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Community Organizations Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency
Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency
Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency

Sida is a government agency working on behalf of the Swedish parliament and government, with the mission to reduce poverty in the world. Through our work and in cooperation with others, we contribute to implementing Sweden’s Policy for Global Development (PGU).

We work in order to implement the Swedish development policy that will enable poor people to improve their lives. Another part of our mission is conducting reform cooperation with Eastern Europe, which is financed through a specific appropriation. The third part of our assignment is to distribute humanitarian aid to people in need of assistance.

We carry out enhanced development cooperation with a total of 33 countries  in Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America. Our selection of cooperation countries are based on political decisions made by the Swedish government.

Sida’s mission is to allocate aid and other funding. Our operations are managed by the government’s guidelines, describing the goals for each year’s operations and the size of the development aid budget.

Our staff members and their expertise assist the government with the assessments and the information it needs, in order to decide and implement its development assistance policy. We participate in the advocacy work for Sweden’s prioritised issues within the international development cooperation field, and we are in constant dialogue with other countries and international organisations. Part of our assignment is also to report statistics and disseminate information about our operations.

Our work is financed by tax money and we administer approximately half of Sweden’s total development aid budget. The other part is channelled through the ministry for Foreign Affairs. All our work should be performed in a cost-effective way with a strong focus on results.

Sida has more than 700 employees, located in our three offices  in Sweden as well as abroad in our cooperation countries.



Displaying 96 - 100 of 274

Mali Local Democratic Governance phase 3 - Evaluation


Four INGOs led by Diakonia have submitted an application for the development intervention “Local Democratic Governance” (LDG), phase 3 in Mali during the period 2014-2017. The overall development intervention cost is approximately 76 MSEK. The intervention aims to improve inclusiveness and accountability of land governance and prevent conflict linked to land management in Mali. This will be achieved through the implementation of four components with the following results: 1) Improved performance of local land management arrangements; 2) Improved ownership of local government authorities in land and natural resources management; 3) Improved the performance of citizen control for accountability between stakeholders involved in land and natural resources management; 4) Improved sustainable use of agricultural land and other natural resources (forests, grazing, water). The four INGOs i.e Diakonia, Norwegian Church Aid, SNV and Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation will implement the intervention together with local Civil Society Organisations. The intervention is supported solely by Sweden and it is planned that the four INGOs will forward funds to their local partners.


1) Improved performance of local land management arrangements; 2) Improved ownership of local government authorities in land and natural resources management; 3) Improved the performance of citizen control for accountability among stakeholders involved in land and natural resources management; 4) Improved sustainable use of agricultural land and other natural resources (forests, grazing, water).

ForumCiv EU-Colombia Peace building 2017-2019


This is a Swedish grant to Forum Syds own contribution for the EU-financed projekt: Governance and sustainable development for building peace in Colombia: strengthening peasant organizations and their proposals for territorial management. The aim of the new project is to strengthen the strategic capabilities of organizations that promote Las Zonas de Reserva Campesina and their development plans as models for territorial management. The objectives and activities are in line with the current country strategy of Forum Syd, i.e. to strengthen indigenous, afro Colombian and peasant populations, including women, in regards to their capacity to claim their rights, contribute to sustainable development and promote gender equity. The programme is also in line with Forum Syd’s development objectives: Strengthen marginalized people around the world who organise to claim their rights, Advocate for changes that contributes to a just and sustainable world.

Parallel CSO support (We Effect) to the Land Tenure Support Programme - CSO support for the Land Tenure Suppor


We Effect have submitted an application for a one-year contribution of SEK 4,000,000 from 2017 to 2018. The support is aimed to assume an interim role as in waiting for the Land Tenure Support Programme (LTSP) CSO basket which is expected to be up and running in 2018 after lengthy delays. The support aims to ensure higher involvement of women through the promotion of gender equality in relation to women equal rights and access to land. The support offered by We Effect will be crucial in rural Tanzania where the patriarchy system is dominant which has resulted in the situation on the ground being not as good as the legal provisions on paper. Additionally, women tend to not be as aware as men of land registration possibilities, nor have the legal literacy necessary to claim the enforcement of their rights. Overall, the support will also play a part in enabling We Effect reach its strategic goal by 2021 of becoming Sweden's top actor and promoter of development work in support of gender equality within sustainable rural settings, plus seeing that that women with We Effect's partner organisations have the same right as men to have access to financial resources and the opportunity to own and Control land.


The intervention aims to promote gender equality in relation to women's equal right and access to land as means of insuring that women have the same right as men to have access to financial resources and the opportunity to own and control land a largely patriarchal rural setting in the districts of Kilombero, Ulanga and Malinyi. As a participant in the LTSP, We Effect will focus on (1) Raising awareness and strengthening participation, consultation and representation and (2) Capacity building at all levels to ensure that the processes are sustainable and can be expanded to country-wide level.

Capacity Development in Land Administration Lantmäteriet/RLMUA - NEW - Capacity Development in Land Administra


The Swedish Mapping, Cadastral and Land Registration Authority (Lantmäteriet) and Rwanda Natural Resources Authority (RNRA) Department of Lands and Mapping and Office of the Registrar (DLM) - now Rwanda Land Management and Use Authority (RLMUA) have submitted a request for support for collaboration between the two government agencies during 2017-2021. The overall purpose of the collaboration is to contribute to strengthened capacity of RLMUA to deliver efficient land administration services in accordance with the Rwanda Land Sub Sector Strategic Plan (LSSSP) 2013/14 – 2017/18. The intervention will contribute to overall enhanced environmental management by providing improved and more accessible and reliable information on land use, land rights and land use planning. This information is used for enhanced planning and policy development in order to improve environmental conditions and readiness to handle natural disasters, as well as sustainable management of natural resources. A well-developed and efficient public land administration authority and is a requirement to be able to protect the environment and natural resources, and is a key component in delivering environmental sustainability and address issues such as deforestation, erosion and other forms of land degradation. The collaboration between RLMUA and Lantmäteriet will constitute a broad government agency collaboration focused on capacity development of the staff within RLMUA. Lantmäteriets expertise will be used for counselling, studies, training, curriculum development and professional development on policy, legislation, technical methods in land administration and management, organizational development, management of human resources, financial system and leadership. The activities will also include efforts to collaborate with the organisations responsible for higher education in land management in Rwanda, namely Ruhengeri Institute of Higher Education, INES Ruhengeri and the University of Rwanda, for continuous competence development of the land management sector. Lantmäteriet and RLMUA will develop the full results framework jointly during the inception phase, including a workplan and method for monitoring and evaluation of results during the project. This will be part of a broader inception report. Continued support after the inception phase is conditioned on the Embassy's approval of the report. The total budget amounts to 37 726 112 SEK distributed over five years (2017-2021).


Strengthened capacity of Rwanda Land Management and Use Authority (RLMUA) to deliver efficient land administration services in accordance to the Rwanda Land Sub Sector Strategic Plan.

We Effect ALCANCE Moz 2023-2027 - ALCANCE External Monitoring




The overall objective of the ALCANCE Contribution is "Empowered partner organisations for increased access to productive land, access, and control of means of production, and increased knowledge by women and stallholder farmers to ensure the right of nutritious food in Nia. To achieve that, the ALCANCE contribution has six overarching results areas (RA) developed with the following respective outcomes and outputs: RA1: Effective equitable and just food systems Outcome: Empowered partner organisations for increased access to productive land, access, and control of means of production, and increased knowledge by women and stallholder farmers to ensure the right of nutritious food. With outputs: 1.1 increased land rights for women and marginalised communities, 1.2 increased implementation of sustainable land management (SALM) practices among smallholder farmers, 1.3 Strengthened apex organisations for increased public extension and technical support and agriculture input, 1.4 Strengthened functional and equitable values chains in agriculture and local food. RA2: Sustainable livelihoods. Outcome: Increased uptake of SALM practices and diversification of income generation activities through environmentally sustainable businesses while enhancing peace and stability. With outputs: 2.1 Strengthened women forums taking critical decisions on choices of type of seed, type of inputs, tools, agriculture training needs within farmers organisations, 2.2 Strengthened farmer organisations advocating for improved access to and benefit from extension services from duty bears and to provide adequate extension service packages to women as their members, 2.3 Women's economic empowerment projects ensuring sustainable livelihoods for women, households, and communities implemented, 2.4 Increased women's access to financial services RA3: Climate change and resilience Outcome: Partner organisations are strengthened to act locally and globally to empower rights holders to achieve long lasting and sustainable results in efforts toward climate justice. With outputs: 3.1 Increased number of spaces and opportunities for smallholder farmers to lobby for climate change improved policies, 3.2 Partners organisations strengthened to develop and facilitating access to early warning systems and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) activities for relevant communities, 3.3 Partner organisations strengthened to support small farmers, particularly women, to adopt improved, adaptive and resilient farming system, 3.4 Strengthened partners organisation to promote the blue economy by supporting fisher folks preserve the commons in inland waters and seas. RA4: Gender equality Outcome: Partners are strengthened to address gender inequalities in communities they work with by seeking to transform the harmful gender norms that hinder women's leadership and access to and control of resources and assets. With outputs: 4.1 Partners organisation strengthened to implement actions aiming at transforming harmful social norms that exclude and increase the vulnerability of women and marginalised communities, 4.2 Partner organisations strengthened to promote upcoming women led movements and women leadership 4.3 Partner organisations supported to develop tools to analyse power dynamics in their organisations and the communities they work with, 4.4 Partners organisations are strengthened to link up with specialized organisations to combat GBV RA5: Equitable and just access to adequate housing Outcome: Partner organisations are strengthened to reduce rights holders vulnerability to climate change by promoting equitable and just access to adequate housing. With outputs: 5.1 Partners organisations are strengthened to develop and disseminate housing models that are resilient to climate change effects, considering women need and privacy, and are inclusive, 5.2 Increased uptake and support for environmentally sustainable products and resources in housing by the rights-holders, 5.3 Partners organisations are strengthened to undertake policy advocacy for equitable and just access to adequate housing, 5.4 Partners are strengthened to support settlement of IDP through access to land for farming and housing and promote peaceful society. RA6: Stronger organization Outcome: Partner organisations are supported to become effective and sustainable agents of transformational change With outputs: 6.1 Partner organisations are more democratic, transparent, equitable, inclusive, accountable and member led, 6.2 Partners organisations strengthened to mobilize and support collective action of rights-holders living in poverty, 6.3 Partner organisations strengthened to deliver demand driven, equal, equitable and justice member owned services, 6.4 Undertake policy advocacy for policy reform of discriminatory and unjust laws, policies, and national strategies on the right to food and climate change.