Resource information
This Regulation, consisting of 9 Chapters, provides for the Technical Directive for the Procurement of Land within the territory of Indonesia. The Regulation establishes that the procurement of land shall be executed by Heads of Regional Offices of the National Land Affairs Agency as Executive Chairperson of Land Procurement. It is divided as follows: Execution of Land Procurement (Chap. I); Delivery of Result of Land Procurement for Public Interest Development (Chap. II); Compensation issued by Dictrict Court (Chap. III); Monitoring and Evaluation by the National Land Affairs Agency of RI (Chap. IV); Funding of Land Procurement (Chap. V); Procurement of Small-Scale Land (Chap. VI); Coordination of the Execution of Land Procurement (Chap. VII); Transitional Provisions (Chap. VIII); Conclusions (Chap. IX).