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Biblioteca Land Procurement Act.

Land Procurement Act.

Land Procurement Act.
Bundesgesetz vom 3. Mai 1974, betreffend die Beschaffung von Grundflächen für die Errichtung von Häusern mit Klein- oder Mittelwohnungen oder von Heimen (Bodenbeschaffungsgesetz).

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Article 1 of the above-mentioned Act establishes that the Länder are responsible for finding suitable land for the building of houses and homes for people being in need. The text consist of 15 articles divided into 3 Parts as follows: Sphere of application (I); Provisions on procedures (II); Provisions on fees and final provisions (III).

Implemented by: Law on Land Expert Commission according to the Land Procurement Act. (2011)

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DeFranchis, Elfriede (CONSLEGB)

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