Decree No. 474 of 2013 (XII. 12.) Korm. of the Government laying down detailed rules of the publication by announcement of sales and lease contracts in the interest of excercising of pre-emption and pre-lease rights.
474/2013. (XII. 12.) Korm. rendelet az előv�s�rl�si �s előhaszonb�rleti jog gyakorl�sa �rdek�ben az ad�s-v�teli �s a haszonb�rleti szerződ�s hirdetm�nyi �ton t�rt�nő k�zl�s�re vonatkoz� elj�r�si szab�lyokr�l
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This Decree provides detailed rules regarding the publication of sales and lease contracts by announcement in the interest of those who are entitled to execise their pre-emption or pre-lease right over agricultural or forestry lands. The land owner shall request the municipal office that the announcement of the contract be published. Administrative procedures are described in Articles 2-12. The fact of the publication shall be published also on the governmental internet site according to the rules set in Article 13. The Annexes to this Decree provide for the content of the request for publication.
Implements: Act No. CXXII of 2013 concerning agricultural and forestry land trade. (2014-05-01)