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Article 22 shall be amended to add the following wording: “The decisions of the municipal council or local level special territorial planning documents (except for special territorial planning land use planning documents) specify the solutions of the municipal master plan and, by the decision of the municipal council, special territorial planning documents are recognized as an integral part of the municipal master plan. The solutions of the special territorial planning documents approved by other municipal or local level authority are coordinated, with the exception of the cases specified in Paragraph 4 of Article 4 of this Law, with the solutions of the complex territorial planning documents of the corresponding level, while preparing, changing or adjusting the municipality level master plan, integrated into the solutions of the relevant general plan. In non-urbanized areas, the main purpose of land use may be changed by a special territorial planning document or a land holding project, provided that the change of the main land uses, except in the case referred to in paragraph 5 of this article, is not in conflict with the municipality's general plan.”
Amends: Law on territorial planning (No. I-1120). (2013-06-27)