate frameworks and instruments for improved service delivery, gender equality and land monitoring. The specific objectives of the project are: 1) Enhance further the capacity of IGAD and its Member States to effectively implement gender responsive land administration systems through the application of innovative tools; 2) Strengthen gender mainstreaming in land administration in IGAD Member States; 3) To facilitate land monitoring for improved land policy reform processes and implementation in the IGAD Region. 4) Enhance IGAD’s capacity to oversee the implementation of the Regional land program. The project has a duration of two years (October 2019 – September 2021) and a total cost of SEK 35,000,000 of which SEK 18,000,000 will be used for project implementation in year 1 (October 2019 – September 2020) and the balance SEK 17,000,000 will cover implementation costs in year 2 (October 2020 – September 2021).


Project Goal: Enhance transnational land governance through capacity development on innovations in land administration, strengthening gender equality and improving land monitoring in the IGAD Region. Project Objectives 1) Enhance further the capacity of IGAD and its Member States to effectively implement gender responsive land administration systems through the application innovative tools 2) Strengthen gender mainstreaming in land administration for the IGAD Member States 3) To facilitate land monitoring for improved land policy reform processes and implementation in the IGAD Region 4) Enhance IGAD’s capacity to oversee the implementation of the Regional land program