Regional Law No. 778-oz “On composition and modalities of preparation of draft land-use planning scheme”.
Закон Ненецкого автономного округа от 26 октября 2006 г. N 778-оз "О составе, порядке подготовки проекта схемы территориального планирования Ненецкого автономного округа и порядке внесения в нее изменений" (с изменениями от 23 марта 2007 г.).
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This Regional Law establishes the modalities of preparation of draft land-use planning scheme related to the whole regional territory by the authorized state institution in the sphere of territorial planning. Regional land-use planning scheme shall contain mapping of: (a) municipal units; (b) boundaries of land of defence, water protection areas, protected areas, areas of traditional nature management of small indigenous peoples of the North; (c) boundaries of agricultural land; (d) boundaries of areas of cultural heritage; and (e) areas subject to risks of impact of natural and technological disasters.