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Showing items 784 through 792 of 73616.La versión resumida de la publicación de la FAO, El estado de la seguridad alimentaria y la nutrición en el mundo 2024, contiene los mensajes clave y los puntos principales de la publicación y está dirigida a los medios, los responsables políticos y al público general.
This Act concerns the designation of so-called “Homestead Areas” on public land in the Northern Mariana Islands, defines criteria for the eligibility to acquire rights to land in such areas and provides for the certification of rights in relation to homestead land.Homestead areas shall be designa
Esta publicación recoge las síntesis de las presentaciones realizadas por diversos/as ponentes y de los intercambios llevados a cabo durante las sesiones del Foro de la Tierra LAC 2024, que tuvo lugar entre el 28 y el 30 de mayo de 2024.
This Act makes provision for various matters in relation with the government of Tonga including the Cabinet, the Privy Council, the Legislative Assembly, Ministers and local authorities.The Minister of Lands shall be the representative of the Crown in all matters concerning the land of Tonga.
This Act provides for the constitution of the Land Taxation Relief Board, for the de-rating of land for taxation purposes by the Minister, for the granting of relief from land tax and for appeals to the Minister against decisions of the Board.“Land tax” means property tax, parish rates, water rat
This Act regulates expropriation procedure in order to enforce the agricultural reform. It consists of 25 articles establishing the legal procedures for land expropriation purposes in compliance with the agricultural reform.
The President, for the purpose of regulating free-of-charge transfer of the plots of land to the private ownership, decrees that in establishing an average district quota for the transfer, the total area of agricultural land (except for areas allotted to the local administrations) must be divided
La presente Ley tiene por objeto reconocer a las comunidades negras que han venido ocupando tierras baldías en las zonas rurales ribereñas de los ríos de la Cuenca del Pacífico, de acuerdo con sus prácticas tradicionales de producción, el derecho a la propiedad colectiva.
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